Mavo 4.  Goal(s)  Letter Puzzle  Write a letter  Check the letters  Do assignments 4A, 5A, 6A & 7 in Student Book page 50  Evaluation.


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Deltion College Engels
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Transcript van de presentatie:

Mavo 4

 Goal(s)  Letter Puzzle  Write a letter  Check the letters  Do assignments 4A, 5A, 6A & 7 in Student Book page 50  Evaluation

 Recognize different parts of a letter  Write your own letter  Learn to check a letter before handing it in

 Form groups of 4  Each group gets 8 parts of a letter  Put the different pieces of the letter together  There are two mistakes in the letter. Correct these mistakes.  Is there something you would change in the letter? Make the necessary changes.  Make a picture of the letter when finished and send it to

 Write a letter to ULM. In spring certain students of the SGB are allowed to go the USA and visit the University. The student with the best motivational letter gets to go with all expenses paid for.  Make sure that these points are in your letter: 1. Stel jezelf voor (Name, Age, Gender, Origin) 2. Vertel dat je geïnteresseerd bent om in de lente mee te doen met de studenten oriëntatie programma. Je krijgt dan een rondleiding van de Universiteit en mag je meekijken in enkele lessen van jouw keuze. 3. Geef aan in welke klas je zit en per wanneer je klaar bent met je opleiding. 4. Geef in ieder geval twee redenen aan waarom jij uitgekozen moet worden op gratis naar de VS te gaan om ULM te bezoeken. 5. Vertel in welke lessen je mee zou willen kijken als je uitgekozen zou worden. 6. Vraag als ook het eten en verblijf geregeld is. 7. Sluit af met een passende slotzin.

ItemsCHECK 1.Spelling -Did you use a dictionary to search up difficult words? 2.Grammar + Sentence Structure - Are my sentences correct? 3. Layout - Did I use sufficient paragraphs? - At least 4 or 5 4.Communication -Was I polite? -Did I start the letter right? -Did I end the letter appropriately? 5. Assignments - Are all the points I had to put into my letter actually in it?

 Do you know how a letter is structured?  Do you know how to check your own letter?  Which of the items of the checklist do you still need to focus on?  Do you know how to work on those items?  Was this class useful?