Key Process Indicator Sonja de Bruin


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Key Process Indicator Sonja de Bruin ( 8 mei 2010 Quality Assurance KPI owners worden over het algemeen gezocht in de lijnmanagement functies, wat een goede zaak is. Het nadeel is dat zij weinig of geen ervaring bleken te hebben met KPI’s opzetten. Om ze hierbij een handje te helpen, heb ik deze presentatie opgezet.

Content How to use this presentation Definitions Step1: Definition <KPI> Step2: How to collect data? Step3: Calculation of the KPI Step4: Validate metrics Step5: Define targets Step6: Improvement plan Step7: Planning TIP: om er voor te zorgen dat de KPI owner niet meteen in termen van verbeteren denkt, is het goed om eerst stap 1 t/m 5 goed uit te werken en dan pas de volgende stappen uit te voeren.

How to use this presentation? This presentation is a guide and template in one, which can be used by a KPI (Key Process Indicator)-owner to Defining a Key Performance indicator Setting up measurements to monitor the KPI Setting up an improvement program (high level) TIP: beschouw het opzetten van een KPI en het verbeteren van de KPI als een project

Definitions SW Metric: a definition of a measurement, including what to measure, algorithms for calculations, and the measuring units, range, criteria, and frequencies SW Key Performance Indicator: a special kind of measurement, in general derived from a number of software metrics, indicating to what extent a certain target value or criteria are met

Step1: Definition <KPI> Definition KPI: <Describe the definition of the measurement. Including what to measure and the measuring units, range, criteria and how often the metric will be measured> KPI owner: <fill in the name of the KPI owner> Think about: What will be included in the metric and what not? A KPI must be derived from the business goals of the organisation Is more than one metric necessary: e.g. a metric per department, per root cause, per release? Is there a common understanding about the metric definition? A KPI is most valuable when it does not change often TIP: stuur er op aan dat er een KPI owner wordt benoemd die draagvlak heeft in de organisatie. TIP voor de KPI owner: Begin zo eenvoudig mogelijk; het is lastig genoeg om een KPI goed op te zetten.

Step2: How to collect data? <Describe the procedure how to collect the data> Think about: Which steps have to be executed? Can existing data be reused? Where can it be found? Who is or will be responsible for collecting data? Which server, PC, database, excel sheet, etc. is used? Where can it be found? Can collection of data be automated? Is the procedure maintainable?

Step3: Calculation of the <KPI> <Describe how to calculate the KPI> Think about: Is the formula in line with the metric definition? How will the metric figures be presented?

Step4: Validate metrics <Describe how you will validate the metric> Think about Is it possible to collect and calculate the metric? Is the outcome as expected? Are there problems you experienced calculating the metric? Readjust the collection and/or calculation, if needed.

Step5: Define target values <Describe the target values of the KPI for <date>> Think about: Define a feasible target value Base the targets on the values measured during validation Are there targets-in-between to keep focus? Is the target value in line with business point of view?

Step6: Improvement plan <Describe here the actions to be taken to meet the target value and what the expected effect of the improvement will be> Think about: Explanation of the relation between the improvement actions and the expected effect on the metric Due date of the actions to be taken? Who is the owner of the actions? Are there any risks? How will the status of the actions be monitored? What do you need from the organization to meet the targets? TIP: het improvement plan en de planning kunnen verder worden uitgewerkt in een document.

Step7: Planning Action Due date Step1: Definition KPI <date> Step2: How to collect data? <date> Step3: Calculation of the KPI <date> Step4: Validate metric <date> Step5: Define target values <date> Step6: Improvement plan <date>
