Kwaliteit, professionaliteit en effectiviteit in de MO en VO


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Kwaliteit, professionaliteit en effectiviteit in de MO en VO Toetsing en borging van interventies en ondersteuningsstructuren Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to tell you something about our just finished research on the characteristics and well being of children in both homeless shelters and shelters for battered women. My name is Sonja Brilleslijper-Kater and I did my Phd at the Free University (Vrije Universiteit) of Amsterdam on child sexual abuse, more specific on the differences in sexual knowledge between sexually abused and non abused children from 3 to 7 years of age for diagnosis of sexual abuse in children. Next, I worked as an assistent professor here in Leiden, were it was my responsibility to set up research and lessons on child abuse and neglect. Since two years I work as a senior researcher at the Radboud University of Nijmegen MC. In my current function I focuss on women and children and domestic violence and homeless youth. My presentation of today is about our reserach on profile, health and well being of children who join their parents to shelters, both homeless shelters and shelters for battered women. Judith Wolf Bert van hemert Jose Buitendijk

Speerpunten van Werkplaats OxO Focus is eerste opvang, namelijk: MO: Dag- en nachtopvang, waaronder passantenverblijven waar mensen vaak enkele nachten kunnen verblijven; Crisisopvang, met een langerdurend verblijf tot maximaal vaak 12 maanden. VO: Opvang in de eerste zes à acht weken na opname in de vrouwenopvang. First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

Speerpunten van Werkplaats OxO Prioriteit bij de ontwikkeling van Een basismethodiek in de eerste opvang Een effectieve kortdurende interventie in de eerste periode na aanmelding van mensen bij de eerste opvang, met het oog op herstel en een passend vervolg First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

Inzet van interventiestudie Effectstudie: Is CTI als toevoeging aan basismethodiek effectiever dan alleen de strength based basismethodiek in het bereiken van: MO: Reductie aantal dagen dakloosheid en VO: kwaliteit van leven En: verbeterde kwaliteit van leven / aard en ernst geweld, sociale steun, psychisch en sociaal functioneren etc. 2) Ontwikkeling kwaliteitskader Bepaling van aard en modelgetrouwheid van basismethodiek en CTI, en opzetten en verankeren van kwaliteitssysteem voor evaluatie interventies 3) Model voor Routine Outcome Assessment Beschrijving van systeem van Routine Outcome Assessment om na afronding van project interventies in opvang te kunnen blijven monitoren (relatie met prestatieindicatoren) First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

Leerpunten CTI nav bezoek New York Begeleiding van clienten in voorziening is ‘Pre CTI’; medewerkers werken samen met clienten adhv doelen en herstelplan toe naar best passend vervolg. CTI wordt ingezet als transitiemoment is bepaald, dat is: vertrek van een client uit de voorziening naar zelfstandig wonen of begeleid zelfstandig wonen. CTI-werkers maken bij voorkeur geen deel uit van de formatie van de voorziening. Zij werken ‘vanuit de gemeenschap’ en begeleiden clienten tijdens en na hun vertrek uit de voorziening. Door hun flexibiliteit ontstaat maximale ruimte voor: Actieve outreach Leggen van verbindingen met sociale en professionele netwerk Our research concerns a for the Netherlands absolute uique study. It is the first national large-scale study on this group of children in the Netherland ever. According to the foundation federation of shelters in 2007 more than 4300 children under the age of 16 stayed with their parent in a shelters. So, it does concern a comprhensive group. In recent years there has been more and more political interest in children who live in worrissome situations. After last political elections we even got a ministry espeacially for children. Yet, both scientifically as well as in practice, still very little is known about these chidren. Therefore, the Ministry of welfare, health and sports asked us last year june (the study was to be done in one year time) to study this group.

Herpositionering van SBB en CTI Van parallel Naar opeenvolgend Voorziening Voorziening SBB SBB Pre CTI Transitie moment First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet. instroom CTI instroom CTI SBB Pre CTI

Aanpassing investering SBB en CTI Van Naar Voorziening Voorziening 3 a 5 SBB werkers Transitie moment In principe alle werkers First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet. instroom instroom 2 a 4 CTI-werkers per regio 3 a 5 SBB + CTI werkers

CTI in het kort Zes werkgebieden: MO: huisvesting, financiën, activering, psychische en lichamelijke gezondheid, verslaving, sociaal netwerk (nog definitief vast te stellen) VO: veiligheid, kinderen, partner, huisvesting, financiën, activering, gezondheid, sociaal netwerk (nog definitief vast te stellen) Vaardigheden en technieken, o.a: Onderhandelen en mediëren Motivationele gespreksvoering Systeemgericht werken Linking & matching (cliënt en netwerk/organisatie) Crisismanagement Achtergrondkennis: Transities - cultuur en obstakels Trauma en rouwverwerking Ondersteuning implementatie en borging methodiek: * Supervisie en intervisie * Quality reviews First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

CTI steeds minder intensief Transitie-moment = vertrek Enkele contacten in opvang Our research concerns a for the Netherlands absolute uique study. It is the first national large-scale study on this group of children in the Netherland ever. According to the foundation federation of shelters in 2007 more than 4300 children under the age of 16 stayed with their parent in a shelters. So, it does concern a comprhensive group. In recent years there has been more and more political interest in children who live in worrissome situations. After last political elections we even got a ministry espeacially for children. Yet, both scientifically as well as in practice, still very little is known about these chidren. Therefore, the Ministry of welfare, health and sports asked us last year june (the study was to be done in one year time) to study this group. CTI Fase 1 3 mnd Contact en inventarisatie CTI Fase 2 3 mnd Uitproberen en bijstellen CTI Fase 3 3 mnd Overdracht Basismeting T0 2 week voor vertrek T1, 3mnd T2, 6mnd T3, 9mnd

Selectiecriteria Criteria voor selectie voorzieningen MO+VO Tijdelijke 24-uurs crisisopvangvoorzieningen Verblijfsduur in de crisisopvangvoorziening is niet te kort (minstens 6 a 8 weken), ook niet te lang (max 9 a 12 maand). Tijdens de meetperiode van 12 maanden is er in de voorziening een nieuwe instroom van tenminste 50 cliënten van 18 jaar of ouder. De voorziening is bedoeld voor een algemene (heterogene) doelgroep (geen specifieke doelgroep, zoals tienermoeders of langdurig verslaafden). Per opvanginstelling (rechtspersoon) bij voorkeur minmaal 1 en maximaal 2 (crisis)opvangvoorziening(en).      First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

Selectiecriteria Selectiecriteria clienten MO: Clienten in de (crisis)opvangvoorziening waarbij vertrek is bepaald naar zelfstandig wonen of begeleid zelfstandig wonen (geen doorverwijzing naar een institutionele setting) 18 jaar of ouder NB:Verslavingsproblematiek en minder goede beheersing van de Nederlandse taal vormen geen uitsluitingcriteria voor de studie.   Selectiecriteria clienten VO: Clienten in de (crisis)opvangvoorziening waarbij vertrek is bepaald naar zelfstandig wonen of begeleidi zelfstandig wonen (geen doorverwijzing naar een institutionele setting) Die instromen met als reden ervaren (ex)partnergeweld NB: Psychische problemen en minder goede beheersing van de Nederlandse taal vormen geen uitsluitingcriteria voor de studie. First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

Voorzieningen in MO studie (voorbeeld) Regio NL Voorzieningen (instroom op jaarbasis) SBB SBB + CTI Aantal CTI werkers* Noord Crisisopvang de Kei, Limor (60) De Eikelaar Zienn (251) Blijenhof Zienn (220) 7 30 27 4.3 Oost Humanitas, Hengelo 24-uurswonen (56) Crisisopvang Lelystad Iriszorg (119) Crisisopvang Nunspeet Iriszorg (96) 14 12 2.2 Zuid Rimo Crisisopvang Heugderlicht (131) Traverse Crisisopvang (130) 16 2.1 West Binnenvest Crisisopvang (56) Tussenvoorziening Boka (118) 1.4 Totaal 150** 150 10 First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet. * Case load van CTI-werker ongeveer 15 clienten ** Bij start van studie

Voorzieningen in VO studie (voorbeeld) Regio NL Voorzieningen (instroom op jaarbasis) SBB SBB + CTI Aantal CTI werkers* Noord Fier Fryslan, Blijf van m’n Lijf (74) TVO crisis- en vervolgopvang (98) 9 11 2 Oost Hera Oosterbeek (144) Crisisopvang Zwolle (90) 15 2,4 Zuid De Bocht Goirle crisisopvang (85) St Neos Blijf van mn Lijf (60) 8 1,7 West Crisisopvang Blijf Amsterdam (237) Rosa Manus Leiden, crisis- en opnameafd (132) 25 14 3,9 Totaal 100** 100 10 First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet. * Case load van CTI-werker ongeveer 10 clienten/clientsystemen ** Bij start van studie

Globale planning MO studie Regio Nland Voorzieningen (instroom op jaarbasis) Voorstel start training Noord Crisisopvang de Kei, Limor (60) De Eikelaar Zienn (251) Blijenhof Zienn (220) Sept-okt 2010 Oost Humanitas, Hengelo 24-uurswonen (56) Crisisopvang Lelystad Iriszorg (119) Crisisopvang Nunspeet Iriszorg (96) Zuid Rimo Crisisopvang Heugderlicht (131) Traverse Crisisopvang (130) April-mei-juni 2010 West Binnenvest Crisisopvang (56) Tussenvoorziening Boka (118) First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

Globale planning VO studie Regio Nland Voorzieningen (instroom op jaarbasis) Voorstel start trainingen Noord Fier Fryslan, Blijf van m’n Lijf (74) TVO crisis- en vervolgopvang (98) Juni- juli 2010 Oost Hera Oosterbeek (144) Crisisopvang Zwolle (90) Juni-Juli 2010 Zuid De Bocht Goirle crisisopvang (85) St Neos Blijf van mn Lijf (60) Aug-sept-okt 2010 West Crisisopvang Blijf Amsterdam (237) Rosa Manus Leiden, crisis- en opnameafd (132) First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

