Utrecht Attractive and Accessible


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Utrecht Attractive and Accessible Presentation title Utrecht Attractive and Accessible A new approach for sustainable urban mobility in Utrecht Paul Kouijzer, Manager Environment and Mobility Welcome Within our department.. X people work on mobility and a environment. Mezelf voorstellen 8-5-2006 1

Utrecht counts: 316.277 citizens 168 nationalities 228.359 jobs Presentation title Utrecht counts: 316.277 citizens 168 nationalities 228.359 jobs 135.617 homes 149.410 trees 321 restaurants Old city But modern developments In the Centre of Holland and surrounded by major highways. 300.000 inhabitants and growing Service economy

Randstad’: densely populated economic centre, with 7 million residents Presentation title Heart of the Netherlands, meaning a node in several transport networks But also: attractive place to live and to establish business Meaning big pressure on urban infrastructure Randstad’: densely populated economic centre, with 7 million residents 4 main cities Utrecht on 2 axes

Challenges: Absorption capacity reached Presentation title Challenges: Absorption capacity reached The demand for mobility might be unlimited, the space is not. Air quality limits reached on many spots and also noise is a problem. Moving traffic from one spot to another = moving problems PLUS extra emission on a city level, meaning more CO2 Urban roads have no free space left for cars, buses en biclcles All roads are full during rush hours

Integrated approach on sustainable mobility Presentation title Integrated approach on sustainable mobility Policy document Utrecht Attractive and Accessible 2030 Action plans for bicycles, public transport, bike and car parking, cleaner transport, cleaner freight transport, Air Quality improvement The Participation Standard, www.participedia.nl Participation is our Policy. Projectleaders use the Participation wizard (define the levels: informing, consulting, advising, co-production) This first of all means: participation! We want people to recognize themselves in the story, so we need to know their opinion and what they are feeling for. Round table discussions with all kinds of stakeholders AND transport and public space specialists Projects …For example; car sharing, utrecht electric, sustainable freight traffic, bicycle facilities, park and ride, environment zone, monitoring air quality, traffic and Mobility Management. management, tram, spatial planning to stimulate the desired behavior and Mobility Management

Participation and joint responsibility Presentation title Participation and joint responsibility Businesses Agreements with the top ten biggest companies to work on mobility management Citizens Raising awareness of the sense of urgency, and get people involved (participation) Not only the municipality sees this as a problem, inhabitants and companies demand sustainable mobility. Corporate Social Responsibility plays a big role. We have reached the point that people like to join us in handling the problems. 5 years ago: difficult to stimulate mobility management at companies. Now there are convenants with employers B50: top 50 employers, 11 in Utrecht 10 years ago it was not done to hand over your goods to another transport company, now it happens, since traffic problems are big, so time savings can be achieved. And also here CSR plays a role: companies like Cargohopper now exist and companies demand low CO2 emissions from all their suppliers. 6

Seven Main Choices Presentation title The city’s ambitious policy of Keeping Utrecht Attractive and Accessible will be achieved by decreasing the growth of car use by 50% by 2030 and diminishing CO2 emissions by at least 30% by 2020. Traditionally our goal was traffic management. However, under CIVITAS MIMOSA, Utrecht chose a mix of programs aimed at behavioral change and investments in public transport, cycling and a new way of building the city and our infrastructure. We have made a policy document with seven main choices. In July this year the city council decided that this document is leading for all we do, the document is leading for the choices we make concerning mobility and the infrastructure in our city.

Main choices: I. Behaviour leading in Mobility Policy Presentation title Main choices: I. Behaviour leading in Mobility Policy Rebuild the city to stimulate the preferred behavior Customer made approach on Lifestyles These are textblocks from our policydocument. Translated it says.. (zie rode tekstblokken) 1. We are looking to (re)build the city by investing in spaces that stimulate the preferred behavior 2. Customer made approach of the Target groups and segmenting the target groups on Lifestyles. What fase of life are they in, where do they live, how can we address them. Joint responsibility, participation. Nederlands: gebruiker centraal in het mobiliteitsbeleid een ruimtelijke inrichting die aansluit bij en ontworpen is vanuit is op de beleving en het gedrag van de gebruiker een klant- en keuzegerichte benadering (op basis van doelgroepen) een intensieve samenwerking met bewoners, bedrijven en instellingen vanuit een gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid   Joint responsibility of city council, citizens and companies

Main choices: II. Focus on Quality of Urban Spaces Presentation title Main choices: II. Focus on Quality of Urban Spaces An integrated approach that we work out in a quality plan for the public spaces. We focus on the use of the space and the desired quality. A sustainable plan is being made with Market Parties and should be cost effective and affordable. II. Kwaliteit in de openbare ruimte centraal stellen een samenhangende aanpak van ruimtelijke omgeving en infrastructuur in een kwaliteitsagenda het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de openbare ruimte in de brede binnenstad, de poorten van de binnenstad en op andere plaatsen in de stad met een hoge intensiteit aan fietsers en voetgangers samen met marktpartijen zoeken naar kwaliteit en een duurzame inrichting zonder daarbij de betaalbaarheid uit het oog te verliezen  

