Tom Hufkens Shopmanager Shop Turnhout, Geel & webshop


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Tom Hufkens Shopmanager Shop Turnhout, Geel & webshop Introductie Verhaal van (lid van Van Roey ICT Group) 7 jaar actief Nauwe samenwerking met Matthias Bewuste keuze om minder papieren marketing te voeren, maar meer focus op e-marketing & onze webshop Matthias heeft zich vooral gefocust op 1e indruk (bv. layout), terwijl ik meer functioneel dacht

Matthias Sanne Grafisch ontwerp UX / UI User Experience Design starts with a solid understanding of your user-base, generating 'personas' for the dominant character types within you user-base, then setting specific requirements for the project at hand. Sort out your Information Architecture through generating a data inventory and organize a solid information hierarchy which would help a ton once the prototyping process begins. Choose the best prototyping method that would be both cost-efficient and and would allow you to gather feedback and reiterate in a fast and easy fashion. Prototypes could be Horizontal (broad feature-set, less depth functionality-wise), Vertical (deep functionality, narrow set of features), T-Prototype (much of the design is done at a shallow level while some features are implemented in great depth) and Local Prototype (used to come up with design alternatives for particular interaction model). After choosing an appropriate prototype the iteration process begins. This usually varies greatly between working on software products, services or industrial design projects.  User Interface Design is the actual design of the interfaces that would best facilitate for great, seamless, pleasurable and rewarding interaction between the user and your product. Observing user behavior and making informed decisions based on data collected during your observation is a large part of the UI design work. There's really no point in making empty presumptions when it comes to either UX or UI since the chance you'll get it right decreases greatly. To me UI design feels more like a craft, since you are actually building something beautiful and tangible using skills, knowledge and techniques acquired through experience. I usually use tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Cinema 4D, ZBrush and lots of pen and paper to get things done. I think it's not possible to be a good UI designer without having a grasp on what UX is.

UI - User interface? Het is mijn taak in dit verhaal de gebruiker bij de hand te nemen en veilig en wel over het door ons gekozen pad te loodsen. Vermijden dat mensen gefrustreerd raken omdat ze zaken niet vinden

Eenvoud Product centraal Overzicht MENU No-Nonsense Vandaag kan je als klant kiezen uit sjablonen om je webwinkel uit te bouwen, maar met Webstore is het ooit allemaal begonnen. Focus op het product Uitdaging: Je wilt mensen niet te veel in de weg leggen, toch héél veel functionaliteit er in stoppen Hen duidelijk laten zien waar ze zich bevinden, en slechts één ding is belangrijkste: bestellen. Maar wat ontbreekt er nog? Tip, “Nonsense ;-)” (en hier was een grote vraag achter van Tom en leveranciers)







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