Instroom van en gegevensverzameling bij dakloze mensen/mishandelde vrouwen in studie Selectie van dakloze mensen / mishandelde vrouwen van 18 jaar e.o. die nieuw instromen in een 24-uurscrisisopvangvoorziening en een transitie doormaken richting zelfstandig wonen of begeleid zelfstandig wonen (inclusief terugkeer naar huis). Instroomperiode van clienten in studie: periode van 12 maanden Vervolgmetingen: periode van 9 maanden Totale periode bij voorziening: 1 jaar en 9 maanden Aantal clienten in studie bij begin en einde, verdeeld over ongeveer 10 voorzieningen: MO: SBB: begin 150 en einde 105 en SBB+CTI: begin 150 en einde 105 VO: SBB: begin 100 en einde 70 en SBB+CTI: begin 100 en einde 70 First some information on the research. One year ago the Dutch Ministry of Health, welfare and sports asked our department to conduct a research on children in shelters. It was the purpose to finish this research and present it to the Ministry just before the summer, last June. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of analyses which had to be done more and other practical delays with among others the permission we needed from the medical ethical comittee , the research has been delayed. Coming first of October the research will be presented to the ministry at an espeacially around this research organized congress in Amsterdam. For this reason the results are embargoed till that day, the first of Octobre, which leads me with the possibility of only telling you something about the backround and procedure and not yet about the final results and conclusions. Yet, I will give you now already some of the characteristics of the children, with the explicit question not to give this information to others yet.

Wat is er per voorziening SBB en CTI nodig? 2 tot 4 CTI-werkers per regio (afhankelijk van capaciteit van voorziening) Trainingen: vast team SBB (circa 5 dagdelen) CTI-werkers CTI (circa 8 dagdelen) training teamcoordinatoren (middenkader) (circa 5 dagdelen) Borging en ouderhoud: supervisie, telefonische consultmogelijkheid etc Sociale kaart Afspraken met corporaties over beschikbaarheid woonruimten (regie op wachttijd) Investeringen in relaties met maatschappelijke instanties en gespecialiseerde hulp

In principe brede implementatie Wat zijn kosten van implementatie MO? Kostenposten, voorlopig Instellingen Implementatie-budget instellingen Oranjefonds Minstens 10 in studie, bij voorkeur 2 per voorziening (ivm noodzaak vervanging) X SBB: Implementatie-wijzer, procesbeschrijving, CD met voorbeeldformulieren In principe brede implementatie Kosten materialen SBB en CTI 1 voorziening per instelling (12 x): trainingen werkers SBB en CTI en teamcoordinatoren Supervisie, consultmogelijkheid etc voor 1 voorziening per instelling voor max 2 jaar Landelijke leer- & werkdagen CTI-werkers (circa max 10 in max 2 jaar) Kosten van verloren productie (o.a. tijdens training)

Wat zijn kosten van implementatie VO? Kostenposten, voorlopig Instellingen Verbeterplan Oranjefonds Minstens 10 in studie, bij voorkeur 2 per voorziening (ivm noodzaak vervanging) X Basismethodiek: Implementatiewijzer, procesbeschrijving, CD etc Brede implementatie Kosten materialen basismethodiek Kosten materialen CTI 1 voorziening per instelling (12 x): - trainingen werkers basismethodiek - trainingen werkers CTI (circa 20) Supervisie: 1 voorziening per instelling max 2 jaar Basismethodiek CTI Landelijke leer- & werkdagen CTI-werkers (max 10 in max 2 jaar) Kosten van verloren productie (o.a. tijdens training)

Academische werkplaats Voorzitter Hoofd Omz Begeleidingscommissie Min VWS, Min Justitie, FO, VNG, gemeenten, clientenraden etc Projectleider Onderzoekers in opleiding Stuurgroep AW Dagelijks Bestuur AW Projectgroep AW Voorzitter coördinatoren Afvaardiging Terugkoppeling naar projectgroep AW Programma-commissie ZonMw Terugkoppeling naar stuurgroep en DB van AW Terugkoppeling naar en uitwisseling met expertgroep

Discussiepunten Vergelijkbaarheid controlegroep Uitval proefpersonen: hoe voorkomen we dit? Bereiken voldoende clienten die doorstromen (wilt voldoende cliënten per instelling) Our research concerns a for the Netherlands absolute uique study. It is the first national large-scale study on this group of children in the Netherland ever. According to the foundation federation of shelters in 2007 more than 4300 children under the age of 16 stayed with their parent in a shelters. So, it does concern a comprhensive group. In recent years there has been more and more political interest in children who live in worrissome situations. After last political elections we even got a ministry espeacially for children. Yet, both scientifically as well as in practice, still very little is known about these chidren. Therefore, the Ministry of welfare, health and sports asked us last year june (the study was to be done in one year time) to study this group.