Pedagogische ondersteuning binnen een competent systeem


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Pedagogische ondersteuning binnen een competent systeem Inspiratiedag Kinderopvang , Kind en Gezin Academie Samen innoveren en professionaliseren op de werkvloer Pedagogische ondersteuning binnen een competent systeem Dr. Jan Peeters VBJK Universiteit Gent

Evolutie Professionaliteit in de Kinderopvang 1970: diploma verplicht 1980_ 2007: spiraal van deprofessionalisering : grote uitbreiding in ko zonder kwalificatievereisten 1980-1985: Diploma verliest aan belang (onthaalouders) 1986-1999: Competentieverhoging door bijscholing en korte opleidingen 1997: vernieuwing opleiding kinderzorg-7de Jaar 2000 tot 2007: Deprofessionalisering groepsopvang 2002: CVO Begeleider KO 2008-2015: coherente aanpak: beleid, onderzoek, onderwijs, kinderopvangorganisaties Onderzoeken: belang van coaching (Vlaams 2008, Europees, 2011,2015) Beleid: -Kwalificatie op agenda: nieuw decreet 2014 -Pedagogische en Taalondersteuners (PTO): 33 FTE coachen (2014) Opleiding: PJK (2011-2014) Modellen voor pedagogische begeleiding (2013)

Coherente aanpak om neerwaartse spiraal te doorbreken van 2008 tot nu Onderzoek/ onderwijs beleidsmaatregelen Modellen voor begeleiding/coaching

Samen innoveren en professionaliseren op de werkvloer: doel van de studiedag Peer learning activiteit: Nieuwe pedagogische begeleiders en ervaren coachen samen brengen en van elkaar laten leren

Literatuuroverzicht (CoRe, 2011; Lazzari et al., 2013) Brede consensus tussen onderzoekers en internationale organisaties (OECD, UNICEF, EU), dat de kwaliteit van voorschoolse voorzieningen en uiteindelijk de resultaten voor de kinderen en de gezinnen en vooral voor zij die in kansarmoede leven, afhankelijk is van goed opgeleid, ervaren en competent personeel. De inhoud van de in-service training is belangrijk (OECD, 2006): link met praktijk Losse en kortdurende vormingen zullen de pedagogische praktijk niet verbeteren (Fukkink & Lont, 2007)

Wanneer werkt innoveren en professionaliseren op de werkvloer Wanneer werkt innoveren en professionaliseren op de werkvloer? (Peeters, 2008; CoRe, 2011: case study Pistoia - Gent) Ondersteuning door pedagogisch coach tijdens kindvrije momenten: door reflecteren op praktijksituaties -Eigenaarschap van de verandering ligt bij kindbegeleiders - Ondersteund door competent systeem pedagogische praktijk verbetert

Competent systeem (CoRe, 2011, Peeters, De Kimpe,2015 Kindbegeleider Beld Team / kinderopvanginstelling KINDEROPVANGORGANISATIE KIND & GEZIN /BELEID InternationalE netwErkEN InternationalE organisatiES

Condities voor innovatie en professionaliseren op de werkvloer(CoRe, 2011) ONDERZOEK Competente praktijk veronderstelt competente ondersteuning- systemen Belang pedagogisch coach die reflectie op praktijk stimuleert om tot kwaliteitsvolle praktijk te komen Belang van het democratisch samenwerken tussen verschillende beroepsgroepen Heruitvinden van de permanente vorming

Maak de praktijk zichtbaar en bespreekbaar CoRe aanbevelingen: Condities voor innovatie en professionaliseren op de werkvloer Participerende aanpak: alle professionals en de ouders worden betrokken Maak de praktijk zichtbaar en bespreekbaar Evenwaardige en wederkerige relatie theorie/praktijk, kritisch reflecteren op praktijk, analyse van de praktijk, documenteren

70 tal studies weerhouden Impact van permanent leren op de pedagogische kwaliteit en de ontwikkeling van kinderen (Onderzoek in opdracht van Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) Systematisch literatuur onderzoek naar effect van permanent leren (CPD) Onderzoek van alle wetenschappelijke literatuur in Europa (19.000 studies) 70 tal studies weerhouden

