ECM in WebCenter Lessons learned in SVBdocs


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Transcript van de presentatie:

ECM in WebCenter Content @SVB: Lessons learned in SVBdocs Michel Vercruijsse WebCenter Developer, Sociale Verzekeringsbank Woensdag 28 september 2016 ECM @ SVB

Lessons learned in SVBdocs Agenda Introduction Why ECM, why SVBdocs? Approach Lessons learned, our pitfalls Q & A 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

Who am I? 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

About SVB SVB or Social Insurance Bank has 110 years of history (Semi-government) Currently 15 regulations in social security (5M clients,18M people in database) Handles € 34 B annually 3500 employees in 10 offices (300 IT staff). 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

Problems SVB faced Unable to find documents users are searching for (+7 miljoen) Quality of documents below standards Authorization unclear, lot of time and effort to grant/deny access to users A lot of redundancy: multiple copies of files spread everywhere No version control No ability to audit Clean-up is manual: not time efficient! Non-compliant with Dutch law and internal regulations Meer dan 7 miljoen documenten op I-schijf Regelgeving: archiefwet. Dit zegt oa. iets over langdurig opslaan, vernietiging en overdracht nationaal archief De Sociale Verzekeringsbank is als overheidsinstelling onderworpen aan de Archiefwet 1995 (Staatscourant 1995, 671) en heeft op grond hiervan de plicht archiefbescheiden in goede, geordende en toegankelijke staat te houden. Kwaliteit: Juistheid van de informatie, integriteit van het document, authenticiteit en bruikbaarheid zijn niet geborgd en slecht te bepalen. 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

What’s in it for the users? Situation at the time: network drive (“I-schijf”) and DECOS More digital, less paper Organization not ‘in control’ of documents for secundary processes Give more control to the users themselves Wat is primair proces/DMS? Primair proces is de uitvoering van alle wettelijke regelingen. Denk aan AOW, ANW, Kinderbijslag etc. In 2005 DMS ingevoerd, is een bak met plaatjes (aanvragen van mensen, beschikkingen, bezwaar en beroep, klantcommunicatie), AxW is het systeem met metadata voor al deze plaatjes. In 2003 DECOS ingevoerd voor het registreren van secundaire post en archief, zoals brieven die bij RvB binnen komen, brief van de minister, facturen. Invoering en gebruik laat te wensen over. (Nooit helemaal van de grond gekomen) Wat valt onder secundair? Alle ondersteunende bedrijfsvoeringsprocessen. Zaken als HR, Finance en Control, IT etc. 28-09-2016 Template SVB

Project goals According to Project Initiation Document: Compliancy with business demands (authorisation structure, security, version control, search) Compliancy with Dutch law: “Archiefwet” (mostly deals with records management) And to get there we also had to: Use the already present Oracle components at SVB, reusing as much existing infrastructure and licensing as possible (the intranet) 28-09-2016 Template SVB

And deliverables… Working Document Management System (DMS) / Record Management Application (RMA) Work processes in place, adjusted where needed End-user support Functional and application management in place Implementation plan for further rollout in company 28-09-2016 Template SVB

Not in scope Migrating existing content Management of paper and offline archive (physical records) Specific soft- and hardware needed to present different types of content such as audio, video and other forms of multimedia. Implementation of automated scanning Connecting other existing systems to SVBdocs 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

Chosen solution Replace existing systems with WebCenter Content 11g Introduction of ‘dossiers’ WebCenter Content: Records (adapter) for Records Management WebCenter Portal for end-users WebCenter Content: Desktop for end-users… although with limitations No new (ADF) Content UI, for the time being. 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

Short demo (by slides…) 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

WebCenter Content 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

WebCenter Content 28-09-2016 ECM @ SVB

WebCenter Portal Toont mappenstructuur binnen WCP. SVBdocs getoond binnen het intranet, met daarbij behorende (SES) zoekfunctionaliteit. 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

Desktop Integration Standaard DIS: Dossiers hebben net als in andere interface [DSR] ervoor. 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

Hoe did we do this? Agile Entire concept revolves around Dossiers, so a custom component (DossierComponent) Records Management Project considerations 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

What is a Dossier? Getoond is scherm voor aanmaken nieuw dossier (adhv specifiek template, vooringevulde waarden). Alleen mogelijk door RM’s en superusers in WCC. 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

DossierComponent 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

Customization in Portal 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

Classification App 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

Classification App En zo heb je bv de Bewaarplannen, zijn belangrijk voor RM want… 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

What were the technical pitfalls? Standard product without matching organisational processes Implementing Agile/Scrum URM is an “unknown product” Records Component VS Records Adapter Portal VS Content UI (customization?) Developers should be less eager to build! Two content servers: one portal Building two applications at the same time instead of focusing on one Bigger focus on DIS No customization for DIS Customization in WCC might cause problems when patching Bugs that lead to Service Requests or sometimes Enhancement Requests 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

And what were the organisational pitfalls? Constant changes in team SVB was unexperienced in implementing DMS of this magnitude Mix internal/external consultants: wrong focus Parameters of project changed during and after its course Users need to be guided into this User support needs to be of a high standard: users expect this Managing expectations! What are end-user benefits? Not enough top-down support Extra functionalities expected which were not in scope of project 28-09-2016 28-09-2016

And now? Digital meetings Electronic/digital signature Workflows 12C Cloud Mobile 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB

Questions? 28-09-2016 ECM@SVB