

Verwante presentaties
Themadag Stoomplatform Energie besparing stoom & condensaat systemen

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DE NAYER INSTITUUT Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst
Transcript van de presentatie:


Wat gaan we bestuderen? Doel & Karakteristieken Principes Voordelen >< Nadeel Technologie // Toepassingen Plaatsen van condenspotten en Afwateringspunten Condenspotbewaking

Doel & Karakteristieken Verwijderen condensaat Levensduur & betrouwbaarheid Ontluchten Minimaal stoom verlies CO2 evacueren Corrosie Bestendig Ongevoelig zijn voor vuil Ongevoelig zijn voor tegendruk What are the roles of the steam trap? What are the characteristics that your expect from the steam trap? The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Nadeel slecht evacueren van CO2: Er ontstaat corrosie in de leiding ( CO2 + H2O H2CO3 ) Onderkoeld condensaat + CO2 = Koolzuur


Lager rendement van warmtewisselaar Nadeel: Lager rendement van warmtewisselaar

Onderscheid stoom & condensaat Principes // praktijk demo Onderscheid stoom & condensaat Condenspotfamilie Snelheid Thermodynamisch Temperatuur Thermostatisch Dichtheid Mechanisch How can the difference be made between steam and condensate. Please explain

Thermodynamisch Principes // praktijk demo The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Thermodynamisch Principes // praktijk demo In red Steam, in blue condensate

Principes // praktijk demo Thermostatisch

Thermostatisch Principes // praktijk demo Balg Membraan Bimetaal The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Principles // praktijk demo Balg

Membraan Principes // praktijk demo The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Principes // praktijk demo Bimetaal

Mechanisch Principes // praktijk demo The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Mechanisch Principes // praktijk demo F & T / Vlotter I B/Omgekeerde Emmer

F & T / Vlotter & Thermostatisch Principes // praktijk demo F & T / Vlotter & Thermostatisch Vlotter Thermostatisch element Klep Zitting

F & T / Vlotter & Thermostatisch Principes // praktijk demo F & T / Vlotter & Thermostatisch

F & T / Vlotter & Thermostatisch Principes // Praktijk demo F & T / Vlotter & Thermostatisch

Principes // Praktijk demo Zitting I B/Omgekeerde Emmer Klep Vent Hefboom & Emmer The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

I/B Omgekeerde Emmer Principes // Praktijk demo The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Principles // working demo I B/Omgekeerde Emmer The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Principles // working demo I B/Omgekeerde Emmer The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Balg-Membraan-Bimetaal Samenvatting Familie Werkingsprincipe Type Thermodynamisch Thermostatisch Mechanisch Snelheid Temperatuur Dichtheid Schijf Balg-Membraan-Bimetaal F&T – I B The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Voordelen-Nadelen Voordelen Nadelen Thermodynamisch Schijf Afmetingen & gewicht Installatie oriëntatie One seat size Waterslag bestendig Goedkoop Weersgevoelig Cyclus & lage belasting ∆p gevoelig Vuil gevoelig Opblokking condensaat Slechte evacuatie NCG Levensduur The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Voordelen-Nadelen Voordelen Nadelen Thermostatisch Balg-Membraan Bimetaal Afmetingen & gewicht Installatie oriëntatie Aanpasbaar aan ∆p Bi-metallisch waterslagbestendig Goed ontgassen bij opstart Balg & membraan gevoelig aan waterslagen Vuilgevoelig Opblokking condensaat Evacueert geen hete lucht Levensduur The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Voordelen-Nadelen Voordelen Nadelen Mechanisch F&T / Vlotter Grote condensaatdebieten Geen condensaat opblokking Klep zit in condensaat Goede ontgassing bij opstart Waterslaggevoelig Vuilgevoelig Bevriezingsgevaar Geen ontluchting van hete lucht Gesloten bij falen The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Voordelen-Nadelen Voordelen Nadelen Mechanisch I B / Omgekeerde Emmer Roles & Characteristics Principles // Working Demo Applications Pumping trap Mechanisch Voordelen Nadelen I B / Omgekeerde Emmer Relatief hoge debieten Geen condensaatopblokking Klep zit bovenaan Goede ontluchting van NCG Levensduur Open igv falen Goed waterslagbestendig Verticale positie Gevoelig voor overhitte stoom The main role of a steam trap is to remove condensate, air and CO2 from the steam system as quickly as they accumulate. Steam traps are key components in any steam system and, to be effective, must provide the following: Minimal steam loss Long life and dependable service Corrosion resistance Air venting CO2 venting Operation against back pressure Freedom from dirt problems