Main choices: III. Lively transport nodes Presentation title Main choices: III. Lively transport nodes Every part of town is different and is used differently. Travel alternatives have to be attractive. People like to travel fast. Nodes in the city offer seamless connections to desirable transport modes. At these nodes we have meeting points of activities and connect them. Like Utrecht CS, shopping centres, football stadium, university area, And we prefer to invest in infrastructure at these meeting points of activities. Preferable bicycle and Public Transport, pedestrian lanes. For example; where people shop we create infrastructure for pedestrians. To get to the shopping area we create good bicycle infrastructure and Public Transport (frequent). For cars we build good parking area’s Park and Ride at the outskirt of the city. In the area in between those nodes we create attractive living spaces for the citizens. III. Levendige centra op knooppunten. Dit principe houdt in dat we kiezen voor: een concentratie van activiteiten in zones rond centra, OV-knopen en het gebied daar tussen in inzetten op verhogen van de belevingswaarde in deze gebieden goede OV- en fietsverbindingen tussen deze centra/ knooppunten   10

Main choices: IV. The place decides the mobility choice Presentation title Main choices: IV. The place decides the mobility choice The place decides the mobility choice Mobility choice is based on zoning. What is the area used for what means of transport is suitable. Implement a differentiated parking policy in each zone.

Presentation title Uitleg in Engels in van 3 symbolen toevoegen voor mij (niet op sheet) These are some examples of future investments in infrastructure, with in de middle a new Central Station. Ik zou niet weten wat deze sheet nu uitlegt, dus ik zou hem weglaten. Ik dacht dat weet jij wel. Ziet er indrukwekkend uit. Geen verhaal in mijn pocket (dominique)

Main choices: V. (Regional) Tram as basis for the PT system Presentation title Main choices: V. (Regional) Tram as basis for the PT system The connected city An alternative is only attractive when there are good connections between housing areas, city centre and other destinations. Therefore: switch to tram and cycling highways, that cross big infrastructural barriers. But also, tram development can be a driver for urban development and public space quality. We refer to the examples abroad like in France. So we want to make the switch from a situation where not only cars, but also Public transport puts high pressure on quality, to a more attractive place to stay. Busses are being replaced for the tram. Cleaner transport, frequent transport, bigger capacity with the tram. To start from de city centre and central Station to our university area. But of course that is not done easily, we have quite some challenges. First of all: money: This ambition costs quite some money, which is not available now. What we want to do is have internal and external parties to connect, “to make money with money”. But until now, we haven’t beengood in this. Tips? V. Randstadspoor en HOV (tram) als basis van het OV-systeem de ontwikkeling van Randstadspoor (RSS) en doorgaande regionale HOV-corridors in de stad met P+R op de knopen, met de ambitie het HOV te vertrammen waar mogelijk het vervangen van busverkeer in het centrumgebied door trams en uitbouwen en aanpassen van het OV-netwerk een onderscheid in snelle verbindende trajecten naar de regio en minder snelle ontsluitende trajecten in de stad

Presentation title

Presentation title

Main choices: VI. Bicycle as primary transport mode in town Presentation title Main choices: VI. Bicycle as primary transport mode in town Solution: cycling is cheap. We are good in it Space efficient We see opportunities for e-bikes on 10 km ranges, therefore cycle highways. But we now experience the downsides. Cycling also has a space and public space quality problem, the parking problem! We create 22.000 bike parking places in the station area plus 11.000 in direct surroundings. Still we fear it is not enough and that they will not be used all. Bikes park in front of the door! Maybe people should get used that they cannot park their bike in front of every door anymore, like has happened with the car? VI. De fiets als primair vervoersmiddel in de stad een sterke verruiming van de binnenstadszone waar de fiets (en voetganger) leidend zijn inrichting met ruime stallingvoorzieningen op snelheid en comfort ingerichte 'snelfietsroutes' tussen de stedelijke en regionale centra meer belevingswaarde rond de dragende fietsroutes (kwaliteitsnetwerk)

Presentation title Utrecht street picture on your left. You saw this morning in the Station Area we have a lot of bikes to park. This is the picture of the new parking place in the station area. 20.000 spaces.

Presentation title Main choices: VII. Inner Urban ring road transformed into urban boulevard The inner urban ring only for local car traffic. (green line). We make it like a boulevard. Slow travelling for cars , space for bicycle lanes and pedestrians. De red lines; highway for fast travelling. Red arrow the best way to get into the city (fly in). Spacial continuity in the area between the ring and the innercity Nederlands: verbeteren van de ruimtelijke kwaliteit en oversteekbaarheid op de stadsring ruimtelijke continuïteit in het gebied tussen RING en binnenstad

Invest in relations between people, they make it work! Presentation title Invest in relations between people, they make it work! Make it personal Experiment and learn Share successes Use the knowledge Of the target groups Samenvattend: So these were some highlights of our Cities Policy Utrecht Attractive and Accessible. We are looking to (re)build the city by investing in spaces that stimulate the preferred behavior: improving public transport, provide good cycling infrastructure, investing in cleaner transport, promote less and cleaner freight transport, increasing the use of electric vehicles and car sharing, expanding transport by tram, mobility management with businesses and building new Park and Ride facilities. Over 30 projects were started under the umbrella of the policy document 'Utrecht Attractive and Accessible', 18 of which are CIVITAS MIMOSA measures. To meet this challenge, we are developing new ambitions for mobility and public space jointly. It should be no standard transport policy, but a story people feel connected to and want to contribute to. Away from negative problem thinking, and on to more positive quality thinking. Please let me know what you think of our approach? Do you recognize anything, like to share your experience in your city? Samenvattende teksten in engels invoegen voor mij ter afronding van presentatie

Presentation title So now i introduce to you my collegue Mark Degenkamp, my team member and our traffic specialist. He will tell you more about our sustainable Freight Traffic challenges and solutions.