Commercieel Manager


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Bouwbeurs Wat is NBD-online? •NBD-online, de meest volledige en actuele kennisbank met product-, leveranciersgegevens en vakinformatie. Olivier van Duijn. Totaljobs Group Snelste groei • 5 miljoen bezoeken van 3.2m kandidaten per maand • Iedere 2 seconden een sollicitatie.
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Transcript van de presentatie:

Commercieel Manager Again up until now ‘Serious About Jobs’ has served us well – during a period in which we were proving that online was the viable to both jobseeker an recruiter audiences It’s time now to adopt a new space in the minds of our audiences which is engaging, compelling and relevant to all jobseekers – whoever and wherever they are We believe this is in the area of ‘Opportunity’ Let me read out a direct quote from our new brand guide An explanation of ‘Opportunity’ from a jobseeker perspective… Totaljobs is built around you Totaljobs is your friend and someone to turn to when you are looking for a job. You can trust Totaljobs with your details and aspirations Totaljobs helps you find what you’re looking for quickly and easily It gives you access to a world of opportunities - including those you may not have considered This is achieved through offering a huge variety of jobs, and quick and easy tools to help you find and apply for them. Totaljobs is where you can find the job that fits the needs of your work and life style exactly. Michiel Karssen Commercieel Manager

Agenda Trends opties

2007: 3 belangrijke trends.. There is no doubt that the online recruitment landscape is heating up in the UK – we’re all feeling that heat! I’ll quickly talk about each of these… Owned by Associated New Media. They’ve woken up to online recruitment! Whilst they operate jobsite – they’re also buying up vertical job boards such as Inretail The Monster We know they spend a fortune on TV advertising. Despite this, our predominantly online marketing approach outstrips their performance time and time again Fish4jobs As you probably know they’re owned by by 4 newspaper groups In the past, they’ve used the newspaper assets to advertise in (600 newspapers in total) - but have still failed to make much of a mark. Many jobseekers tell us that they feel Fish4 JOBS’ offering is diluted by the homes and cars sections. Launched in the UK last year – they are the biggest recruitment website in the US – bigger than Monster. Whilst they’ve made made huge inroads in to the UK so far – who’s to say they won’t give it their best shot in 2007 – so we’re prepared for that. And of course there’s the verticals who try to nibble away at Totaljobs’ heels

Online? Vacaturesites + werkgeverssites vormen voor > 89% van de werkzoekenden de primaire bron van oriëntatie op de arbeidsmarkt (NOA) 80% van alle vacatures staan online (Nielsen) Online oriëntatie vindt plaats door actieve en juist ook latent werkzoekenden

Totaljobs Group E-business

Totaljobs group 5 miljoen bezoeken van 3.5m kandidaten per maand Iedere 2 seconden een sollicitatie

400.000 unieke bezoekers per maand 190.000 CV database profielen Volume 40.000 vacatures live 400.000 unieke bezoekers per maand 190.000 CV database profielen 33 sectoren

O.b.v. een diepgaand onderzoek: - Een nieuwe visie en positionering - Frisse nieuwe identiteit - Mooie nieuwe producten en diensten So to summarise We’ve unprecedented knowledge of UK jobseekers and their behaviour We’ve a new vision and position which we believe will resonate strongly amongst our audiences and people who work for Totaljobs And we have a new look, feel and tone of voice to win the hearts and minds of an ever growing number of jobseekers All of this information along with a full explanation of each of the component parts such as the values are contained within our brand book which will be made available to everyone over the next few days Today was about communicating the essence of what is about to become And to help with that – a short video…

Nuchter Echte vacatures en echte bedrijven Een realistische vriend Een afspiegeling van de NL vacaturemarkt Brengt je dichterbij je vakgebied Marktleider in echte service aan bedrijven Authentiek en betrouwbaar So to summarise We’ve unprecedented knowledge of UK jobseekers and their behaviour We’ve a new vision and position which we believe will resonate strongly amongst our audiences and people who work for Totaljobs And we have a new look, feel and tone of voice to win the hearts and minds of an ever growing number of jobseekers All of this information along with a full explanation of each of the component parts such as the values are contained within our brand book which will be made available to everyone over the next few days Today was about communicating the essence of what is about to become And to help with that – a short video…

Nieuwe gebruikers diensten Nieuwe recruiters producten So to summarise We’ve unprecedented knowledge of UK jobseekers and their behaviour We’ve a new vision and position which we believe will resonate strongly amongst our audiences and people who work for Totaljobs And we have a new look, feel and tone of voice to win the hearts and minds of an ever growing number of jobseekers All of this information along with a full explanation of each of the component parts such as the values are contained within our brand book which will be made available to everyone over the next few days Today was about communicating the essence of what is about to become And to help with that – a short video…

Job Basket Loopbaanadvies Boom box Mijn zoekopdrachten Snel zoeken 2 nieuwe sectoren Salaris check Zoek op locatie

‘Standaard’ ‘Uitgebreid’ Het productaanbod Plaatsen van vacatures Toegang tot de CV-database Banners, buttons ‘Uitgebreid’ Vacature in huisstijl Targeted e-mail Recruiter workshops Special:

Vacature in beeld Volledig in uw huisstijl Volledige beschrijving Meerdere images Eigen font

Targeted e-mail

Recruiter workshops Schrijven van vacatureteksten Gebruik van CV-database

De Clickbeurs: een generatie Y concept Ikke Ikke! Authentiek Digital natives Social Network MIJN bijdrage 24/7 Chatten

De online carrièrebeurs van Nederland 2008 De online carrièrebeurs van Nederland And just look at our year on year growth… Job volumes have grown by 43% Visits to the site 35% Unique jobseekers 59% Response levels 27% And candidate profiles not shown here have also grown by 32% year on year Phenomenal growth! The important thing to remember here is that these volumes mean that we are successfully matching jobs and jobseekers in larger numbers than ever before Doelgroep Beursperiode Beursvloer Beursstands Werkzoekenden met 0-4 jaar werkervaring Beursperiode Van 1 mei – Dag van de Arbeid – tot 31 mei 2008 Beursvloer Centrale informatiehal met toegang tot diverse sectorhallen Beursstands Basis en/of Premium stands Interactief Bezoekers kunnen onderling chatten Standhouders kunnen chatten met bezoekers Recruiters kunnen bedrijfsvideo's tonen aan bezoekers Integratie met social networking site Hyves

Premium stand Chat Video Bedrijfsinformatie FAQ’s Vacature zoekbox Maximaal 10 ‘avatars’ Uitgebreid standoppervlak Extra inrichtingsmogelijkheden Logo in sector nieuwsbrieven

So to summarise We’ve unprecedented knowledge of UK jobseekers and their behaviour We’ve a new vision and position which we believe will resonate strongly amongst our audiences and people who work for Totaljobs And we have a new look, feel and tone of voice to win the hearts and minds of an ever growing number of jobseekers All of this information along with a full explanation of each of the component parts such as the values are contained within our brand book which will be made available to everyone over the next few days Today was about communicating the essence of what is about to become And to help with that – a short video…

onmisbaar voor werkzoekenden Total number of views 35,610 So our new vision? To be indispensable to jobseekers This will be at the very core of our business and everyone is can influence this Implied within this vision is that we have the best technology, the best email communications, the widest selection of jobs from the most employers, and so on We believe it articulates our aspirations, engages everyone, is more imaginative and more inspiring Total number of views 35,610