“I find the following assumptions about creativity to be plausible if not compelling: (1) Both nature and nurture are important determinants of creative.


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I love you.

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Transcript van de presentatie:

“I find the following assumptions about creativity to be plausible if not compelling: (1) Both nature and nurture are important determinants of creative expression; (2) debate over which has the greater effect is generally not very useful; (3) essentially all people of normal intelligence have the potential to be creative to some degree; (4) few people realize anything close to their potential in this regard; (5) creative expression is generally desirable, because it usually contributes positively to the quality of life of the individual who engages in it and often enriches the lives of others as well; (6) the search for ways to enhance creativity – to help people develop more of their potential – is a reasonable quest in the absence of compelling evidence that such a search is futile; (7) the evidence, although somewhat tenuous, suggests that creativity can be enhanced; and (8) how to enhance creativity is not well understood, but there are possibilities that merit exploration.” (Nickerson, 1999)

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Creatief Dénken

Creativiteit = … verband zien tussen zaken die schijnbaar niets met elkaar te maken hebben* en daar betekenis aan geven**. Jelle Jolles (Het Ideeëntoestel, 2015) *Waar haal ik zaken vandaan die schijnbaar niets met elkaar te maken hebben? **Hoe geef ik er betekenis aan?



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This is where the fun begins! + ? = + ? = + ? = + ? =


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Creatief denken kun je leren Mystificatie ‘Hoe verzinnen ze het toch?!’ Bewust doen Véél doen Eigen maken ‘Dat heb ik zelf verzonnen!’

Eigen maken Véél doen Bewust doen Doen & Zijn Maken & Reflecteren Creatieve Denkvaardigheden Véél doen Bewust doen

Boek, praktisch, ‘starter-kit’ Achtergronden + literatuur Creatieve Denkvaardigheden + lessen voor verschillende ‘leeftijden’ + materialen downloaden: www.ideeentoestel.nl Ontwikkelingsmodel + karakteristiek Pilot-evaluatie

Niet WAAROM maar HOE KENNIS en CREATIVITEIT in balans Creatief Denken bestaat niet

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