Impact van permanent leren op de pedagogische kwaliteit en de ontwikkeling van kinderen ( Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) Pedagogisch medewerkers zijn in staat om de praktijk te verbeteren als ze de kans krijgen om te leren in groepen waarin gereflecteerd wordt op de praktijk en waarbij een pedagogisch coach dit proces ondersteunt vanuit een wetenschappelijk onderbouwd pedagogisch raamwerk.

impact van permanent leren Gevonden effecten - Kwantitatieve studies impact van permanent leren 4 studies Kortdurend 4 studies onderzochten de impact van intensieve kortdurende programma’s (4 tot 20 sessies over een periode van 6 maand) waarin video-supervisie als instrument gebruikt wordt om de reflectieve vaardigheden van de begeleiders te stimuleren zodat zij de interactie met kinderen en de ontwikkeling van de kinderen kunnen verbeteren:

impact van permanent leren Continue pedagogische begeleiding Gevonden effecten - Kwantitatieve studies impact van permanent leren 5 studies Lezingen of workshops 1 tot 2 jaar Langdurend 5 studies onderzochten de impact van langdurende programma’s (van 1 tot 2 jaar) waarin lezingen of workshops gecombineerd worden met continue pedagogische begeleiding op de werkvloer die het reflecteren in groep stimuleert met als doel de kwaliteit en de ontwikkeling van de kinderen te bevorderen: Reflectie in groep Continue pedagogische begeleiding op de werkvloer

impact van permanent leren Gevonden effecten - Kwalitatieve studies impact van permanent leren 30 studies Alle 30 studies rapporteerden over de effecten van CPD-initiatieven die waren geïntegreerd in de praktijk, via een combinatie van training sessies en follow-up activiteiten in de voorzieningen. 22 studies daarvan onderzochten geïntegreerde programma’s waarbij trainingsessies gecombineerd werden met coaching en/of supervisie, waardoor kinderbegeleiders de kans kregen om persoonlijke reflecties uit te wisselen en feedback te krijgen op hun praktijk.

Welke vormen van permanente leren zijn effectief Welke vormen van permanente leren zijn effectief? (Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) Kindbgeleiders actief betrekken bij het proces van verbetering van de pedagogische kwaliteit binnen het kinderdagverblijf. Effectieve interventies om de kwaliteit te verbeteren zijn gericht op het leren in de praktijk en dit in dialoog met collega’s en ouders. Pedagogisch coach begeleidt sessies op kindvrije momenten. Effectieve permanente training vertrekt van een coherent pedagogisch raamwerk, dat gebaseerd is op degelijk onderzoek en dat inspeelt op lokale noden.

Ontwikkeling kinderen Impact van coachen op de pedagogische kwaliteit en de ontwikkeling van kinderen ( Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) Kwaliteit Ontwikkeling kinderen Implementatie en planning curriculum Taalstimulering (Hayes et al., 2013) Pedagogische kwaliteit (Sheridan, 2001) Toegankelijkheid (Vandenbroeck, 2013) Cognitieve (Evanschitzky et al.,2008) Emotionele Gedrag Concentratievermogen (Jensen et al. 2013)

1. Effecten op competenties van kinderbegeleiders Verhoogd zelfvertrouwen Verhoogde competenties om over praktijk te reflecteren Nieuwe invulling geven aan hun professionele identiteit Vernieuwde inzichten over hoe kinderen leren en hun omgeving beleven Meer positieve attitudes naar ouders Betere planning en evaluatie vaardigheden We kunnen de effecten op de kennis en het begrip van de kinderbegeleiders samenvatten in 6 puntjes: Toegenomen zelfvertrouwen Toegenomen competenties en vaardigheden om te reflecteren over de eigen praktijk Deconstructie en herdefiniëring van de eigen rol/professionaliteit Perspectiefverandering omtrent hoe kinderen leren en ervaren Verandering naar ouders toe Betere planning- en evaluatievaardigheden

2. Effecten op de pedagogische kwaliteit Curriculumontwikkeling, implementatie en innovatie Inter-professionele samenwerking en ouderbetrokkenheid De verbetering van pedagogische praktijken die werden gedocumenteerd in verschillende studies verwijzen in algemene zin naar 2 domeinen van verbetering: 1. Curriculumontwikkeling, implementatie en innovatie 2. Inter-professionele samenwerking en ouderbetrokkenheid

