Over emoties… Over empathie….


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Over emoties… Over empathie…

Situatie Doen Voelen Denken

Gevoelens versus emoties. Gevoelens: Bredere context Elke ervaring die een prikkel tot actie betekent Ook lichamelijke sensaties Ook waardering van een situatie, persoon… Emoties: Belangen van het individu zijn in het gedrang. Beoordeling en waardering is aanwezig Emotie is een gevolg van een gevoel, is een onderdeel van een gevoel.

Wetten van emoties. Emoties zijn realiteit Emoties worden (her)beleefd Emoties zijn kortzichtig

Emoties versimpelen het oordeel Emoties zijn blikvernauwend Emoties zijn relatief Emoties vragen aandacht

Rationeel gebied Prestatieniveau Sterkte van de emotie.

Identieke situaties kunnen verschillende emoties oproepen bij verschillende mensen. Of een veelvoud van emoties bij dezelfde persoon. Vb. Het verlies van een dierbaar persoon kan tegelijk of na elkaar verdriet, woede of opluchting oproepen.

Mevrouw De Raedt (93 jaar) heeft haar heup gebroken Mevrouw De Raedt (93 jaar) heeft haar heup gebroken. Ze wordt geopereerd maar overlijdt daarna aan een infectie opgelopen door de algemene verzwakking. Haar enige dochter woont in Duistland. Haar zoon in China.

Haar enige dochter die in Duitsland woont en werkt is erg verdrietig Haar enige dochter die in Duitsland woont en werkt is erg verdrietig. Moeder woonde alleen en was heel alert. Bij problemen was ze de steun en toeverlaat. Daarnaast is de dochter ook opgelucht. De artsen hadden haar meegedeeld dat moeder niet meer alleen zou kunnen wonen. De dochter had al stappen ondernomen om haar werk in Duitsland te onderbreken om voor moeder te kunnen zorgen. Tegelijk voelt de dochter zich ook schuldig omdat ze verschillende emoties tegelijk voelt. Ze praat dan ook met niemand over deze verwarring…

Emoties leiden tot actiebereidheid, emotie ‘overkomt’ de persoon. Pieter 15 jaar, is van school gestuurd nadat hij een andere jongen een open beenwonde heeft geschopt. Pieter vertelt hierover dat hij zich niet kon beheersen; immers de andere had zijn moeder uitgescholden voor hoer.

De lichamelijke verschijnselen bepalen de sterkte van de emotie. Vb. Verlamd zijn van angst Van opwinding beginnen roepen De lichamelijke verschijnselen zijn iets trager dan de emotie zelf. Gevolg: het duurt even voor de klap aankomt.

Emoties hebben een communicatieve functie. Selectiemechanismen in de communicatie Vormen de basis van onze expressieve, appellerende en relationele uitingen. Ontstaan in het contact met anderen Worden als expressieve uitingen op verschillende gespreksniveaus geuit.

Interpretatie van een situatie Waarneming van een situatie of stimulus.   Ervaring als onplezierig/gevaarlijk/ernstig Interpretatie van Zelfperceptie ernst, hinder toekomst oorzaak Actie/oplossingen Interpretatie van een situatie

Gevolg voor de communicatie: Gevoelens weergeven is altijd goed, de persoon zal het waarderen. Bij empathie geven we de emotie weer. Dat kan verandering tewerkstellen.

Moet men altijd ingaan op emoties? Keuze maken Verduidelijkt vaak reacties van en voor de patiënt Benoemen is beheersen. Sommige gesprekken kunnen heftige emoties oproepen Onder emotie kan de paitënt niet goed luisteren Emoties kunnen een bedreiging vormen voor de hulpverleningsrelatie.

Omgaan met emoties. Herkennen Benoemen Steun bieden bij de verwerking Hulp bij oplossingen zoeken Houvast geven.

Oefeningen. Moeder van Eva (1,5 jaar) is zeer angstig dat haar dochtertje zal sterven. Eva eet in moeders ogen niet goed. Mevrouw verloor een ander kind 1 jaar geleden. De vader van Dries (7 jaar) komt vertellen dat hij vreest dat hij zijn controle zal verliezen en zijn zoontje zal slaan. Mevrouw Verbiest heeft veel kritiek op de school. Haar dochter Wendy (11jaar) gaat naar het bijzonder onderwijs type 1. Mevrouw heeft zeer veel moeite met het feit dat de school van haar dochter in tegendeel tot een gewone school geen Franse les geeft.

