A National Strategy for Public Libraries in the Netherlands


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Transcript van de presentatie:

A National Strategy for Public Libraries in the Netherlands Maria Heijne - Director Netherlands Institute for Public Libraries (SIOB) NAPLE, Milan 2013

Administrative context Municipality Funding 168 local library organizations (900 libraries) Province Support of local libraries through 10 provincial organizations (e.g. IT and ILL) National government Focus: ‘the library system’ at a national scale Funding Innovation digital infrastructure National digital library

Netherlands Institute for Public Libraries Mandated by Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Strategy for the national public library infrastructure at large Development of the digital infrastructure National digital library, financed at a national level As of 01.01.2015 integrated in the National Library Alliances with strategic network partners in NL Programs for: People with reading disabilities, Reading promotion, ‘library in the school’, life long learning

Development National Digital Infrastructure Executed by Bibliotheek.nl National Library Catalogue (NBC+): All NL metadata (30 M) Access to digital content, like e-Books, e-music, national heritage, recommendations, (p)reviews, et cetera Website-services: content management, widget store Website as a service (WaaS): same web presentation all over NL Local Libraries: web management only. Data Warehouse (DWH): aggregated management information Benchmarking, Reports CRM/marketing at a central level

A National Digital Library New library act for the framework of public libraries New role for the National Library (KB) as of 2015 National Library responsible for national digital infrastructure Strategy/policy and operational responsibility Purchase of digital media/content and handling of licenses at a national level for public libraries

Physical library <> digital library Cross channel model Integrated Library

Cross channel

Cross channel model – General ideas Content must contain high quality metadata and be independent from any channel requirements to be picked up at the right moment sent through the right channel to the right customer This requires: centralized knowledge of customers focus on behaviour of customers switching from channel to channel Will the customer have a similar experience when switching from the website to the physical environment? Er dienen zich voortdurend nieuwe kanalen aan en klanten raken er steeds meer aan gewend tussen verschillende kanalen te schakelen om het kanaal te vinden dat ze juist op dat moment het beste uitkomt. Bovendien verwachten ze voor hen relevante content, waar ze zich ook bevinden. Daarom doen alle organisaties die met klanten werken, er goed aan op tijd een begin te maken met het creëren van relevante conversaties met klanten via alle kanalen. Degenen die dat het beste doen, worden de marktleiders van de toekomst.

Cross channel means integration Channels that are offered to the customer are intertwined (integrated) and the image of the supplier radiates through each channel in the same way. Channels can disappear and in such a case the power of the system lays in automatic reinforcement of other channels. The whole system of channels should continue to seamlessly connect the (potential) choices of a customer. De bibliotheek moet in al zijn verscheidenheid makkelijk vindbaar zijn voor de klant en de kanalen moeten in onderlinge  verbinding staan tot elkaar, elkaar versterken, maar ook elkaar kunnen vervangen als dat nodig blijkt. Het is in feite een ' gesloten systeem' en eenmaal 'binnen' zal de klant alle facetten van het platform tegen moeten komen en op die wijze altijd geconfronteerd kunnen worden met  alle mogelijkheden die de bibliotheek voor haar in petto heeft.  Tegelijkertijd moet elk kanaal apart zo zijn geconstrueerd dat de klant daar de dienstverlening aantreft die aansluit bij de verwachting.

Translated to the library environment… Titel van de presentatie

Next steps Describe a uniform customer approach per channel Create links between channels CRM applications and analyses is designed in such a way that all customer behaviour can be connected to every channel Strategic shift only by the people who drive it: Give them responsibility for the approach and the message for each channel.