Amsterdam Rural Forum Introduction Workshop EIP – AGRI


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Amsterdam Rural Forum Introduction Workshop EIP – AGRI “Cross Over Food & Health” European Agriculture Fund for Rural Developmet 9 oktober 2019

Presentation “EIP – AGRI” ? “Cross Over” ? “Cross Over Food & Health” as perfect example of an EIP By Annemiek Canjels, Rural Network The Netherlands Support Unit – EIP Agri 9 oktober 2019

Presentation “EIP – AGRI” ? “Cross Over” ? “Cross Over Food & Health” as perfect example of an EIP 9 oktober 2019

EIP – AGRI why There is a challenge There is an urgency We need innovation We need a system to spread and implement the results quickly 9 oktober 2019 4

Challenge: Sustainable Agriculture asap Duurzaam in de zin van verantwoord / bevorderlijk voor de omgeving (water, bodem, lucht, ruimte – gerelateerd aan verbruik en hergrondstoffen, voedselverspilling, schadelijke stoffen, emissies, transportbewegingen en energieverbruik) PLANET Duurzaam in de zin van toegerust om de groeiende wereldbevolking te voorzien van voldoende en gezonde voeding (inclusief voer, biobased grond-, inhouds- en bouwstoffen en groene energie) PEOPLE Duurzaam in de zin van verzekerd van continuïteit en rendement voor de sector (eerlijke prijzen, level playing field, goed ondernemersklimaat en investeringsruimte voor innovatie en vervanging) PROFIT Food security, Climate change, Resource efficiency, Health Fair prices, negotiating power, control Entrepreneurship, creativity, curiousity, use of knowledge, courage, skills Reconnecting consumer and producer 9 oktober 2019

Urgency: World population towards > 11 bln ? Resources vs Climate Change 9 oktober 2019

Innovation: An idea put into practice The implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service) or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations (OECD)

System: Tools to boost impact Networking Communication New topics for innovation Cross overs Social innovation (behaviour, attitude) New entrepreneurship New stakeholders New communities Entrepreneurship, creativity, curiousity, use of knowledge, courage, skills 9 oktober 2019


EIP – AGRI to the rescue ! “EIP – Agri is a new framework to boost innovation through networking and collective work” “Today’s farmers are new Renaissance men; they must possess the right mix of science, economics, entrepreneurialism and environmental awareness to meet the challenges of the future” “Links between research, farmers & industry are too weak, too many innovations are still left unexploited and too many research questions from the sector remain unanswered”

An EU wide EIP network, supported under Rural development policy NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW

Prediction of EIP – AGRI impact EAFRD Measure Cooperation is in all MS Public investment in R&I related to EAFRD 10 – 20 bln Public investment in R&I related to Horizon 2020 for SC2 4,5 bln + 0,5 bln for Multi Actor & Thematic Groups 2 – 3000 Operational Groups 3 - 4000 Ideas and Innovations 9 oktober 2019

Presentation “EIP – AGRI” ? “Cross Over” ? “Cross Over Food & Health” as perfect example of an EIP 9 oktober 2019

Cross Over Take one field of expertise …. Take another …. Observe, learn, admire, question …. Find mutual or complementary challenges …. Exchange, cooperate, try, fail, imagine …. Learn how to do things in a different way ! Create a new solution ! Create a new business model ! Beter organiseren: Sterke collectieven, onderhandelingsvaardigheden, kennis van de handel, eigen initiatieven, samenwerkingsverbanden Voortouw nemen bij leveren van nieuwe producten; energie, materialen, inhoudsstoffen, vezels, smaakstoffen, technologie, voedselproducten met toegevoegde waarde, slimme levering en distributie, voedselveiligheid, diëten enz; Eigenaarschap: aandeelhouder van productielocaties in het buitenland, mede-eigenaar IP, speler op aandelenmarkt of termijnmarkt, manager op afstand .. 9 oktober 2019

Presentation “EIP – AGRI” ? “Cross Over” ? “Cross Over Food & Health” as perfect example of an EIP 9 oktober 2019

Innovation themes agriculture 1 Evergreens More with less, better quality, higher yields High tech systems, robotics New production methods (soilless, LED f.i.) Crop protection, plant resiliance Precision farming, sensoring Organic farming

Innovation themes agriculture 2 From disadvantage into USP Circular production systems Emission reduction, CO2 reduction Lower use of resources Climate mitigation, Climate adaptation (focus on water issues) Biobased materials and substances 9 oktober 2019

Innovation themes agriculture 3 Cross Over opportunity Transition from cost reduction strategy towards added value strategy; new businessmodels, new market concepts Lower production risks, stronger position of farmers in the chain, reduced market failure Healthy diets and medicinal substances Short supply chains, business to consumer Local for local small scale and large scale E-sales and direct e-marketing Personalized foods, novel foods Urban farming

Stakeholders Farmers (with new skills) Researchers Innovation brokers Marketeers, communication experts Storytellers, designers, teachers, chefs IP-experts, trade experts, experts from along the chain, incl. industry, suppliers, seed companies, transporters …

EIP – AGRI contact info EIP Europe: International network of Innovation Brokers Agriculture: EIP The Netherlands: 9 oktober 2019