Research Master Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences Are you interested in the basis of consciousness, the mechanisms of learning, the genetics of behaviour or the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration? In this program you study the brain, cognition and behaviour from different perspectives. Ben je geïnteresseerd in de grondslag van het bewustzijn, het mechanisme van leren, de genetica van gedrag of het moleculaire mechanisme van neurodegeneratie? Dan zit je hier goed! Want tijdens de BCN research master leer je over het brein, cognitie en gedrag vanuit verschillende perspectieven. Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
BCN: Organization Courses and researchers from 5 different faculties: Science and Engineering (organizing faculty) Behavioural and Social Sciences Medical Sciences Arts Philosophy Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences
Aims of the program To provide a thorough specialist training in the theoretical basis and state of the art methods in one of the subfields of Neuroscience. To prepare for a PhD and research career. Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences
What makes BCN special? Interdisciplinary Passion for Science Small-scale cohorts Freedom to pursue your interests
Tracks Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences track B. Animal and Human Behavioural Neuroscience track C. Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Modelling track N. Molecular and Clinical Neuroscience Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
Program Year 1 (60 EC) Year 2 (60 EC) Joint program for B, C and N Course EC Introduction to BCN 4 Career Related Topics 3 Colloquium Track courses (4*5 EC) 20 Minor thesis 29 BCN Summer Symposium I 1 Course EC Essay 4 Elective courses (3*5 EC) 15 Major thesis 40 BCN Summer Symposium II 1 Joint program for B, C and N
Track B: Animal and Human Behavioural Neuroscience Focus on evolution, function, development and causation of behaviour Integration between physiology, neurobiology and behaviour. Coordinator: Prof. Anton Scheurink
Track B: Animal and Human Behavioural Neuroscience Track-specific course units: B1. Timing of Behaviour B2. Function and Evolution of Behaviour B3. Neuroendocrine Basis of Behaviour B4. Individuality of Behaviour Timing of behaviour: meer inzicht ontwikkelen in het veld van de chronobiologie Function and Evolution of Behaviour: gedrag bekijken vanuit het oogpunt van evolutie Neuroendocrine: inzicht geven in het veld van de neuroendocrinologie en de relatie met de regulatie van gedrag Individuality: inzicht geven in individuele variatie van gedrag, omdat het niet de gemiddelde populatie is die een ziekte ontwikkeld, maar specifieke individuen onder specifieke omstandigheden. Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
Track C: Cognitive neuroscience and cognitive modelling Focuses on cognitive processing from psychological, neurological and modelling perspectives. Coordinator: Dr Mark Nieuwenstein
Track C: Cognitive neuroscience and cognitive modelling Track-specific course units: C1: Models of Cognition C2: Functional Neuroscience C3: Repeated Measures C4: Elective course units: Cognitive Modelling Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Models: studenten krijgen inzcht in de voor- en nadelen van verschillende theorien, zoals mathematische modellen om cognitie te verklaren en voorspellen Functional neuroscience: geeft een overzicht van de beschikbare methodes om hersenfunctie te meten en evalueren met colleges en practica waarin je zelf een fMRI experiment opzet Repeated: een statistische cursus op data van proefpersonen die meerdere keren op 1 of meer variabelen zijn getest. Cognitive modelling: hier ontwerp je een model aan de hand van verzamelde data Cognitive neuropsychiatry: in deze cursus krijg je meer informatie over psychische stoornissen zoals schizofrenie, autisme, depressie en meer Molecular and cellular neuroscience: in deze cursus leer je meer over de moleculaire biologie achter neuronale gen en eiwit regulatie
Track N: Molecular and Clinical Neuroscience Focus on the molecular mechanisms and neuropathology underlying neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, neuroinflammatory processes and stem cell biology. Coordinator: Dr Liesbeth Veenhoff
Track N: Molecular and Clinical Neuroscience Track-specific course units: N1. Functional Neuroscience N2. Pathology of the Nervous System N3. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience N4. Stem Cell and Glia Biology Functional neuroscience: meer inzicht in neurofysiologie en neuroanatomie en een practicum waarbij een eigen fMRI onderzoek wordt ontworpen en uitgevoerd Pathology: meer inzicht in de klinische en pathologische kenmerken van neurologische ziektes, zoals MS, Parkinson, Hersenbloedingen en dementie Molecular: in deze cursus leer je meer over de moleculaire biologie achter neuronale gen en eiwit regulatie Stem cell and glia biology: hier krijg je een overzicht van de ontwikkeling, fysiologie, en functie van alle niet-neurale cellen in het centrale zenuwstelsel Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
Minor and Major Theses Minor thesis: year 1, 29 EC, in Groningen
Minor and Major Theses Minor thesis: year 1, 29 EC, in Groningen Major thesis: year 2, 40 EC, in or outside Groningen
Examples Minor and Major Theses
Examples Minor and Major Theses
Do what you want! Demand-based education The program and the separate tracks are a blue print Exchange and interaction between tracks is encouraged Show initiative and make your own program (track coordinator/ Board of Examiners)
BCN is quite successful 75% of the students graduated in two years 50% received cum laude* 75% obtained a PhD position Top Rated Programme (higher education guide) Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
Application procedure Register at Send the following documents application form (from RUG website) curriculum vitae motivation letter + which track Academic referees BSc diploma’s or certified copy of grades (available at the education support desk) Motivation letter mention desired track
Important dates Application before May 1st Selection by Admission Board: by June 1st Start programme: September 1st Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
More information? BCN website: Program and course description: Program and course description: Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
Questions? Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences