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Ketenautomatisering Ervaringen vanuit Douane

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Presentatie over: "Ketenautomatisering Ervaringen vanuit Douane"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Ketenautomatisering Ervaringen vanuit Douane
Jos Ensing Douane Programmamanager SWH&T Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues, It’s a pleasure for me to be one of the speakers this morning. I will give you an small insight on the task and challenges the Dutch customs organization stands for and more particularly the challenges in our main port Rotterdam Harbour. We like to perform as one of the most expert customs organizations in the world, supervising all cross-border movements of goods and people. This in a fast changing trade world, thereby also taking into account European legislation and the expansion of trade because of Maasvlakte II in Rotterdam harbour. The challenge for the up coming years will be to balance facilitation of trade and control of goods while ensuring security of the global trade supply chain. Douane Nederland Amersfoort Informatiedag Ketenautomatisering 22 mei 2014 1

2 Agenda Wat doet de Douane Mainport, Volumes
Informatiestromen, Single Window Aanpak, succes verzekerd? Lessons learned We zijn het volgende van plan: Eerst even een voorstelrondje: wie zitten hier allemaal bij elkaar Dan geef ik een inleiding op het onderwerp dienstverlening bij de douane Verder willen we met jullie bespreken welke uitgangspunten van belang zijn als het gaat om digitalisering. Vervolgens gaan we in 3 groepen uiteen om te ontdekken en bepalen waar nog ruimte voor digitalisering bestaat. En tot slot de afronding van deze middagsessie.

3 Secure border & Secure supply chain

4 Facts & Figures 30.000 sea going vessels in Rotterdam
Now let me give you some statistics about last year on the port of Rotterdam. In total there have anchored around sea going vessels in Rotterdam next to these ships there have been inland vessels. These ships bring and take liquid bulk, oil and chemicals, coal and ores, food and containers with divers other products. Rotterdam handled 11.6 million Twenty feet Equivalent Units (teu or 20ft containers) Therefor Rotterdam is ranked 1st in EU and ranked 11th worldwide. Only 8 Chinese harbours, Dubai and Busan in South Korea handle more containers. If you look at gross weight, with 440 million tonnes Rotterdam is globally ranked around the 5th place. The total length of the harbour area is 42 km Total port area 120 square kilometers of which around 77 km2 are at land. And we are still gaining with the creating of the harbour extension Maasvlakte II, which measures about football fields. Some Dutch people work in the port The forecasts are that Rotterdam Harbour can grow to a throughput of 20 million containers in the coming 10 years. You can imagine, these are a lot of containers and goods to handle. sea going vessels in Rotterdam inland vessels teu (containers 20fte) Ranked 1st in EU, ranked 11th worldwide Total length 42 km Total port area ha of which ha land

5 National Community Platforms servicing buyer and seller joined by the pipeline
Barge operators Terminals Forwarders Terminals Empty depots Road hauliers Inspection stations Port authorities Importers Exporters Barge operators National community system - PPP Ship broker Carrier Rail operators Ship broker Forwarders Exporters Carrier Rail operators National community system -PPP Empty depots Customs Pipeline Road hauliers Trade / Government Dashboard / SW Port authorities Importers Inspection stations Buyer Customs Trade / Government Dashboard / SW Trade / Government Dashboard / SW © Hesketh / Heijmann 2012

6 Single Window Trade & Transport


8 Gegevens H&T Verzamelen gegevens door markpartij
Doorgeven aan overheid Behandelen van de gegevens Beslissen op basis van de behandeling Doorgeven aan de marktpartij





13 aandachtspunten “Think big, act small” Totaalplan, stip aan de horizon
Fasering Gebruikers er bij: vooraf, tijdens, er na Monitor en stuur bij Realistische planning, manage verwachtingen Houdt de omgeving op de hoogte Noodprocedure Helpdesk



16 Dutch Customs: at your service

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