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GepubliceerdJoachim Meyer Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 6 jaar geleden
Meetresultaten: KTA Veurne – De Wending
Koen Allaerts Meetresultaten: KTA Veurne – De Wending
Pilootproject: Totaalstudie meerdere jaren Demoproject: Specifieke onderzoeksvraag jaar of minder Gevalstudie: Projectfiche beperkte studie Ter Potterie Brugge Hollandsch Huys Hasselt WTCB Limelette KA Veurne De Wending Turnhout Infrax Dilbeek Evolution Maldegem Woningen Lochristi, Elst, Wondelgem, Heule Stebo Genk Greenbridge Oostende Uniek Brugge
Pilootproject: Totaalstudie meerdere jaren Demoproject: Specifieke onderzoeksvraag jaar of minder Gevalstudie: Projectfiche beperkte studie Ter Potterie Brugge Hollandsch Huys Hasselt WTCB Limelette KA Veurne De Wending Turnhout Infrax Dilbeek Evolution Maldegem Woningen Lochristi, Elst, Wondelgem, Heule Stebo Genk Greenbridge Oostende Uniek Brugge
Overzicht KA Veurne BEO: 16 x 100 m Warmtepomp 60 kWth + 2 gasketels ( kWth) Vloerverwarming: basislast koelen en verwarmen Ventilo-convectoren Luchtgroep ( m³/h)
Geothermie zinvol voor schoolgebouwen?
KA Veurne Effecten van langdurige vakantieperiodes op de bodembalans? Het gebruiksprofiel van een school is immers vrij specifiek Juli-Augustus Daling bron T° Daling COP
Geothermie zinvol voor schoolgebouwen?
KA Veurne Geschiktheid van afgiftesystemen? Variërende lokaalbezetting: snel wijzigende vraag & comfort-eis Trage afgifte, laag verwarming-/koelvermogen
Resultaten KA Veurne
Resultaten KA Veurne Basislast verwarming WP Storing/onderbreking WP
Resultaten KA Veurne Koudevraag niet geregistreerd voor mei
Resultaten KA Veurne Koudevraag tijdens zomervakantie
Resultaten KA Veurne Temp BEO stijgt +/- 12°C van februari tot augustus (koeling + natuurlijke regeneratie)
Resultaten KA Veurne Geen koude- of warmtevraag van aug tot okt!
Resultaten KA Veurne
Resultaten Leraarskamer Verhoogde temperatuur in winterperiode
KA Veurne Leraarskamer Verhoogde temperatuur in winterperiode -> Interne warmtelasten -> Hoge bezettingsgraad -> Regeling/instelling?
Pilootproject: Totaalstudie meerdere jaren Demoproject: Specifieke onderzoeksvraag jaar of minder Gevalstudie: Projectfiche beperkte studie Ter Potterie Brugge Hollandsch Huys Hasselt WTCB Limelette KA Veurne De Wending Turnhout De Wending Turnhout Infrax Dilbeek Evolution Maldegem Woningen Lochristi, Elst, Wondelgem, Heule Stebo Genk Uniek Brugge Greenbridge Oostende
Overzicht De Wending Turnhout KWO systeem Hoge en lage temperatuur warmtepomp (180 kWth kWth) Zonnecollectoren (63m², vacuümbuis) 2 gasketels (2 x 311 kWth) BKA+ vloerverwarming Radiatoren Luchtgroepen Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher
Efficiënt gebruik van geothermische installatie in woonzorgcentra en rusthuizen?
Combinatie hoge en lage temperatuur verwarmingssystemen Warmtepomp vs. gasketel BKA/VVW vs. radiatoren Energiebesparing
Resultaten De Wending Turnhout
Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher
Resultaten De Wending Turnhout Totale warmtevraag wordt gelijk verdeeld over ketels en WP’en WP HT voedt radiatoren in tussenseizoenen Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher Storing
? Resultaten Gemiddelde basislast ketels +/- 50 kW in zomer:
De Wending Turnhout Gemiddelde basislast ketels +/- 50 kW in zomer: Na verwarming SWW Verliezen Radiatoren? Luchtgordijn? (max 20kW) Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher ?
Resultaten Koudevraag vanaf april, gemiddelde buitentemp > 15°C
De Wending Turnhout Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher Koudevraag vanaf april, gemiddelde buitentemp > 15°C
Resultaten Warme bron T: 16,5°C – 15,5°C Koude bron T: 10°C – 12°C
De Wending Turnhout Warme bron T: 16,5°C – 15,5°C Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher Koude bron T: 10°C – 12°C
Resultaten De Wending Turnhout
Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher
Resultaten Naverwarming ketels: +/- 2,5 kW De Wending Turnhout
Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher Naverwarming ketels: +/- 2,5 kW
Resultaten De Wending Turnhout
Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher
Resultaten Ketels leveren 71% warmtevraag voor ruimteverwarming
De Wending Turnhout Ketels leveren 71% warmtevraag voor ruimteverwarming →(WP’en 2 maanden buiten dienst in stookseizoen) Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher
Resultaten De Wending Turnhout De warmtepompen worden niet alleen gevoed vanuit KWO maar ook met overtollige restwarmte van koeling Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher 65 MWh
Resultaten Praktisch geen naverwarming nodig op HT en LT collector
De Wending Turnhout Case zonnecollectoren: overschot van SWW productie gebruiken voor regeneratie bijvoorbeeld. Stijging van COP? Case split BEO: This drycooler operation mode does not attempt to balance the yearly energy injection or extraction as it would be the case in many HGSHP systems with a single bore field/storage, but tries to maximize seasonal energy storage. The system is more dependent on meteorological conditions (warm winter, followed by a hot summer can result in free cooling failure...) The electricity consumption of the drycooler will increase due to larger fans The initial cost of the drycooler will be higher Praktisch geen naverwarming nodig op HT en LT collector
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