Task Force Youth Unemployment Carla Kariembaks
Action speaks louder than words
TaskForce RMC sub Bureau Halt Leerplicht ambtenaar Bureau jeugdzorg Reïntegratie bureaus CWI distr. CWI vest. Gemeenten W SD EZ O RMC- functie Ond.ver. UWV Vest. Provincies Branche org. Werkgevers KvK MKB actie teams Uitzendbureaus. Regio KBB’s Onderwijs O&O fondsen Werkvoorz.schappen RPA’s OR Jongeren, Ouders & Verzorgers Particulieren ROC’s IPC AOC Vakschool KBB RMC regio Bedrijfsop- leidingen VMBO HBO raad BVE raad LORPA COLO ABU UWV IPO VNG Stimulansz Divosa CAO overleg RWI CWI Nat.vacaturebank JongCNV Agentschap ESF FNV CNV MAP GMV Raad vd K.Besch. Forum VWS Just. BZK Operatie Jong Tweede Kamer EZ Star RWI SZW Platform Beroepsonderwijs JOB
Goals Create extra jobs Limit youth unemployment Find a job or back to school
Short introduction
Approach Cooperation Communication Campaigning
Results Actions Small Intermezzo Innovation
Second Chance Meet the ‘hard core’ No risk for employers Learning and working combined
Challenges Gap between education and employment Image problem Early school-leavers
Conclusion Seek for committment stakeholders Use media to communicate results Action speaks louder than words