2. Effecten op de pedagogische kwaliteit Curriculumontwikkeling, implementatie en innovatie  Effecten: Meer responsieve opvoedingsstrategieën die het leren van de kinderen verbeteren (SQW, 2012; Peeters, 1993; Joplin, 2013) Meer pedagogische praktijken die het actorschap van de kinderen (agency) ondersteunen (Rönnerman, 2003 & 2008; Wood and Bennett, 2000) Verbetering van de opvoedingsstrategieën: meer geïntegreerde pedagogische benadering (Blenkin & Hutchin, 1998; McMillan 2012) 1. Curriculumontwikkeling, implementatie en innovatie 15 studies rapporteerden over meer responsieve opvoedingsstrategieën die het leren van de kinderen verbeteren ten gevolge van langdurige CPD-programma’s: e.g. SQW (2012) + Peeters (1993): practitioners made major changes to create a more effective learning environment.: different activities, signs on the wall, neutral spaces for free play, new equipment; e.g. Joplin (2013): Early Talk; the centre’s curriculum changed   Stijging van pedagogische praktijken die het actorschap van de kinderen (agency) ondersteunen, gebaseerd op luisteren naar de kinderen en het beter kunnen inschatten van de noden van de kinderen. Vb. Rönnerman (2003 & 2008): shift: practitioners were trying to found out what the children knew, before planning an activity Vb. Wood and Bennett, 2000: participatief onderzoek met kinderbegeleiders naar de relatie tussen spelen en leren zorgde ervoor dat de kinderbegeleiders hun rol als opvoeder/begeleider anders gingen invullen: andere inrichting van de ruimte, andere organisatie van de dag, zodat het meer tegemoet komt aan hoe kinderen spelen en leren en niet aan het ‘gemak’ van de kinderbegeleider. Begeleiders nemen doorheen de dag meer tijd voor observatie, zodat ze beter kunnen inspelen op de noden van de kinderen Verbetering van de opvoedingsstrategieën: meer geïntegreerde pedagogische benadering Vb. betere balance tussen spel en leren e.g. Blenkin & Hutchin (1998) and McMillan (2012): better balance between play and work-based activities

2. Effecten op de pedagogische kwaliteit Inter-professionele samenwerking en ouderbetrokkenheid  Effecten: Beter teamwork: meer openheid om ervaringen te delen en samen te reflecteren (vb SQW, 2012; Bleach,2013; Vujičić, 2008; Van Keulen, 2010; Craveiro, 2007) Betere samenwerking met ouders (vb. Hayes et al, 2013; Rönnerman, 2003; Share, 2011) Meer en betere netwerken met externe professionals (vb. Ang, 2012; Bleach, 2013) 2. Inter-professionele samenwerking en ouderbetrokkenheid Beter teamwork met meer openheid om ervaringen te delen, meer te reflecteren en meer verandering Vb. SQW, 2012; Bleach, 2013; Vujičić, 2008; Van Keulen, 2010; Craveiro, 2007; Picchio, 2012   Betere samenwerking met ouders: hen meer het gevoel geven dat ze welkom zijn, er meer open voor staan en een toename aan ouderparticipatie (vb. Hayes et al, 2013) Vb. SQW, 2012; Vujičić, 2008; Rönnerman, 2003, Van Keulen, 2010; Share, 2011 Meer en betere netwerken met externe professionals uit verschillende achtergronden Vb. Ang, 2012; Bleach, 2013; SQW, 2012

Effect op samenwerking tussen pedagogische medewerkers (Onderzoek in opdracht van Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) - Beter teamwork, met meer openheid om ideeën uit te wisselen, meer reflectie over en verandering van praktijk. (SQW, 2012; Bleach, 2013; Vujičić, 2008; Van Keulen, 2010; Craveiro, 2007; Picchio, 2012) As might be expected from CPD that was usually workplace based and focused on practitioner learning in dialogue with colleagues, a clear area of impact was on collegiality, team work, working with parents and inter-professional collaboration. So one effect was on teamwork: practitioners both appreciated the openness and willingness of others to share and gained from the opportunity to express their opinions and to discuss issues that concerned them An other positive impact was on working with the parents. E.g. A more welcoming approach and generally fostering a spirit of openness with parents; but also an increase in parental participation (Hayes et al., 2013) An impact on collaborative practices and networking with external professionals: for example: more effective partnership with people from different professional backgrounds Het team

