Het vier-instrumentenmodel van managementcontrol
Procesbeheersingsprocedure (1)
Procesbeheersingsprocedure (2)
Principes en uitgangspunten van de managementstructuur MBO/E overleg manager - medewerkers overeenkomst over plan en doel vastleggen bevoegdheden en verantwoordelijkheden voor beide zelfstandige uitvoering medewerkers bijsturing primair door medewerkers op basis van verkregen informatie (“detailinformatie”) periodiek, gecomprimeerde, informatie aan manager m.b.t. voortgang zeer gecomprimeerde informatie aan het strategisch management inschakeling manager door medewerkers in uitzonderingsgevallen evaluatie aan het einde van de periode en nieuw overleg over volgende periode
Organizational Control The systematic process through which managers regulate organizational activities to make them consistent with expectations established in Plans Targets Standards of performance
Organizational Control To effectively control an organization, managers need to decide What information is essential How will they obtain that information How they can and should respond to it
Feedback Control Model
Control Philosophies Hierarchical control influencing employee behavior and assess performance through rules policies hierarchy of authority reward systems other formal devices Decentralized control relies on organizational culture group norms focus on goals rather than rules and procedures
Hierarchical and Decentralized Methods of Control Hierarchical Control Decentralized Control Basic Assumptions People are incapable of self-discipline and cannot be trusted. They need to be monitored and controlled closely. People work best when they are fully committed to the organization Actions Uses detailed rules and procedures; formal control systems. Uses top-down authority, formal hierarchy, position power, quality control inspectors. Relies on task-related job descriptions. Emphasizes extrinsic rewards (pay, benefits, status). Features rigid organizational culture; distrust of cultural norms as means of control. Features limited use of rules; relies on values, group and self-control, selection, and socialization. Relies on flexible authority, flat structure, expert power; everyone monitors quality. Relies on result-based job descriptions; emphasizes goals to be achieved. Emphasizes extrinsic and intrinsic rewards (meaningful work, opportunities for growth). Features adaptive culture; culture recognized as means for uniting individuals, team, and organizational goals for overall control. Consequences Employees follow instructions and do just what they are told. Employees feel a sense of indifference toward work. Employees absenteeism and turnover is high. Employees take initiative and seek responsibility. Employees are actively engaged and committed to their work. Employee turnover is low
Total Quality Management TQM Based on decentralized control philosophy Organizationwide commitment to infusing quality into every activity through continuous improvement Quality circles Benchmarking Six Sigma Reduced cycle time Continuous improvement
The Balanced Scorecard
MBO/E structuren 2000 contractmanagement zelfbeheer accountmanagement projectmanagement etc. managers hebben moeite met, zijn angstig voor “sturen op afstand”en de daaraan verbonden afhankelijkheid van informatie problemen om management control te realiseren manager zoekt zekerheden, vaste managementstructuren, MBO/E-achtige managementstructuren bieden oplossingen leidinggeven wordt moeilijk gevonden
2000 doorlopend verdere ontwikkeling van MBO/E -achtige managementstructuren mits goed ingericht en uitgevoerd en voorzien van open informatiekanalen binnen gestructureerde administratieve procedures (bis) kan een redelijke zekerheid van acceptabele management control worden verkregen. een goede uitvoering is afhankelijk van wederzijdse loyaliteit en onderling vertrouwen van medewerkers en manager in het verband van gemaakte afspraken.
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