Criteria for Invasive management Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation 20-4-20151Eduard van den.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Criteria for Invasive management Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation Eduard van den Berg,

What is the target population Which is population of investigation of the the guideline ? So what is exactly the the title of the guideline ? Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl2

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl3

We look at the full tekst of the guideline Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl4

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl5

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl6

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl7

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl8

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl9

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl10

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl11

It is a working diagnosis The patient is assigned to a working diagnosis group Thereafter the proces of diagnosis validation starts Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl12

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl13

There is a low risk category This category also patient without CAD are included Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl14

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl15

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl16

And more in detail with Hs Trop With the working diagnosis NSTE-ACS there exists a probability of rapid ruling out ACS Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl17

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl18

Conclusion about the population The patients with the working diagnosis NSTE- ACS After the working diagnosis is made, the validation of the diagnosis starts Under this working diagnosis patients without ACS or even without CAD can be included Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl19

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl20

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl21

Eduard van den Berg, cardio.nl22