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GepubliceerdRosalia Bogaert Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
Deltion College Engels C1 Spreken [Edu/003] thema “Oprah at Deltion” can-do : kan duidelijke, gedetailleerde beschrijving geven van complexe onderwerpen, een betoog afronden met passende conclusies, kan ingaan op subthema’s en lange en ingewikkelde verhalen vertellen. © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.
Time assignment: 3 SBU 120 minutes preparation of various roles; approx. 30 minutes presentation ‘live show in class’ – 30 minutes watching video End products: a. Talk show along Oprah Winfrey lines Needed: guests for the talk show; guests as audience; a talk show host/hostess internet video recording equipment + camera crew
•Jullie hebben deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als er een goedlopende ‘talk show’ wordt gepresenteerd waarin onderwerpen duidelijk gestructureerd worden besproken, er goed omgegaan wordt met onderbrekingen, er spontaan gereageerd wordt op reacties uit het publiek.
Situation You are a regular Talk Show addict: you watch Oprah, Jerry and their Dutch equivalents whenever you can. The idea of presenting a Talk Show appeals to you – you decide to organize an “Oprah at Deltion” talk show with (fake) guests, hosted by an Oprah or Jerry lookalike….
Assignment for 4 students + audience (approx. 16) + camera crew (1 – 2) teamwork roleplay Tip: book the video camera well in advance (Coenraad Rietman: Studiehuis)
»Talk show •1. Make sure you know enough about the fixed ‘rituals’ of a talkshow. •Watch one of the shows on telly (BBC, without subtitles) or, if you work at your home computer you can watch some of the reels on-line (the school network does not allow ‘downloading’ of film material). •Click here to go to the Oprah Winfrey site, or here to go to Jerry Springer’ •Take enough time to study the various links and make notes of what seems useful for your purpose. •With your group, decide who is going to be the host/ hostess and which guests you are going to have. •Divide roles. PRACTISE!!
•Hints and steps to be taken before presenting the talk show: •Make sure the camera is functioning •Make instructions for the audience (CLAP, Boo, Hush, etc.). •If necessary, organize microphones •It may be helpful for your guests to ‘dress up’ to make it easier for them to play their roles •The show itself and its video recording will be marked by your teacher. Points will be evenly divided over presenter and guests.
•If you want to have more general info on the workings of talk shows, •click
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