Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 1 Ludo W. van Meeuwen 1,3, Saskia Brand-Gruwel 1, Jeroen J.G. van Merriënboer 1,2, & Jeano J.P.R. de Bock 3 1 Open University of the Netherlands, 2 Maastricht University, The Netherlands, 3 Air Traffic Control The Netherlands Utrecht, 5 maart 2010 Adaptief Opleiden in Technologische, Cognitief Complexe Domeinen 4C/ID-dag
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2 Round table, in de praktijk Inleiding –Presentatie ATC Casus –(eigen) Praktijk –Presentaties –Conclusies (zaalvoorzitter)
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 3 Casus Workload Management Tom ATC-Trainee
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 4 1:Safe (5 NM or 1000 Ft.) 2:Efficient 3:Environmentally aware 1:Flight level (FL) 2:Heading 3:Speed
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 5 Mental picture Chuncking
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 6 Mental picture Chuncking Decision of order
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 7 Mental picture Chuncking Decision of order R/T, Labeling…
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 8 Adaptief trainen Behoeft adaptief trainen LVNL Individuele taakselectie Uitval Individuele leerbehoefte Cognitief complex Technologische veranderingen Huidige situatie
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 9 Research Questions What are characteristics of an adaptive training systems? What are the required learning skills to make optimal use of an adaptive training system in a cognitively complex and technology demanding domain? How can an adaptive training system be designed to support learning for a cognitively complex and technology demanding domain?
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 10 Adaptief trainen LearnerSequence of learning tasks Training System Non-adaptive Adaptive System Controlled Adaptive Learner Controlled General Individual A B C Push Pull Learner 1 = Learner 2 Learner 1 ≠ Learner 2 Adaptive Shared Controlled D Pull Learner 1 ≠ Learner 2 Push Individual
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 11 Leertraject vs. Leertaken
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 12 SDL
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 13 Adaptive training system DatabasePortfolio Task Coaching Protocol Level of Guidance -Performance -Competences -Assessment criteria -Heuristics -Needs -Goals -Tasks -Meta-data
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 14 Opracht Casus (evt. eigen relevante situatie) Werk in een poster een van onderstaande aspecten uit –Taken/Taken database (meta-data) Vb: Taakkeuze ondersteunen –Portfolio Vb: Zelf-sturing stimuleren –Heuristieken Vb: Selectiecriteria bedenken –Task performance Vb: Regulatie stimuleren –Coaching Protocollen Vb: Nieuwe rol van de docent/coach
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 15 Presentaties/conclusies …
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 16 Thank you for your attention Questions? Remarks?!