De Evolutie van de Zoogdieren


Verwante presentaties
KWALITEITSZORG november 2012

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Transcript van de presentatie:

De Evolutie van de Zoogdieren fossielen en moleculen

Van eerste landdier tot placentaal zoogdier Fossielen Van eerste landdier tot placentaal zoogdier

De overgang van Zee naar Land Moleculaire Evolutie De overgang van Zee naar Land 22/04/02 Indeling en fossielen aangegeven Overgang naar land omstreeks 380 miljoen jaar geleden Viervoetigen ontstaan in ongeveer 20 miljoen jaar college 12 22april 2002

Fossiele Gewervelde Dieren Moleculaire Evolutie Fossiele Gewervelde Dieren 22/04/02 Vroegste Viervoetigen: Laat Devoon 370-355 Mj Ichtyostega college 12 22april 2002

Fossiele Gewervelde Dieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 splitsing tussen huidige amfibieën en andere landdieren vrij snel Eucritta melanolimnetes Vroeg Carboon 340Mj voor deze splitsing J. A. Clack, 1998 A new Early Carboniferous tetrapod with a melange of crown-group characters. Nature 394 (2 july 1998) 66-69 college 12 22april 2002

Fossiele Gewervelde Dieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 vroeg landdier dat landeieren legde deze groep heet de Amnioten midden Carboon 315 Mj M.J. Benton, 1997 Vertebrate Paleontology. 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall. Hylonomus: pg 104-106; Mid Carboniferous; Nova Scotia Hylonomus college 12 22april 2002

Schedelmorfologie Amnioten Moleculaire Evolutie Schedelmorfologie Amnioten 22/04/02 Diapsida Synapsida Splitsing Diapsida / Synapsida 310 Mj Diapsida: hagedissen, krokodillen, vogels Synapsida: zoogdieren college 12 22april 2002

Fossiele Gewervelde Dieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 vroege Synapsida laat Carboon 300 Mj Ophiacodon M.J. Benton, 1997 Vertebrate Paleontology. 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall. Ophiacodon, pg 110-11 pg 112 figure, Late Carboniferous New Mexico college 12 22april 2002

Fossiele Gewervelde Dieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Therapsiden: Laat Perm 260 Mj Lycaenops M.J. Benton, 1997 Vertebrate Paleontology. 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall. Therapsids, pg 114-121,pg 122 figure college 12 22april 2002

Van vroege Synapsida tot Cynodonten Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Cynodontia incl Mammalia M.J. Benton, 1997 Vertebrate Paleontology. 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall. Cladogram Synapsida pg 124 Laat Carboon tot Trias: 325 - 220 Mj college 12 22april 2002

Van Cynodonten tot Zoogdieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Van Cynodonten tot Zoogdieren Mammalia: 220 Mj Mammaliamorpha M.J. Benton, 1997 Vertebrate Paleontology. 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall. Cladogram cynodont skulls pg 289 Trias: 245-206Mj Cynodontia college 12 22april 2002

Indeling en volgorde in de tijd: van Synapsida tot Zoogdieren Morganucodon Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Indeling en volgorde in de tijd: van Synapsida tot Zoogdieren T.S. Kemp, 1982 Mammal-like reptiles and the origin of mammals Academic Press, London Dit is een cladogram. college 12 22april 2002

Waar de Zoogdieren beginnen is een willekeurige keuze Morganucodon Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Waar de Zoogdieren beginnen is een willekeurige keuze T.S. Kemp, 1982 Mammal-like reptiles and the origin of mammals Academic Press, London Dit is een cladogram. college 12 22april 2002

bv op grond van het gewricht tussen de schedel en de onderkaak Morganucodon Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 bv op grond van het gewricht tussen de schedel en de onderkaak T.S. Kemp, 1982 Mammal-like reptiles and the origin of mammals Academic Press, London Dit is een cladogram. college 12 22april 2002

Onderkaak en kaakgewricht Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Oud kaakgewricht wordt middenoor vele intermediaire stadia bekend Het nieuwe gewricht gaat buitenom het oude gewricht. Braincase expansion doet het oude gewricht de das om. college 12 22april 2002

van kaakgewricht naar middenoor Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 van kaakgewricht naar middenoor articulare hond college 12 22april 2002

Onderkaak en kaakgewricht Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Oud kaakgewricht: tussen quadratum (schedel) en articulare (onderkaak) college 12 22april 2002

Onderkaak en kaakgewricht Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Nieuw kaakgewricht: tussen squamosal (schedel) en dentare (onderkaak) college 12 22april 2002

