Walther Ploos van Amstel Maart 2012


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Walther Ploos van Amstel Maart 2012 Complaints management en de credit manager Walther Ploos van Amstel Maart 2012

Leren van winnaars… 12/2/2009

Inzicht in klachten: Hoe realiseer je de perfecte order? Verbeterde klachtenmanagement zorgt direct voor betere klantervaring Onbetrouwbare klachten kunnen eerder opgemerkt worden Root cause analyse: Inzicht in interne knelpunten en echt verbeteren van processen  Betere bewaking op klachten en snelle betaling van facturen

Vijf vragen over uw debiteuren… Wat is uw aandeel credit nota’s? Wat zijn de top 5 ‘causes’ voor credit nota’s? Hoeveel werkkapitaal is gemoeid met facturen die wachten op een credit nota? Hoeveel ‘coulance’ geeft u weg? Wat is uw OTIFNEnc? In a collaborative environment, all participants and all process elements focus on an intended result. The CPFR process zeroes in on the profitable matching of consumer demand with efficient supply. For that reason, measuring the CPFR process needs to generate both process control and process achievement metrics. Measurements made in a "four-wall" oriented or functionally structured environment frequently assess performance based on a successful hand-off to the next company or function. In a process-driven value chain, these hand-offs represent process control points. The implication is that this extended view will yield additional opportunities for managing process variability or process constraints. Managing a process through its control points allows the full elasticity of process capability to be leveraged. Overemphasizing one component of the process, especially in a constrained situation, is usually counterproductive to the intended results. An additional requirement being addressed by some companies has been the inclusion of the cash-to-cash cycle for each trading partner. This addition effectively recognizes a third flow in the collective process in addition to information and product. Most companies and value chains will find that the ability to collect the necessary data to support value-chain process and results measurements will be limited by the functional boundaries within companies. Accuracy issues should also be expected. Some of these have to do with timing, which can create double counting or cause inventory to be missed. Others issues will involve the availability of data and/or the consistency of the level of detail available. With these challenges in mind, the work associated with building the CPFR measurement process should not be underestimated.

Problemen in laatste meters door problemen in eerste kilometers? 6

Inzicht nodig in processen: Balanceren tussen service en winst? Hoe maken we klanten weer winstgevend met een betere service of assortiment Welke klanten zijn winstgevend Minder inspanningen Klanteisen Wat is de beste benadering van nieuwe klanten? Welke service biedt echt toegevoegde waarde? Risico’s bij klanten Diversiteit Schaal/ synergie

Order to cash proces: wat is uw cost-to-serve? 100% 30% 98% 95% 90% 80% 75% 70% Orders EDI EDI – manueel Klanten bellen Logistiek Transport Debiteuren

Order to cash proces: Wat kan de credit manager analyseren? Master data: Hoe vaak wat de ‘customer set-up’ niet goed? 100% 80% Waarom moeten we 10% van onze EDI-orders opnieuw bekijken en wat levert dat op? Waarom komen er nog steeds order per telefoon en fax? 70% Waarom hebben we 40% calls-per-order? Waarom kunnen betalingen niet automatisch worden gematched Wat gebeurt er echt tijdens het transport? 30% Welke producten en leveranciers zijn de 12% OTIF 18% 15% 10% Revenu assurance: Wat veroorzaakt credit nota’s Orders EDI EDI – Non stop Klanten bellen Logistiek Transport Debiteuren

Een integrale aanpak: De credit manager als proces manager Strategie van de onderneming Overal aanpakken Logistieke doelstellingen Processen Beheersing ICT Organisatie Balanced scorecard

Een integrale aanpak: De credit manager als proces manager PdCA: klachtenmanagement Work Flow Management MBE: poortwachter Strategie van de onderneming Van functioneel naar procesmanagement Kop-staart verantwoordelijkheid: One face to the customer Duidelijke escalatie en autorisatie Cultuur: samenwerking intern en extern Relatie commercie-binnendienst-credit HR-beleid en management development Overal aanpakken Van functioneel naar proces Hiërarchie van prestatie-indicatoren Meer gezichtspunten: Balanced scorecard Logistieke doelstellingen Differentieer klanten Relateer service ook aan kosten en winst Management aandacht Concrete doelstellingen Kijk naar het proces vanuit de ogen van de klant Geen one-size-fits-all Offshoring/outsourcing Informeer de (nieuwe) klant Laatste meters of eerste kilometers? processen Call centre ICT Work Flow Management/ Systeem integratie E-processen/customer portals Transparantie voor iedereen Beheersing ICT Organisatie Balanced scorecard

Wat kun je als credit manager aanpakken? De aanpak met ‘marge killers’ biedt inzicht in processen, prestaties, oorzaken en baten Leg de vinger op de zere plek met een gedegen ‘root cause analyse’ De perfecte order: OTIFNEnc hoort op de agenda van het management In a collaborative environment, all participants and all process elements focus on an intended result. The CPFR process zeroes in on the profitable matching of consumer demand with efficient supply. For that reason, measuring the CPFR process needs to generate both process control and process achievement metrics. Measurements made in a "four-wall" oriented or functionally structured environment frequently assess performance based on a successful hand-off to the next company or function. In a process-driven value chain, these hand-offs represent process control points. The implication is that this extended view will yield additional opportunities for managing process variability or process constraints. Managing a process through its control points allows the full elasticity of process capability to be leveraged. Overemphasizing one component of the process, especially in a constrained situation, is usually counterproductive to the intended results. An additional requirement being addressed by some companies has been the inclusion of the cash-to-cash cycle for each trading partner. This addition effectively recognizes a third flow in the collective process in addition to information and product. Most companies and value chains will find that the ability to collect the necessary data to support value-chain process and results measurements will be limited by the functional boundaries within companies. Accuracy issues should also be expected. Some of these have to do with timing, which can create double counting or cause inventory to be missed. Others issues will involve the availability of data and/or the consistency of the level of detail available. With these challenges in mind, the work associated with building the CPFR measurement process should not be underestimated.