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Maurits de Ruiter (MD, DDS) NVTS pre-conference course 4 april 2019

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Presentatie over: "Maurits de Ruiter (MD, DDS) NVTS pre-conference course 4 april 2019"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Maurits de Ruiter (MD, DDS) NVTS pre-conference course 4 april 2019
Slaap-registratie Maurits de Ruiter (MD, DDS) NVTS pre-conference course 4 april 2019

2 Polysomnografie 1. EEG - Electro-encephalography
2. ECG - Electro-cardiography 3. EOG - Electro-oculography 4. EMG - Electro-myography 5. Nasal and oral airflow 6. Pulse-oximetry 7. Body position minimum of 12 channels requiring 22 wire attachments

3 Richtlijn OSA (2018)

4 Richtlijn OSA (2018)

5 Peripheral Arterial Tonometry (PAT)
14 studies 909 patiens available for pooling Overall, correlation of the RDI and AHI was high (r = [95% CI, ]; P < .001). Studies comparing the RDI between PAT and PSG had a combined correlation of (95% CI, ; P < .001); those comparing the AHI, ( ; P < .001); and those comparing the ODI, ( ; P < .001). Yalamanchali, Sreeya, et al. "Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea by peripheral arterial tonometry: meta-analysis." JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery  (2013):

6 The WatchPat (Itamar Medical, Ltd)
Pulse oximetry Actigraphy Peripheral Arterial Tonometry (PAT) Yalamanchali, Sreeya, et al. "Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea by peripheral arterial tonometry: meta-analysis." JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery  (2013):



9 Discussie Niet in: Patiënten met verdenking centraal slaapapneu
Periodic limb movement disorder Moderate or severe pulmonary disease Neuromuscular disease Congestive heart failure Yalamanchali, Sreeya, et al. "Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea by peripheral arterial tonometry: meta-analysis." JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery  (2013):

10 Discussie Wat kan PAT NIET?
differentieren tussen de verschillende type van slaapapneu (central, obstructive, mixed) Advies van meeste studies is excluderen van patiënten met Diabetes Perifere neuropathy Vasculopathy Cardiovasculaire aandoeningen Gebruik van α-adrenergic receptor–blocking agents. Yalamanchali, Sreeya, et al. "Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea by peripheral arterial tonometry: meta-analysis." JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery  (2013):

11 DiagnOSAS - OSAsense Digitale vragenlijst Pulse oximeter
Berlin Questionnaire STOP-BANG Athens insomnia scale Pulse oximeter

12 ECTOsense - NightOwl

13 Veel meer pulsoximeters…

14 ECTOsense - NightOwl

15 ECTOsense - NightOwl

16 Samenvattend PSG gouden standaard
PG type 3 en PAT mogelijk voor diagnostiek, maar onder specifieke voorwaarden Onderscheid maken voor toepassing: Screening Diagnose Follow-up Nieuwe ontwikkelingen heel interessant!!

17 Hartelijk dank voor uw aandacht
Maurits de Ruiter

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