Coping with inclusion in primary schools Innovation in practical training.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Coping with inclusion in primary schools Innovation in practical training

Primary education Structure and organisation n Mainstream primary education: –Aimed at children from 6 until 12 year –Number of pupils: ( ) n Special primary education: –Aimed at children who need special help –Temporarily or permanently Physical or mental disability Serious behavioural or emotional problems Serious learning difficulties –Number of pupils: (2006 – 2007)

Primary education Structure and organisation n Divided into 8 types, adapted to the educational and developmental needs –Type 1: children with a slight mental disability –Type 2: children with a moderate or serious mental disability –Type 3: children with serious emotional and/or behavioural problems –Type 4: children with a physical disability –Type 5: children admitted to hospital or in quarantine for medical reasons –Type 6: visually impaired children –Type 7: children with a hearing impairment –Type 8: children with serious learning difficulties

Integrated and inclusive education n Allowing disabled children or children having learning or educational difficulties to attend the lessons or activities in a school for mainstream education.

What will change in this structure? Clusters: –No limitations (eg. ‘mainstream’ pupils) –Limitations in learning (eg. ‘dyslexia’) –Limitations in the functioning (eg. ‘hard of hearing’) –Limitations in social interaction (eg. ‘Behavioral problems’).

Taking Care Levels/ the level of taking care n First Level : prevention, differentiation, remediation n Second Level : facilitate, compensate, dispensation n Third Level: to individualize, make an educational plan of the actions to be undertaken n Fourth Level: to individualize, make an educational plan of the actions to be undertaken n 1 + 2: primary education (diploma or special certificate) n 3: mainstream primary education and special primary education (no diplomas but certificates) n 4: special primary education (certificate)

ZORGINTENSITEIT aard - ondersteuning CLUSTER 1 geen beperkingen CLUSTER 2 leerbeperkingen CLUSTER 3 functiebeperkingen CLUSTER 4 beperkingen in de interactie ONDERWIJSVORM resultaat zorgniveau I differentiëren (re)mediëren teamondersteuning: PBD – CLB zorgbeleid/GOK speciale onderwijsleermiddelen zorgbeleid/GOK gewoon onderwijs eindtermen certificering: gangbare diploma’s en getuigschriften zorgniveau II faciliteren compenseren dispenseren teamondersteuning: PBD - CLB - BuO individugerichte ondersteuning: CLB zorgbeleid/GOK zorgbeleid/GOK indicator basisfinanciering speciale onderwijsleermiddelen zorgbeleid/GOK gewoon onderwijs eindtermen certificering: gangbare diploma’s en getuigschriften zorgniveau III individualiseren handelingsplanning teamondersteuning PBD - CLB – (BuO) individugerichte ondersteuning: CLB – (BuO) zorgbeleid specifieke onderwijskundige en paramedische omkadering en werkingsmiddelen zorgbeleid specifieke onderwijskundige en paramedische omkadering en werkingsmiddelen zorgbeleid specifieke onderwijskundige en paramedische omkadering en werkingsmiddelen buitengewoon of ‘gewoon’ onderwijs ontwikkelingsdoelen alternatieve certificaten zorgniveau IV individualiseren handelingsplanning teamondersteuning PBD - CLB individugerichte ondersteuning: CLB specifieke onderwijskundige, paramedische en therapeutische omkadering residentiële / semi-residentiële zorg specifieke onderwijskundige, paramedische en therapeutische omkadering residentiële/ semi-residentiële zorg buitengewoon onderwijs ontwikkelingsdoelen alternatieve certificaten Afkortingen: PBD: pedagogische begeleidingsdiensten, CLB: centrum voor leerlingenbegeleiding, BuO: buitengewoon onderwijs, GOK: gelijke onderwijskansen Schema bij discussietnota ‘Leerzorg in onderwijs, een kader voor zorg op maat van elke leerling’ (19/12/2005)

Practical training n Most of the practical training is in the mainstream primary education. n Mainstream primary schools in the area are partner of KaHo Sint-Lieven. n Third year students are during the whole year participating in a school of mainstream primary education. n Third year students can choose for a practical training in a different setting for three weeks. –Schools with a special method –Schools of special education –…

Practical training of last years Innovation toward inclusion n All students are doing their practical training in a partner school of primary education where is special attention for inclusive education. n These students are doing extra practical training every Friday morning in an inclusive class of this school. n Together with the teacher of this inclusive class they give form to the inclusive setting. (team-teaching, preparing and giving adapted class- sessions, making the teacher free for further formation in function of inclusion,…). n Experiences of some students shall be used for further inquiry.