Partnerschap met ouders Effect op samenwerking tussen pedagogische medewerkers ( Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) - Beter teamwork, met meer openheid om ideeën uit te wisselen, meer reflectie over en verandering van praktijk. (SQW, 2012; Bleach, 2013; Vujičić, 2008; Van Keulen, 2010; Craveiro, 2007; Picchio, 2012) - Meer openheid naar ouders toe (SQW, 2012; Vujičić, 2008; Rönnerman, 2003; Van Keulen, 2010; Share, 2011) As might be expected from CPD that was usually workplace based and focused on practitioner learning in dialogue with colleagues, a clear area of impact was on collegiality, team work, working with parents and inter-professional collaboration. So one effect was on teamwork: practitioners both appreciated the openness and willingness of others to share and gained from the opportunity to express their opinions and to discuss issues that concerned them An other positive impact was on working with the parents. E.g. A more welcoming approach and generally fostering a spirit of openness with parents; but also an increase in parental participation (Hayes et al., 2013) An impact on collaborative practices and networking with external professionals: for example: more effective partnership with people from different professional backgrounds Partnerschap met ouders

Relatie met externe partners Effect van coaching op samenwerking tussen pedagogische medewerkers ( Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) - Beter teamwork, met meer openheid om ideeën uit te wisselen, meer reflectie over en verandering van praktijk. (SQW, 2012; Bleach, 2013; Vujičić, 2008; Van Keulen, 2010; Craveiro, 2007; Picchio, 2012) - Meer openheid naar ouders toe (SQW, 2012; Vujičić, 2008; Rönnerman, 2003; Van Keulen, 2010; Share, 2011) - Betere relatie met externe partners - netwerking (Ang, 2012; Bleach, 2013; SQW, 2012) As might be expected from CPD that was usually workplace based and focused on practitioner learning in dialogue with colleagues, a clear area of impact was on collegiality, team work, working with parents and inter-professional collaboration. So one effect was on teamwork: practitioners both appreciated the openness and willingness of others to share and gained from the opportunity to express their opinions and to discuss issues that concerned them An other positive impact was on working with the parents. E.g. A more welcoming approach and generally fostering a spirit of openness with parents; but also an increase in parental participation (Hayes et al., 2013) An impact on collaborative practices and networking with external professionals: for example: more effective partnership with people from different professional backgrounds Relatie met externe partners

Voorwaarden opdat coaching de praktijk verbetert (Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) A. Inspiratie/methodieken: - Pedagogisch documenteren (Sheridan, 2013; Picchio, 2012) - Systematische cyclus van planning, actie, observatie, reflectie (Sheridan, 2013; Bleach, 2013) - Portfolio’s (Vonta et al., 2007) These effects are generated by different conditions A. Particular tools were attributed to impact on the quality of practice Sheridan’s study (2013) of the effects of ‘systematic quality work’ of ECEC services in Sweden, Norway, Iceland, showed that practitioners gained knowledge through the analysis of pedagogical documentation and systematic evaluation of their practice. It made them more aware of their competences and of the quality of their work. It helped them to take into account multiple perspectives which enables reflection. Picchio (2012): the competent use of written documentation of children’s experiences within the setting, allowed practitioners to understand better the ongoing development of learning interactions occurring in the centre: it enabled them to re-direct educational practices more responsively Ang (2012): highlighted the use of journals as a specific aspect of the training Bleach (2013): the action-research cycle of planning, acting, observing, reflecting: helped the implementation of Siolta (Nat Qual framework, Ireland) and Aister (EC curriculum Framework) ; helped the practitioners to develop methodological skills (planning & evaluation) Vonta (2007): Preschool teachers recognized professional portfolio’s, combined with CPD mentors who encouraged them, observed them and provided feedback, advised them Menmuir & Christie (1999): Repertory grid = tool to make explicit the underlying constructions that participants ‘use’ to describe children’s experiences: encourages practitioners to challenge their own understandings and co-construct new professional knowledge B. A crucial aspect in determining increased pedagogical awareness and deepened reflection is the active involvement of participants in transformative processes By engaging in research based enquiry, practitioners can critically explore the link between theory and practice which enables them to identify and address the gaps between intended pedagogical principles and enacted practices. Furthermore, by involving practitioners in a process of change, where they have the opportunity to be agentic actors; this can also impact on their practical knowledge and on their professional attitudes and understandings.