Onderkaak en kaakgewricht Moleculaire Evolutie Onderkaak en kaakgewricht 22/04/02 Wat gebeurt er met: angulare articulare quadratum? Angulare: Meckel’s cartilage: kraakbeen bij aanleg onderkaak college 12 22april 2002

Vroege zoogdieren Vroeg Krijt 150 My Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Vroege zoogdieren Vroeg Krijt 150 My Meckel’s kraakbeen nog geheel verbeend An Ossified Meckel's Cartilage in Two Cretaceous Mammals and Origin of the Mammalian Middle Ear Yuanqing Wang,1* Yaoming Hu,123 Jin Meng,2* Chuankui Li1 Science 294 12 October 2001 357-361 An ossified Meckel's cartilage has been recovered from two early Cretaceous mammals from China. This element is similar to Meckel's cartilage in prenatal and some postnatal extant mammals and indicates the relationship of Meckel's cartilage with the middle ear in early mammals. The evidence shows that brain expansion may not be the initial factor that caused the separation of postdentary bones from the dentary as middle ear ossicles during mammalian evolution. The failure of the dentary to seize reduced postdentary elements during ontogeny of early mammals is postulated as an alternative mechanism for the separation. Modifications of both feeding and hearing apparatuses in early mammals may have led to the development of the definitive mammalian middle ear. Repenomamus college 12 22april 2002

Onderkaak en kaakgewricht Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Wat gebeurt er met: angulare articulare quadratum? Quadraturm naar middenoor aambeeld Articulare naar middenoor hamer college 12 22april 2002

Onderkaak en kaakgewricht Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Oud kaak-gewicht wordt deel van het middenoor onderkaak éen bot college 12 22april 2002

Eerste zoogdieren Adelobasileus Sinoconodon Trias 220 Mj Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Adelobasileus Trias 220 Mj Sinoconodon Vroeg Jura 200 Mj M.J. Benton, 1997 Vertebrate Paleontology. 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall. Skulls of basal mammals. Pg 298 Morganocodon Vroeg Jura 220 Mj college 12 22april 2002

Vroege zoogdieren VroegJura 200 Mj Morganucodon Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 VroegJura 200 Mj Morganucodon college 12 22april 2002

Vroege zoogdieren Vroeg Jura 195 Mj Hadrocodium Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Vroege zoogdieren Vroeg Jura 195 Mj Hadrocodium A New Mammaliaform from the Early Jurassic and Evolution of Mammalian Characteristics Zhe-Xi Luo,1* Alfred W. Crompton,2 Ai-Lin Sun3 Science 292 25 May 2001 1535-1540 A fossil from the Early Jurassic (Sinemurian, ~195 million years ago) represents a new lineage of mammaliaforms, the extinct groups more closely related to the living mammals than to nonmammaliaform cynodonts. It has an enlarged cranial cavity, but no postdentary trough on the mandible, indicating separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible. This extends the earliest record of these crucial mammalian features by some 45 million years and suggests that separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible and the expanded brain vault could be correlated. It shows that several key mammalian evolutionary innovations in the ear region, the temporomandibular joint, and the brain vault evolved incrementally through mammaliaform evolution and long before the differentiation of the living mammal groups. With an estimated body weight of only 2 grams, its coexistence with other larger mammaliaforms with similar "triconodont-like" teeth for insectivory within the same fauna suggests a great trophic diversity within the mammaliaform insectivore feeding guild, as inferred from the range of body sizes. 1 college 12 22april 2002

Vroege zoogdieren Vroeg Jura 195 Mj Hadrocodium Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Vroeg Jura 195 Mj A New Mammaliaform from the Early Jurassic and Evolution of Mammalian Characteristics Zhe-Xi Luo,1* Alfred W. Crompton,2 Ai-Lin Sun3 Science 292 25 May 2001 1535-1540 A fossil from the Early Jurassic (Sinemurian, ~195 million years ago) represents a new lineage of mammaliaforms, the extinct groups more closely related to the living mammals than to nonmammaliaform cynodonts. It has an enlarged cranial cavity, but no postdentary trough on the mandible, indicating separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible. This extends the earliest record of these crucial mammalian features by some 45 million years and suggests that separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible and the expanded brain vault could be correlated. It shows that several key mammalian evolutionary innovations in the ear region, the temporomandibular joint, and the brain vault evolved incrementally through mammaliaform evolution and long before the differentiation of the living mammal groups. With an estimated body weight of only 2 grams, its coexistence with other larger mammaliaforms with similar "triconodont-like" teeth for insectivory within the same fauna suggests a great trophic diversity within the mammaliaform insectivore feeding guild, as inferred from the range of body sizes. 1 Hadrocodium college 12 22april 2002