Technologie // Toepassingen Eerste keuze Hoofdlijn Stoom aftakkingen Condensaat Afscheider Tracing Overhitte stoom IB of F&T* IB Bimetallic * F&T enkel binnenopstelling F&T inside only to prevent of freezing

Plaatsen van condenspotten in stoomsysteem

Selectie van condenspotten & veiligheidsfactoren

Selectie van condenspotten & veiligheidsfactoren

Ontwatering van stoomleiding SLECHT

Ontwatering van stoomleiding GOED

Dimensioneren van afwateringspunten

Dimensioneren van afwateringspunten Aanbevolen afwateringslengte per stoomcollector The length of the drip leg is determined by the type of warm-up the system is designed to experience. If system startups will be supervised, the drip leg length should be at least 1-1/2 times the diameter of the main, but never less than 250 mm. If system startups are not supervised(automatic warm-up), make drip legs a minimum of 710 mm in length.

Universele Connector

Condenspot Bewaking Uitvoeren door gespecialiseerde service ingenieur Minimaal jaarlijkse controle van condenspotten Maximaal 7% faling Advies correcte condenspot Lekkende condenspot ½ jaar terugverdiend Volledige analyse van de condenspotten populatie: Visuele inspectie, Infra rood temperatuur beeld Ultrasone geluidstest

Condenspotten Management verlaagt Totale Kosten Basis Gegevens: - 5.000 condenspotten - Stoomkosten25 €/t

UNFCCC Methodologie AM0017 / EU Best verkrijgbare Technieken Calculatie van Stoomverlies Bewerkingsfactoren wanneer Stoomverlies aanwezig Failure Type FT Doorblazen (BT) 1,00 Lekkend(LK) 0,25 Snel schakelen(RC) 0,20

Gedetailleerde rapportage

Sage condenspot controle Condenspot gegevens consulteerbaar via Iphone, Ipad of PC Ingebrachte gegevens direct consulteerbaar

Toestand condenspotten Condenspot in opgeblokte fase WW oppervlak is ondergelopen met condensaat Thermische spanningen in WW WW zal niet meer nodige vermogen opbrengen Mogelijk waterslagen in stoomsysteem Verkorte levensduur van WW Veiligheidsrisico voor gebruikers stoominstallatie

Toestand condenspotten Condenspot in opgeblokte fase Energie stroomt vrijuit weg Verhoogde druk in condensaat retour leiding Kettingreactie van falende condenspotten op hetzelfde condensaatcircuit Mogelijk waterslagen in condensaatcircuit Veiligheidsrisico voor gebruikers stoominstallatie

Automatische Condenspot bewaking Draadloze bewaking Condenspotten Akoestisch Temperatuur

Andere aanbevelingen voor piping Design Plaats voorzien voor isolatie & steunen Plaats voorzien voor wandelpaden, ladders of werkplaatsen Exentrische overgangstukken voorzien Other best practices to follow include: All piping must have sufficient clearance for insulation and supports. All piping must allow for a clearance of 7 ft (2 m) on walkways, stairways, work areas, etc., unless otherwise specified in the project and approved by the process manager and the plant. All horizontal pipe runs with a size reduction must use eccentric reducers at the reduction and to be flat on the bottom (FOB).

Andere aanbevelingen voor piping Design

Andere aanbevelingen voor piping Design

Andere aanbevelingen voor piping Design