Paragraph 2.31
People wanted to avoid war in the future. League of Nations (1919) had failed. In 1945: 2 nd try: United Nations.
Aims: Maintain international peace and security Develop friendly relations Achieve international co-operation in solving problems Be a centre for collective action. 51 countries signed it! Now: 192 countries are a member
General Assembly ( Algemene Vergadering) All countries meet and all have 1 vote. 2/3 majority is needed to agree on something.
(Veiligheidsraad) Is the real power in the UN! 15 members, 5 are permanent: = Britain, USA, France, SU and China 10 others are elected every 2 years.
De overige tien landen worden voor twee jaar gekozen Elk jaar worden er vijf nieuwe landen gekozen. Van deze tien landen zijn er - drie uit Afrika, - twee uit Azië, - twee uit Latijns-Amerika, - één uit Oost-Europa - twee uit een restgroep (West-Europa, Canada, Oceanië) Het voorzitterschap van de Veiligheidsraad wisselt op de eerste dag van elke nieuwe maand, in alfabetische volgorde van de Engelse naam van de leden.
Decisions in the Security Council: 9 countries must agree 5 permanent members have Veto: If 1 of them uses veto: no agreement!
Head of the UN. Chosen by the General Assembly. For 5-10 years Every time a different continent.
International Court of Justice: for legal disputes In The Hague
WHO. Improve standard of health around the world.
Improve working conditions worldwide.
SU was against the UN, because they thought that USA had too much influence. SU and USA vetoed each other's proposals. UN couldn’t intervene in problems. They did help in the Korean War, because SU didn’t show up at the meeting of the Security Council.
UN has mounted peacekeeping operations around the world: Kosovo, Bosnia, Congo, Somalia, Rwanda
The end.