Jeholodens Vroege zoogdieren Eind Jura of begin Krijt 150 Mj Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Eind Jura of begin Krijt 150 Mj staat dichtbij voorouder huidige zoogdieren A New Mammaliaform from the Early Jurassic and Evolution of Mammalian Characteristics Zhe-Xi Luo,1* Alfred W. Crompton,2 Ai-Lin Sun3 Science 292 25 May 2001 1535-1540 A fossil from the Early Jurassic (Sinemurian, ~195 million years ago) represents a new lineage of mammaliaforms, the extinct groups more closely related to the living mammals than to nonmammaliaform cynodonts. It has an enlarged cranial cavity, but no postdentary trough on the mandible, indicating separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible. This extends the earliest record of these crucial mammalian features by some 45 million years and suggests that separation of the middle ear bones from the mandible and the expanded brain vault could be correlated. It shows that several key mammalian evolutionary innovations in the ear region, the temporomandibular joint, and the brain vault evolved incrementally through mammaliaform evolution and long before the differentiation of the living mammal groups. With an estimated body weight of only 2 grams, its coexistence with other larger mammaliaforms with similar "triconodont-like" teeth for insectivory within the same fauna suggests a great trophic diversity within the mammaliaform insectivore feeding guild, as inferred from the range of body sizes. 1 Jeholodens college 12 22april 2002

Vroege zoogdieren begin Krijt 145 Mj Zhangheotherium Moleculaire Evolutie Vroege zoogdieren 22/04/02 begin Krijt 145 Mj Zhangheotherium college 12 22april 2002

Placentale zoogdieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Placentale zoogdieren Eomaia scansoria Krijt 125 Mj college 12 22april 2002

Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Eomaia college 12 22april 2002

Eomaia Eutheria Eomaia Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 college 12 22april 2002

Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Eomaia college 12 22april 2002

Zoogdier fylogenie Trias Jura Krijt Tertiair Jeholodens Zangheotherium Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Jeholodens Zangheotherium Zalambdalestes Placentalia Morganucodon Mammalia Mammaliaformes kangaroe Hadrocodium Eomaia olifant Trias Jura Krijt Tertiair college 12 22april 2002

Naar huidige placentale zoogdieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Krijt 100 Mj Mongolie Iets in de buurt van de hazen? J. DAVID ARCHIBALD, ALEXANDER O. AVERIANOV & ERIC G. EKDALE, 2001. Late Cretaceous relatives of rabbits, rodents, and other extant eutherian mammals. Nature 414, 62 - 65 (2001) Extant eutherian mammals and their most recent common ancestor constitute the crown group Placentalia. This taxon, plus all extinct taxa that share a more recent common ancestor with placentals than they do with Metatheria (including marsupials), constitute Eutheria. The oldest well documented eutherian-dominated fauna in the world is Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan. Among eutherians that it yields is Kulbeckia, an 85–90-Myr-old member of Zalambdalestidae (a family of Late Cretaceous Asian eutherians). This extends Zalambdalestidae back by some 10 million years from sites in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. A phylogenetic analysis of well described Late Cretaceous eutherians strongly supports Zalambdalestidae, less strongly supports 'Zhelestidae' (a Late Cretaceous clade related to Tertiary ungulates), but does not support Asioryctitheria (a group of Late Cretaceous Asian eutherians). A second analysis incorporating placentals from clades that include rodents (Tribosphenomys), lagomorphs (Mimotona) and archaic ungulates (Protungulatum and Oxyprimus) strongly supports Zalambdalestidae in a clade with Glires (rabbits, rodents and extinct relatives) and less strongly 'Zhelestidae' within a clade that includes archaic ungulates ('condylarths'). This argues that some Late Cretaceous eutherians belong within the crown group Placentalia. The ages of these taxa are in line with molecularly based estimates of 64–104 Myr ago (median 84 Myr ago) for the superordinal diversification of some placentals5, but provide no support for a Late Cretaceous diversification of extant placental orders. Zalambdalestes college 12 22april 2002

Naar huidige placentale zoogdieren Vroegste placentale zoogdieren die op de huidige beesten lijken: laat Krijt: 5 genera

