1 Internationalisering op locatie Raai. Internationalisering V5 Multilaterale uitwisseling met Hongarije, Duitsland en Italië.


Verwante presentaties
Deltion College Engels C1 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/002]/ subvaardigheid lezen thema: Order, order…. can-do : kan een bijeenkomst voorzitten © Anne Beeker.

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Deltion College Engels
Deltion College Engels A2 Lezen [Edu/001] thema: What about smoking in this B&B? can-do : kan specifieke informatie vinden en begrijpen in eenvoudig, alledaags.
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Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Internationalisering op locatie Raai

Internationalisering V5 Multilaterale uitwisseling met Hongarije, Duitsland en Italië

MSP Multilateral Schoolpartnership Project

4 NB: Polen heeft zich tijdelijk teruggetrokken uit MSP

Internationalisering Doel van de uitwisselingsweken Kennismaken met andere cultuur Samenwerken op internationaal niveau Spreekvaardigheid Engels bevorderen Bewustzijn van eigen cultuur Aansluiting op WO/HBO

Wanneer? Week 46, (zaterdag) 7 t/m 14 november 2015 Week 10, (maandag) 7 t/m (zondag)13 maart

Waarheen? Week 46: 7 t/m 14 november Duitsland Hongarije Week 10: 7 t/m 13 maart Italië Duitsland 7

Voor wie? Vwo 5 Uitgangspunten: Je kunt en wilt een week lang een buitenlandse gast in huis hebben én Je kunt en je wilt een week lang te gast zijn in een buitenlands gezin 8

MSP algemeen Zaterdag t/m zaterdag/ maandag t/m zondag Zondag/ zaterdag in gastgezin Maandag/ dinsdag t/m vrijdag programma in school

Beoordeling Internationalisering is onderdeel van het schoolleerplan, in de vrije ruimte Evaluatieformulier

Formulieren Elke leerling wordt gekoppeld aan een buitenlandse partner Je bent bij elkaar te gast In het gastgezin respecteer je de daar geldende regels Specifieke ‘wensen’ omtrent het gastgezin op info-formulier aangeven

MSP weekthema’s Een week: NL, D, HU: “Cultural Heritage Een week gerelateerd aan schoolvakken NL: “World heritage” en “Intangible Cultural Heritage” D: “Inclusion of disabled people” en “ Sustainability ” I: “Feeding the planet”

Drachten in week 45 thema: Trade and Travel Ma: welkom, kennismaking met videopresentatie, rondleiding school wandelpuzzeltocht Drachten Di:diverse workshops Wo: excursie Amsterdam Do:sport en excursie Vr:evaluatie, werken aan presentaties, krant voorbereiden internationaal buffet afsluitende avond met internationaal buffet

Drachten in week 10 Intangible Cultural Heritage Ma: reizen, welkom, kennismaking, rondleiding school Di:workshops over thema; Wo:excursie Do:workshops Vr:evaluatie week, werken aan presentaties voorbereiden afsluitende avond met internationaal buffet Za:dag in het gastgezin NB: programma onder voorbehoud

ITALIË, Padua, week 10 Feeding the planet (onder voorbehoud) Ma: kennismaking, rondleiding school, workshops Di: workshops over thema Wo: workshops rondleiding door stadscentrum Padua Do: excursie naar Venetië Vr: evaluatie week, werken aan presentaties, voorbereiden international buffet 15

De school in Padua 16

International buffet 17

Hongarije, Szeged cultureel erfgoed (onder voorbehoud) Ma:welkom, rondleiding school, workshops Di:excursie naar Budapest Wo:workshops Do: workshops, korte excursie? Vr:evaluatie week, werken aan presentaties voorbereiden afsluitende avond met internationaal buffet Alleen in week 46

Szeged 19

De ingang van een oostblokflat 20

Jugendstil in Szeged 21

Duitsland, Fritzlar in week 46 en week 10 (onder voorbehoud) Inclusion of disabled people of sustainability Ma:welkom, rondleiding school, videopresentaties, rondleiding in de stad Di:workshops, bezoek instellingen Wo:excursie naar Frankfurt Do:workshops, voorbereiden presentaties Vr:evaluatie week, werken aan presentaties voorbereiden internationaal buffet afsluitende avond met internationaal buffet

Het centrum van Fritzlar 23

zakelijkheden Deelname kost 375 euro (zie schoolgids) Ongevallenverzekering via school Bagageverzekering via school Niet meer dan 75 euro zakgeld Pinpas in alle landen geldig Identiteitskaart is voldoende 24

25 RULES OF CONDUCT We are happy about your participation in our international project hoping that all of you will profit from it. Although believing that everybody will behave towards each other in a very friendly way and is acquainted with the normal rules, we have to consider that in the process of internationalization different parties and a large number of people are involved. For that reason we set the following rules:

26 What do we expect from the hosting parents? That they try to make their guest welcome in their home and socialize with him/her. That they provide housing, breakfast, a packed lunch, a hot meal (unless indicated otherwise) and the means of transport to and from school That they contact the staff if their guest does not obey the rules. That they contact the staff if their guest needs medical help. That they take responsibility for the safety and well being of their guest and that they contact the staff if their guest should appear to be unhappy.

27 What do we expect from ALL participating students? That they are aware that it is strictly forbidden to use illegal drugs. That they do not smoke or drink alcoholic drinks on the bus. That they participate fully and positively: both during the programme in their own country and during their return visit abroad. That they contribute to a good atmosphere both during the programme in their own country and during their return visit abroad.

What do we expect from ALL participating students? That they are aware that the staff has the right - in the (unfortunate and not to be expected!) case of serious misconduct - to send a student back home at the expense of his/her parents. That they obey directions given by their own as well as foreign teachers.

29 What do we expect from the hosting students ? 1)That they take responsibility for the well being of their guest. 2)That they speak the agreed language of communication in the presence of their guest. 3)That they attend the scheduled lessons and workshops and assure that their guest is also present at the arranged time and place. 4)That they ensure that, on weeknights and except for school activities, their guest is at home no later than agreed on with the host parents. From Sunday to Thursday this should preferably not be later than 23:00

30 What do we expect from the guest students? That they behave correctly; do not impose on their hosts’ hospitality. Your hosts are not expected to pay for your personal expenses, e.g. souvenirs, extra drinks etc. That they try to socialize with their host family and do not exclude themselves from family life. That they hold to the agreed rules, e.g. on the times for dinner, rising in the morning, returning home in the evening; on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and on smoking. That they try not to make their host student wait for them or that they do not go out without the consent of their host parents.