Preparing your exchange Jan Schut. 2 5th semester It is your choice Stay at University of Twente Go abroad Consider: Your further study career (MSc) and.


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Deltion College Engels B1 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/006] thema: Look, it says ‘No smoking’… can-do : kan minder routinematige zaken regelen © Anne Beeker.
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Deltion College Engels B1 Spreken [Edu/001] thema: song texts can-do : kan een onderwerp dat mij interesseert op een redelijk vlotte manier beschrijven.
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Deltion College Engels B1 En Spreken/Presentaties [Edu/003]/ Subvaardigheid lezen Thema: Once upon a time… can-do : kan een verhaal(tje) vertellen © Anne.
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Transcript van de presentatie:

Preparing your exchange Jan Schut

2 5th semester It is your choice Stay at University of Twente Go abroad Consider: Your further study career (MSc) and qualification criteria The added value of a stay abroad Prepare for orientation at : Master fair (19 th November 2015) Let’s go (17 th November 2015)

3 Stay or Go  Minor Third Year, Fifth Semester  Profile in depth  At UT or other Dutch or….  Abroad, international experience

5 hannah maxime florianne finn rick hans tinka lara anne mark jitske hette chris wessel jim bart UT Bart Jasper Katrina Nick Roos Tim Vivianne Class 2016

Exchange Minor 30 EC Pre-designed programs or design-your-own (30 EC) ERASMUS exchange agreements (free exchange) Most agreements concern a particular department Limited availability  “”first come, first serve”” Application deadline in Feb/Mar (varies per university)

Erasmus + Program and curriculum differ per university Exchange agreements assure free exchange Erasmus/Mobility Fund covers some expenses Fund: Limited availability  first come, first serve Fund: Application deadlines (for every semester)


Steps to prepare exchange Decide on your preferred destination before Christmas (and let Jan Schut know!) – Jan Schut will check the availability – Approval might be needed by examination committee Select a 2 nd and 3 rd choice (to be approved too) Submit your exchange UT before 1 Feb 2016, needed for the non-EU specific Submit your application at your exchange university – Date/deadline varies per selection procedure and university, shown on their sites Prepare your stay abroad (Mar-Aug)

Do I want to go abroad? What discipline do I want to study? Which would be my favourite place to go? Can I deal with it in terms of finance, study progress, Do I need specific preparation in semester 4 …etc. Don’t go shopping without first contacting: Coordinator internationalization EWI: Jan Schut, Zilverling A 108, Maybe one of your favorite lecturers

Erasmus+ Study Scholarship De UT neemt deel aan het Erasmus uitwisselingsprogramma van de Europese Unie. Hiermee kun je tussen de 3 en 12 maanden aan een partneruniversiteit binnen de EU vakken volgen

Twente Mobility Fund Met het Twente Mobility Fund (TMF) geeft de UT al haar studenten de mogelijkheid om te studeren in het buitenland. Afhankelijk van je bestemming (buiten de EER) kun je met deze beurs 8 weken of meer in het buitenland studeren.

Student Ambassador Scholarship De UT wil studenten belonen die zich actief inzetten om de UT te promoten in het buitenland. Zie je bijvoorbeeld mogelijkheden om de naamsbekendheid van de UT in het buitenland te vergroten of buitenlandse studenten te overtuigen om voor de UT te kiezen? Dan kun je van de UT een Student Ambassador Scholarship (SAS) ontvangen ter waarde van € 200.

21 Coming: Make a preliminary choice ( A and B) Discuss with your mentor Check the specific deadlines Contact Jan Schut February 2016: further preparations Feedback by members of Class 2016 Specific preparation

19 November : Master orientation