Placentale Zoogdieren 19 Ordes

1 Xenarthra Tandarmen miereneter luiaard gordeldier, armadillo

2 Pholidata Schubdieren Pangolin: schubdier 4 soorten in Africa 3 soorten in ZO Azie

3 Lagomorpha Haasvormigen hazen, konijnen, fluithazen, pikas

4 Rodentia Knaagdieren grondeekhoorn capibara coypu

5 Primates Apen langur

6 Carnivores Roofdieren ocelot

7 Perissodactyla Onevenhoevigen paard

8 Artiodactyla Evenhoevigen giraffe

9 Cetaceae Walvissen orca

10 Chiroptera Vleermuizen vleermuis

11 Scandentia Tupaia


vliegende lemur, colugo 12 Dermoptera vliegende lemur, colugo

vliegende lemur, colugo 12 Dermoptera vliegende lemur, colugo

13 Proboscidea Slurfdieren olifant

14 Tubulidentata Aardvark: 1 soort

15 Sirenia zeekoe, dugong,

16 Macroscelidea olifantsspitsmuis

17 Hyracoidea Klipdassen

18 Afrosoricida Afrika Insectivoren Afrikaanse Gouden Mol

18 Afrosoricida Tenrec

19 Eulypotyphla Insectivoren egel, spitsmuis

Zoogdierindeling Traditionele indeling op morfologie 1 Insectivoren waarin huidige Macroscelidea + Afrosoricida 2 Apen + Tupaia + Vliegende lemur + Vleermuizen 3 Hoefdieren: Evenhoevigen + Onevenhoevigen, met Walvissen 4 Slurfdieren, Zeekoeien en Klipdassen: dichtbij Hoefdieren, of Hoefdieren

Moleculaire Zoogdieren Nature 01-02-2001 IV Laurasiatheria III Glires, Primates II Xenarthra I Afrotheria

Moleculaire Zoogdieren Afrotheria Xenarthra Glires, Primates Laurasiatheria Nature 01-02-2001 IV Laurasiatheria III Glires, Primates II Xenarthra I Afrotheria

Groep I: Afrotheria Proboscidea, Sirenia, Hyracoidea, Macroscelidea, Tubulidentata, Afrosoricida

Groep II: Xenarthra luiaard, miereneter, armadillo Zuid-Amerikaanse soorten

Groep III: Euarchontoglires Knaagdieren Haasvormigen Archonta (Eu-archonta) Apen Vliegende Lemur Tupaia

Groep IV: Laurasiatheria Cetartiodactyla Walvissen Evenhoevigen Onevenhoevigen Roofdieren Schubdieren Insectivoren Vleermuizen

Moleculaire Zoogdieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Moleculaire Zoogdieren Science 14 December 2001 16397 base pairs 19 nucleaire, 3 mitochondriale gen sequenties William J. Murphy, Eduardo Eizirik, Stephen J. O’Brien, Ole Madsen, Mark Scally, Christophe J. Douady, Emma Teeling, Oliver A. Ryder, Michael J. Stanhope, Wilfried W. de Jong, Mark S. Springer , 2001 Resolution of the Early Placental Mammal Radiation Using Bayesian Phylogenetics Science 294: 2348-2351 Molecular phylogenetic studies have resolved placental mammals into four major groups, but have not established the full hierarchy of interordinal rela- tionships, including the position of the root. The latter is critical for under- standing the early biogeographic history of placentals. We investigated pla- cental phylogeny using Bayesian and maximum-likelihood methods and a 6.4- kilobase molecular data set. Interordinal relationships are almost entirely re- solved. The basal split is between Afrotheria and other placentals, at about 103 million years, and may be accounted for by the separation of South America and Africa in the Cretaceous. Crown-group Eutheria may have their most recent common ancestry in the Southern Hemisphere (Gondwana). college 12 22april 2002

Moleculaire Zoogdieren Laurasiatheria Science 14-12-2001 Euarchontoglires IV Laurasiatheria III Euarchontoglires III+ IV = Boreoeutheria II Xenarthra I Afrotheria O Marsupialia Xenarthra Afrotheria Marsupialia

Moleculaire Zoogdieren Nature 010201: Onevenhoevigen met Evenhoevigen Science 141201: Onevenhoevigen met Roofdieren Evenh Onevenh Roofd Evenh Onevenh Roofd

Zoogdier afstamming Wereld eind Krijt Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 college 12 22april 2002

Huidige placentale zoogdieren Moleculaire Evolutie 22/04/02 Splitsing afstammingslijnen in Krijt Morfologische evolutie in Tertiair college 12 22april 2002