Voorwaarden opdat coaching de praktijk verbetert ( Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) A. Inspiratie/methodieken: - Pedagogisch documenteren (Sheridan, 2013; Picchio, 2012) - Systematische cyclus van planning, actie, observatie, reflectie (Sheridan, 2013; Bleach, 2013) - Portfolio’s (Vonta et al., 2007) B. Actieve betrokkenheid van medewerkers: - Actie-onderzoek (Wood & Bennett, 2000; Johansson, 2007; Lino, 2005; Oliveira-Formosinho, 2010) - Begeleiders als ‘actors of change’ (Peeters & Vandenbroeck, 2011; Rönnerman, 2003 & 2008; Blenkin & Hutchin, 1998) These effects are generated by different conditions A. Particular tools were attributed to impact on the quality of practice Sheridan’s study (2013) of the effects of ‘systematic quality work’ of ECEC services in Sweden, Norway, Iceland, showed that practitioners gained knowledge through the analysis of pedagogical documentation and systematic evaluation of their practice. It made them more aware of their competences and of the quality of their work. It helped them to take into account multiple perspectives which enables reflection. Picchio (2012): the competent use of written documentation of children’s experiences within the setting, allowed practitioners to understand better the ongoing development of learning interactions occurring in the centre: it enabled them to re-direct educational practices more responsively Ang (2012): highlighted the use of journals as a specific aspect of the training Bleach (2013): the action-research cycle of planning, acting, observing, reflecting: helped the implementation of Siolta (Nat Qual framework, Ireland) and Aister (EC curriculum Framework) ; helped the practitioners to develop methodological skills (planning & evaluation) Vonta (2007): Preschool teachers recognized professional portfolio’s, combined with CPD mentors who encouraged them, observed them and provided feedback, advised them Menmuir & Christie (1999): Repertory grid = tool to make explicit the underlying constructions that participants ‘use’ to describe children’s experiences: encourages practitioners to challenge their own understandings and co-construct new professional knowledge B. A crucial aspect in determining increased pedagogical awareness and deepened reflection is the active involvement of participants in transformative processes By engaging in research based enquiry, practitioners can critically explore the link between theory and practice which enables them to identify and address the gaps between intended pedagogical principles and enacted practices. Furthermore, by involving practitioners in a process of change, where they have the opportunity to be agentic actors; this can also impact on their practical knowledge and on their professional attitudes and understandings.

Voorwaarden opdat coaching de praktijk verbetert ( Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) A. Inspiratie/methodieken: - Pedagogisch documenteren (Sheridan, 2013; Picchio, 2012) - Systematische cyclus van planning, actie, observatie, reflectie (Sheridan, 2013; Bleach, 2013) - Portfolio’s (Vonta et al., 2007) B. Actieve betrokkenheid van medewerkers: - Actie-onderzoek (Wood & Bennett, 2000; Johansson, 2007; Lino, 2005; Oliveira-Formosinho, 2010) - Begeleiders als ‘actors of change’ (Peeters & Vandenbroeck, 2011; Rönnerman, 2003 & 2008; Blenkin & Hutchin, 1998) These effects are generated by different conditions A. Particular tools were attributed to impact on the quality of practice Sheridan’s study (2013) of the effects of ‘systematic quality work’ of ECEC services in Sweden, Norway, Iceland, showed that practitioners gained knowledge through the analysis of pedagogical documentation and systematic evaluation of their practice. It made them more aware of their competences and of the quality of their work. It helped them to take into account multiple perspectives which enables reflection. Picchio (2012): the competent use of written documentation of children’s experiences within the setting, allowed practitioners to understand better the ongoing development of learning interactions occurring in the centre: it enabled them to re-direct educational practices more responsively Ang (2012): highlighted the use of journals as a specific aspect of the training Bleach (2013): the action-research cycle of planning, acting, observing, reflecting: helped the implementation of Siolta (Nat Qual framework, Ireland) and Aister (EC curriculum Framework) ; helped the practitioners to develop methodological skills (planning & evaluation) Vonta (2007): Preschool teachers recognized professional portfolio’s, combined with CPD mentors who encouraged them, observed them and provided feedback, advised them Menmuir & Christie (1999): Repertory grid = tool to make explicit the underlying constructions that participants ‘use’ to describe children’s experiences: encourages practitioners to challenge their own understandings and co-construct new professional knowledge B. A crucial aspect in determining increased pedagogical awareness and deepened reflection is the active involvement of participants in transformative processes By engaging in research based enquiry, practitioners can critically explore the link between theory and practice which enables them to identify and address the gaps between intended pedagogical principles and enacted practices. Furthermore, by involving practitioners in a process of change, where they have the opportunity to be agentic actors; this can also impact on their practical knowledge and on their professional attitudes and understandings. C. Coaching, supervisie en feedback: (McMillan, 2012; Rönnerman, 2003; Vonta et al., 2007)

