PPM/Quality Management en BPM


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Transcript van de presentatie:

PPM/Quality Management en BPM 2 soorten koppeling en ‘1’ doel: ’Betere’ producten door (?) een ‘beter‘ proces (=organisatie)

Vragen: Wat is het verschil tussen borging en procesverbeteren? Wat is de rol van kwaliteits methodieken in de BPM-Cycle? Wat is Continuous Improvement bij BPM?

Typical Problems with Organizations No aggregated view on business processes and objects (e.g. customers) Typical Problems with Organizations Multitude of fat client applications No single point of monitoring and management ERP Legacy Application CRM No end-to-end business processes control All these issues have a negative effect on Flexibility, Responsiveness, and Productivity Business logic is not reusable because it is not exposed through open standards Limited or poor integration between systems (stovepipes) Business logic is locked and hidden in legacy systems that are hard to change and extend

Typical Customer Scenario Highly interactive browser based user interface Typical Customer Scenario Harmonized user interface Use of open standards throughout all systems Increased business insight through central management and control of business processes Cordys Process Management Layer Create new functionality to fill the gaps Modeling and execution of business processes Existing business logic is unlocked, exposed as Web services and reusable Legacy Application ERP CRM Existing applications are leveraged

Business Process Speed and Agility Increasing the Scope and Sophistication of Integration Improves Business Performance Tactical Guidelines: The difficulty of integration increases as a multiple of the number of processing nodes, the number of application owners, the sophistication of the interactions and the rate of application changes. The business value of integration increases in proportion to its difficulty. Hard Easy Visionary Intermingle Processes Transaction With Updates Business Process Speed and Agility Immediate Look-up Send Data Sophistication Within Dept. Across Depts. Enterprise- wide Known Partners Ad Hoc Partners An agile enterprise has a competitive advantage because it can act swiftly on routine transactions and modify its processes quickly in response to changing conditions. The core principle that underlies agility is to have a comprehensive view of all participants and steps in a business process. Business units, people, application systems and automated devices in diverse locations can be viewed as subsystems in a single, holistic system. The idea of the virtual enterprise confirms business trends that have been underway for years. The boundaries of the conventional enterprise are increasingly porous as information, goods and services flow more quickly. Application integration is the common theme underlying zero-latency enterprise, real-time enterprise, on-demand enterprise, customer relationship management, supply chain management and many other modern business strategies. The scope of interactions is increasing, as connections are made not only among business units in the same company, but also to business units outside the enterprise. The sophistication of interactions is changing by modeling, managing and monitoring more aspects of each business process. Shallow, slow-moving, loose application couplings — such as file transfer — are being complemented, and sometimes replaced, by faster and richer forms of interchange, including: 1) direct interactive lookups, 2) invoking remote functions (e.g., via Web services) and 3) linking business processes (business process fusion). Action Item: IS managers, architects and developers must work with business analysts and business unit managers in every stage of an integration project because most of the costs and benefits of integration occur outside of the IS department. Scope

Het duivelse vierkant

Borging vs verbeteren:

Inzet verschillende methodieken: S Banerjee op SixSigma.nl “Lean is gericht op snelle en efficiënte bedrijfsprocessen, waarbij het borgen van de kwaliteit vaak een issue blijkt te zijn” Gecombineerde implementatie door 2 specialistische practioners,[...] kan leiden tot een bedrijfscultuur waar denkers (SixSigma) conflicteren met doeners (Lean)

Overzicht Verbetermethodes door Procesverbeteren. nl http://www

Methdology comparison by CSC

Welke Rol speelt een PPM in...

Which Methodology is Best? CSC experience, results Which Methodology is Best? “Best” is depends by the needs and current state of your organization “Best” may be a combination of methodologies An organization ready for Six Sigma is also ready for Lean or other methodologies The name of methodology used doesn’t matter; what matters is leadership, commitment, vision, strategy, and follow-through from supplier to customer CSC= Computer Science Corparation

Procesverbeteren.nl : Veel groter dan deze verschillen zijn de overeenkomsten tussen de verbetermethodes: Elke methode verbetert de bedrijfsprocessen stapsgewijs, via een cyclisch proces van meten, analyseren, verbeteren en tenslotte borgen van de verbetering, zie de tabel "cyclische verbetermethoden en hun primaire effect" Dit continue verbeterproces staat bekend onder verschillende namen, waaronder Deming-cyclus (plan-do-check-act oftewel PDCA) en DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control). Gaat het om kleine verbeteringen die multidisciplinaire teams (bijna) zelfstandig uivoeren, dan wordt ook de Japanse term Kaizen gebruikt. Lokale optimalisatie is taboe, het gaat om het vergroten van de waardetoevoeging ‘van zand tot klant’. Dit wordt proces-oriëntatie genoemd. De stapsgewijze verbeterprojecten worden uitgevoerd door multidisciplinaire teams, waardoor afdelingsoverschrijdend samenwerken wordt gestimuleerd (zie ook punt 2). De genoemde teams zijn ‘eigenaar’ van ‘hun’ bedrijfsproces. Streven naar empowerment: Werknemers worden gestimuleerd om verbeteringen aan te dragen en door te voeren. Het doel is dat werknemers zélf het verschil leren zien tussen verspilling en waardetoevoeging. De logistieke verbetermethoden Lean, TOC en QRM hebben gemeen dat het verbeteren van de doorstroom het hoofddoel is, zie het kader "logistieke verbetermethoden verbeteren de doorstroom".

VOLWASSENHEID / MATURITY 11-11-2013 IBKBPM013T - Methoden en technieken procesverbetering

VOLWASSENHEID / MATURITY van de BPM organisatie 11-11-2013 IBKBPM013T - Methoden en technieken procesverbetering

VOLWASSENHEID / MATURITY 11-11-2013 IBKBPM013T - Methoden en technieken procesverbetering

CMM-BPM toegepast door Aris-IDS

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