Agressie, gedragsprobemen Ontstaan en behandelingsvormen


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Agressie, gedragsprobemen Ontstaan en behandelingsvormen All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

2 voorbeelden: Jan Piet All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Antisociaal gedrag: Normen en regels worden overtreden. Enkele begrippen: Oppositioneel opstandig gedrag: het kind verzet zich tegen de leiding van volwassenen Agressief gedrag: het kind/de jongere brengt andere personen of voorwerpen schade toe. Antisociaal gedrag: Normen en regels worden overtreden. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Ernst wordt bepaald door: Aanvangsleeftijd van de problemen Verscheidenheid Kwantiteit All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Uitlokkende factoren: indien aanwezig bestaat een grote kans dat het negatieve gedrag zich ontwikkelt Faciliterende factoren: vergemakkelijken een reeds bestaande negatieve ontwikkeling. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Uitlokkende factoren: Opvoedingsvaardigheden inefficiënt en inconsequent opvoedingsgedrag Beïnvloeding van de peergroep. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Opvoedingsgedrag Peergroep All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Oppositioneel opstandige stoornis 3,2 % Gedragsstoornis 2 % Prevalentie cijfers: Oppositioneel opstandige stoornis 3,2 % Gedragsstoornis 2 % Meer bij jongens dan bij meisjes Vormen samen de meest voorkomende kinderspychiatrische stoornis, 1 op 20 kinderen en jongeren Van de kinderen doorverwezen voor behandeling is de aanmeldingsreden in 33 tot 50 % van de gevallen gedragsstoornissen of agressie. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Inefficiëntie Inconsequentie Agressie Inefficiëntie Inconsequentie Irritatie. Negatieve opvoedings cirkel. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Inconsequente Gelijkgestemde opvoedingsstijl leeftijdsgenoten Inefficiënte Agressie Predeliquent opvoedingsstijl gedrag Irritatie Verwerping dr volwassenen Verwerping dr leeftijdsgenoten All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Observatie van het moeilijke gedrag! Jongere: Zelfcontrole verhogen Behandelingsplan. Observatie van het moeilijke gedrag! Jongere: Zelfcontrole verhogen Probleem oplossend gedrag verbeteren Inlevingsvermogen verbeteren Ouder/opvoeder: Positieve betrokkenheid Bekrachtigen/belonen van goed gedrag Markeren van negatief gedrag Opvolgen van de leerling School: Individuele volgkaarten/contracten Individuele gesprekken Klassegesprekken Projecten; preventief en curatief. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Maak een observatie opdracht. Wat is je doelstelling Eveline 13 jaar Eveline is op school gekend als een lastpost. Als er iets fout gaat in de klas dan kijkt de leraar hoe dan ook eerst de kant op van Eveline. Eveline is een zeer nerveus en gespannen meisje dat niet zo intelligent overkomt. Ze is gemakkelijk afleidbaar en praat om de haverklap met buren of zegt luidop haar mening. Maak een observatie opdracht. Wat is je doelstelling Wie zal observeren en waarom Hoe ga je het aanbrengen. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Observatie opdrachten. Zorg dat je observatie opdracht informatie oplevert die je in het gesprek moeilijk kunt krijgen. Observeer alleen concreet gedrag Maak je opdracht zo concreet mogelijk Pas je opdracht aan aan het leeftijds- of intelligentie niveau van je cliënt(en) Een kleine, goed ingevulde observatie opdracht is beter dan een grote waar cliënten zich geen doen aan zien Beslis vooraf wie je de opdracht zult laten uitvoeren en waarom Laat de opdracht niet te lang doorgaan, verander de opdracht geregeld Leg uit waarom je iets observeert All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Vaardigheden van de ouder/opvoeder: Positieve betrokkenheid Positieve bekrachtiging Markeren Monitoring Probleem oplossend gedrag All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Werken met beloningen: Beloon volgend gedrag: Een van de leerlingen maakt ruzie op de speelplaats. Je ziet hoe het begint. De jongen in kwestie ken je als moeilijk te beïnvloeden, de andere jongen is eerder een zwak figuur. Je komt tussen en stuurt de agressieve leerling naar het secretariaat. Pas na 5 maal zeggen vertrekt hij met slaande deuren. Je komt nadien bij hem. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Je moeilijke dochter heeft weer haar boekentas in het midden van de hall achtergelaten, je bent bijna gestruikeld. Haar schoenen, die in huis niet mogen gedragen worden, zijn nergens te vinden. Nochtans zijn haar pantoffels weg. Tot je stomme verbazing vind je de schoenen op hun plaats. Vrijwel tegelijkertijd ontdek je dat er 20 € uit je portefeuille verdwenen is. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Lieve en Lena zijn zussen. Lieve is erg moeilijk, ze Bestraffen. Lieve en Lena zijn zussen. Lieve is erg moeilijk, ze maakt veel ruzie, schopt en zegt kwetsende dingen. Omwille van haar moeilijk gedrag is Lieve op internaat terwijl Lena nog thuis verblijft. Volgende situatie doet zich voor: Lieve en Lena zijn samen in op de speelplaats, er ontstaat ruzie. Lieve roept dat ze “een mes zal pakken en in Lena’s buik zal ploffen, dan zal ze doodgaan…”. Je vindt dat dergelijke uitspraken niet kunnen. Hoe kan je dit gedrag markeren? All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Tekorten op niveau van de leerling: Zelfcontrole Rolneming Probleem oplossend gedrag All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Zelfcontrole verhogen: Gedrag observeren Schaal maken Niveau van interventie bepalen Stop technieken aanleren Uitvoeren Bevestigen All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Hans is 15 jaar en zeer agressief. Hij voelt zich overal geviseerd, hij wordt veel meer dan anderen door de politie gecontroleerd, hoewel hij geen migrant is. Gisteren liep hij gewoon door de straat en zag een combi, de combi stopte en hij moest zijn identiteitskaart tonen. Hij was ze echter verloren en had het nog niet aangegeven. Hij werd dan ook kwaad, terecht vond hij, en tot zijn verbazing kreeg hij een bekeuring. Dergelijk gedrag komt in diverse situaties voor. Maak een observatie opdracht ter voorbereiding van zelfcontrole. Wat is je doelstelling Wie zal observeren en waarom Hoe ga je het aanbrengen. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Joris is vaak agressief en tegendraads op school, vooral Joris 12 jaar. Joris is vaak agressief en tegendraads op school, vooral tegenover leerkrachten. Tijdens de middagpauze zit hij met een paar vrienden zijn boterhammen op te eten, achteraan in de refter. Een van zijn vrienden blaast een broodzak op en brengt die tot ontploffing. De leraar die het gebeuren niet kan gezien hebben komt eraan en geeft Joris de schuld. Joris voelt zich boos worden. Hoe zou een zelfcontrole oefening hier kunnen verlopen? All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Probleem oplossend gedrag: Klacht omzetten in probleem Verschillende oplossingen zoeken samen met de leerling Alle oplossingen als waardevol accepteren De voor- en nadelen van de oplossingen afwegen Keuze maken Keuze uitvoeren Feedback: Is het probleem op een goede manier opgelost? All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Maak van deze klacht een probleem. Eric 16 jaar. Eric wil niet naar huis, hij is bang dat zijn vader boos zal zijn omwille van de nota in zijn agenda. Hij is bang dat vader hem het hele WE zal straffen. Maak van deze klacht een probleem. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Zoek bij de vorige casus oplossingen voor het probleem en voer een probleem oplossende sequens uit. All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Op school niveau: Projecten Klassegesprekken Leerling volgkaarten ... All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).

Veel succes! Belangrijke technieken voor de school: Observeer het gedrag van de leerling De leerling heeft vaardigheidstekorten, help hem/haar deze tekorten in te halen Positieve bekrachtiging is het sterkste wapen Markeer waar nodig Steek tijd in de moeilijkste leerlingen. Veel succes! All consultations were coded by the means of the Roter analysis system. For those not familiar with the system some explanation. The system is designed to code the communicative behaviour of both doctors and patients. It distinguishes affective (socio-emotional) and instrumental (task-oriented) behaviour, reflecting the care-cure distinction. The unit of analysis is the smallest meaningful string of words. All utterances are assigned to mutually exclusive categories. The categories are merged into 16 clusters, 7 for affective and 9 for instrumental behaviour (see table 1).