Voorwaarden opdat coaching de praktijk verbetert ( Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2015) D. Mogelijkheden tot reflectie: (Wood & Bennett, 2000; Rönnerman, 2003; Peter & Hodgson, 2007; Menmuir & Christie, 1999; Picchio, 2012) These effects are generated by different conditions A. Particular tools were attributed to impact on the quality of practice Sheridan’s study (2013) of the effects of ‘systematic quality work’ of ECEC services in Sweden, Norway, Iceland, showed that practitioners gained knowledge through the analysis of pedagogical documentation and systematic evaluation of their practice. It made them more aware of their competences and of the quality of their work. It helped them to take into account multiple perspectives which enables reflection. Picchio (2012): the competent use of written documentation of children’s experiences within the setting, allowed practitioners to understand better the ongoing development of learning interactions occurring in the centre: it enabled them to re-direct educational practices more responsively Ang (2012): highlighted the use of journals as a specific aspect of the training Bleach (2013): the action-research cycle of planning, acting, observing, reflecting: helped the implementation of Siolta (Nat Qual framework, Ireland) and Aister (EC curriculum Framework) ; helped the practitioners to develop methodological skills (planning & evaluation) Vonta (2007): Preschool teachers recognized professional portfolio’s, combined with CPD mentors who encouraged them, observed them and provided feedback, advised them Menmuir & Christie (1999): Repertory grid = tool to make explicit the underlying constructions that participants ‘use’ to describe children’s experiences: encourages practitioners to challenge their own understandings and co-construct new professional knowledge B. A crucial aspect in determining increased pedagogical awareness and deepened reflection is the active involvement of participants in transformative processes By engaging in research based enquiry, practitioners can critically explore the link between theory and practice which enables them to identify and address the gaps between intended pedagogical principles and enacted practices. Furthermore, by involving practitioners in a process of change, where they have the opportunity to be agentic actors; this can also impact on their practical knowledge and on their professional attitudes and understandings.

Voorwaarden opdat coaching de praktijk verbetert ( Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2014) D. Mogelijkheden tot reflectie: (Wood & Bennett, 2000; Rönnerman, 2003; Peter & Hodgson, 2007; Menmuir & Christie, 1999; Picchio, 2012) E. De hele voorziening betrekken: (Sheridan, 2013; Cardoso, 2012) These effects are generated by different conditions A. Particular tools were attributed to impact on the quality of practice Sheridan’s study (2013) of the effects of ‘systematic quality work’ of ECEC services in Sweden, Norway, Iceland, showed that practitioners gained knowledge through the analysis of pedagogical documentation and systematic evaluation of their practice. It made them more aware of their competences and of the quality of their work. It helped them to take into account multiple perspectives which enables reflection. Picchio (2012): the competent use of written documentation of children’s experiences within the setting, allowed practitioners to understand better the ongoing development of learning interactions occurring in the centre: it enabled them to re-direct educational practices more responsively Ang (2012): highlighted the use of journals as a specific aspect of the training Bleach (2013): the action-research cycle of planning, acting, observing, reflecting: helped the implementation of Siolta (Nat Qual framework, Ireland) and Aister (EC curriculum Framework) ; helped the practitioners to develop methodological skills (planning & evaluation) Vonta (2007): Preschool teachers recognized professional portfolio’s, combined with CPD mentors who encouraged them, observed them and provided feedback, advised them Menmuir & Christie (1999): Repertory grid = tool to make explicit the underlying constructions that participants ‘use’ to describe children’s experiences: encourages practitioners to challenge their own understandings and co-construct new professional knowledge B. A crucial aspect in determining increased pedagogical awareness and deepened reflection is the active involvement of participants in transformative processes By engaging in research based enquiry, practitioners can critically explore the link between theory and practice which enables them to identify and address the gaps between intended pedagogical principles and enacted practices. Furthermore, by involving practitioners in a process of change, where they have the opportunity to be agentic actors; this can also impact on their practical knowledge and on their professional attitudes and understandings.