Slecht nieuws boodschappen. The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Je bent erg sportief en lid van een basketbal club. Stel: Je bent erg sportief en lid van een basketbal club. Je hebt een auto ongeval gehad en na revalidatie wordt het duidelijk dat je een blijvend letsel zult overhouden. Je zult je knie nooit meer kunnen plooien waardoor je sportieve prestaties tot nul herleid worden. Wil je deze boodschap horen? Wanneer? Op welke manier? The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Wat men meestal op deze vraag antwoordt: Positief Zo snel mogelijk Kort en bondig Zonder omwegen Met ruimte voor reactie Op een rustige plaats Negatief Over de telefoon Met veel omwegen Niet meedelen Onrealistische verwachtingen scheppen Te snel Zonder emotie van de hulpverlener The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Is dit ook voor patiënten zo? Stellingen. Stelling 1 Sommige patiënten willen de waarheid gewoon niet horen The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Sommige patiënten kunnen de waarheid niet aan Stelling 2 Sommige patiënten kunnen de waarheid niet aan The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Let goed op, op welk tijdstip je slecht nieuws brengt Stelling 3 Let goed op, op welk tijdstip je slecht nieuws brengt The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Patiënten voelen zelf wel hoe het met hun lichaam gesteld is Stelling 4 Patiënten voelen zelf wel hoe het met hun lichaam gesteld is The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Stelling 5 Als de familie vraagt om niets tegen de patiënt te zeggen, moet ik dat respecteren The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Erover praten geeft negatieve emotie Stelling 6 Erover praten geeft negatieve emotie The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Hulpverleners kunnen moeilijk om met negatieve emotie Afleidingsmanoeuvers De pil vergulden De “hang yourself” methode Bagatelliseren Twee beentjes eraf is erger U bent één van velen Ik kan er ook niets aan doen The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Hoe slecht nieuws brengen? Voorbereiding: Waar en wanneer vindt het gesprek plaats? Wie zal het slechte nieuws brengen? Wie zijn als “toehoorders” aanwezig? Hoe zal het nieuws meegedeeld worden? Welke reacties verwacht men van de patiënt? Hoe denkt de hulpverlener dat hij zelf zal reageren? Welke toelichting moet in dit eerste contact zeker nog gegeven worden? The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Prestatieniveau Rationeel gebied Sterkte van de emotie. The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors. Sterkte van de emotie.

Mate van emotie Empathie Rationeel gebied Informatie Tijd The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors. Informatie Tijd

Belangrijkste stappen in het brengen van slecht nieuws. Mededeling Frustratievermindering Probleem oplossing Onmiddelijk meedelen, kort, bondig, essentiële boodschap. Empathie, gevoelens verwoorden, steungevende aanwezigheid Luisteren naar de richting die de patiënt zelf aangeeft, ingaan op onderliggende gevoelens, eventueel adviezen geven. The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Hoe reageren patiënten? Schrik Ongeloof Herhalingen Agressie Verwijten aan zichzelf of aan een ander Verdriet en wanhoop Ontkenning Verdringing Emotionele manipulatie. The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.

Aanvullende uitleg geven. Wees karig, slecht nieuws vraagt tijd. Wacht op reactie voor je verder gaat Let op de emotie van de patiënt, onder emotie kan men niet luisteren Gun de patiënt tijd voor verwerking Oplossingen passen meestal niet in een eerste gesprek. Slecht nieuws vraagt tijd, lukt meestal niet in één gesprek The training during the first year is build on three basic skills: listening, being empathic and handling emotions. Students have be able to listen without interrupting another person and to hear and recall the story. They learn to deal with the information flow and to look at their individual preferences and resistances with received information. They have to be able to name emotions during the conversation. Special attention is give on doing this on ‘a natural way’. E.g. “This must be sad for you” in stead of “I think you must feel sad”.Students have to be able to pick up emotional cues, to explore them and to handle them within a conversation. The strong emphasis is put on the awareness for every student of his own strengths and weaknesses. The training starts with a plenary session for all students where the necessity of communication within the medical curriculum is expressed. Evidence is given.After that session, student participate in small groups. The training consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours in small groups (12 tot 14 students) spread over the whole academic year. All kinds of techniques are used: looking at video tapes, recall stories, role play with colleagues, role play with actors.