Voorwaarden opdat coaching de praktijk verbetert (Onderzoek in opdracht van Eurofound: Peeters et al., 2014) Conclusie A. Een methodische aanpak van coaching B. Actieve betrokkenheid van medewerkers C. Supervisie en feedback D. Mogelijkheden tot reflectie E. De hele voorziening betrekken These effects are generated by different conditions A. Particular tools were attributed to impact on the quality of practice Sheridan’s study (2013) of the effects of ‘systematic quality work’ of ECEC services in Sweden, Norway, Iceland, showed that practitioners gained knowledge through the analysis of pedagogical documentation and systematic evaluation of their practice. It made them more aware of their competences and of the quality of their work. It helped them to take into account multiple perspectives which enables reflection. Picchio (2012): the competent use of written documentation of children’s experiences within the setting, allowed practitioners to understand better the ongoing development of learning interactions occurring in the centre: it enabled them to re-direct educational practices more responsively Ang (2012): highlighted the use of journals as a specific aspect of the training Bleach (2013): the action-research cycle of planning, acting, observing, reflecting: helped the implementation of Siolta (Nat Qual framework, Ireland) and Aister (EC curriculum Framework) ; helped the practitioners to develop methodological skills (planning & evaluation) Vonta (2007): Preschool teachers recognized professional portfolio’s, combined with CPD mentors who encouraged them, observed them and provided feedback, advised them Menmuir & Christie (1999): Repertory grid = tool to make explicit the underlying constructions that participants ‘use’ to describe children’s experiences: encourages practitioners to challenge their own understandings and co-construct new professional knowledge B. A crucial aspect in determining increased pedagogical awareness and deepened reflection is the active involvement of participants in transformative processes By engaging in research based enquiry, practitioners can critically explore the link between theory and practice which enables them to identify and address the gaps between intended pedagogical principles and enacted practices. Furthermore, by involving practitioners in a process of change, where they have the opportunity to be agentic actors; this can also impact on their practical knowledge and on their professional attitudes and understandings.

Welk soort professional heeft kinderopvang nodig Welk soort professional heeft kinderopvang nodig ? De Warme Professional, (Peeters, 2008); Schön, 1983; Moss, 2003; Cameron, 2005; Oberhuemer, 2005; Rinaldi, 2006… ONDERZOEK Vanuit praktijk samen met collega’s nieuwe kennis en manieren van omgaan met kinderen en ouders kunnen ontwikkelen Mogelijkheid om aan complexe eisen in specifieke context te voldoen

Meer lezen: Peeters, J. , Lazzari, A. , Cameron, C. , Budginaite, I Meer lezen: Peeters, J., Lazzari, A., Cameron, C., Budginaite, I., Hauari H., Peleman, B., Siarova, H. (2015). Early Childhood Care: working conditions, training and quality-A systematic review.Dublin: Eurofound Lazarri, A. , Peeters, J., Vandenbroeck, M. (2013). The early years workforce: A review of European research and good practices on working with children from poor and migrant families. Background paper for the Transatlantic Forum on Inclusive Early Years in New York, 10-12th of July 2013 Peeters, J. (2012). De neerwaartse spiraal doorbroken : de professionaliteitsdiscussie in de kinderopvang. In: Van Leeuwen, K. & Van Crombrugge, H. eds. Gezinnen in soorten. Leuven: Garant. Kinderen in Europa. (2015) extra nummer Opvang en opvoeding van jonge kinderen: werkomstandigheden, permanent leren en kwaliteit van voorzieningen. Een systematisch literatuuronderzoek .