Landgoed de Horst - 1 September 2007 Driebergen, Netherlands Judith Flick – Presencing Institute Theorie U: Vanuit de Toekomst Leidinggeven.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Landgoed de Horst - 1 September 2007 Driebergen, Netherlands Judith Flick – Presencing Institute Theorie U: Vanuit de Toekomst Leidinggeven

De Blinke Vlek van Leiderschap Bron Wie leeg canvas Resultaat Wat Proces Hoe schilderen het schilderij © 2007, J. Flick PI

“At its core, leadership is about shaping and shifting how individuals and groups attend to and subsequently respond to a situation.” Theory U, Leading from the Future as it Emerges, Dr. C.O. Scharmer, 2007 © 2007, J. Flick PI

Redesigning: beleid process, structure manifest action Dynamic complexity Reacting: onmiddellijke oplossing Vier Niveau’s van Reageren op Verandering thinking Social complexity Reframing: Assumpties/ Waarden sources of commitment and creativity Generative complexity Regenerating: Sources of identity and renewal © 2007, J. Flick PI

Twee Leer-Cycli: A. Leren door reflectie op ervaringen vanuit het verleden do - observeer - reflecteer - plan - do © 2007, J. Flick PI B. Leren vanuit de toekomst zoals die zich openbaart presencing

Downloading Observe, observe, observe Retreat and reflect: Allow the inner knowing to emerge Act in an instant Het U proces: “presencing” Suspending Deep dive Presencing Embodying Enacting Letting go Letting come © 2007, J. Flick PI OPEN MIND OPEN HEART OPEN WILL

William O’Brien, voormalige CEO van de Hannover Verzekeringsmaatschapij “Het succes van een interventie hangt af van de innerlijke conditie van de leidinggevende.”

Suspending Deep dive Letting goLetting come Enacting Embodying A new Social Technology with Seven Leadership Capacities: 1. Holding the space: Listen to what life calls you to do 2. Observing: Attend with your wide open mind 4. Presencing: Connect to the deepest source of your self and will 6. Prototyping: Integrate head,heart, hand 7. Performing: Play the “Macro Violin” 5. Crystallizing: Access to power of intention 3. Sensing: Connect with your heart © 2007, J. Flick PI VOC VOJ VOF OPEN MIND OPEN HEART OPEN WILL

Four levels of listening: LISTENING 1: from habits downloading habits of judgment LISTENING 2: from outside precise listening noticing differences LISTENING 3: from within empathic listening LISTENING 4: from Source generative listening (from the future wanting to emerge) emerging future whole; shift in identity: authentic Self emotional connection, seeing through another person‘s eyes disconfirming [new] data reconfirming old opinions & judgments Open Mind Open Heart Open Will Co-sensing Co-presencingCo-creating © 2007, J. Flick PI

Het Proces “U”: 1 Proces met 5 Momenten 1. Co-initiate common intent: stop listen to others and to what life call you to do 2. Co-sense the field of change: go to places of most potential and listen with your mind & heart wide open 5. Co-evolve thru innovations: embody the new ecosystems that facilitate seeing and acting from the emerging whole 4. Co-create microcosms: prototype the new in living examples to explore the future by doing 3. Co-presence inspiration and common will: go to the place of silence and allow th inner knowing to emerge © 2007, J. Flick PI

Resources and Literature: Scharmer, C. Otto (2007). Theory U: Leading from the Emerging Future As It Emerges. The Social Technology of Presencing), Cambridge, MA: SoL Press. Senge, P., C. O. Scharmer, J. Jaworski, and B. S. Flowers. (2004). Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future, Cambridge, MA: SoL Press. Scharmer, C.O. (2001). Self-transcending knowledge: Sensing and Organizing Around Emerging Opportunities. In: Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 5, no. 2: 137– © 2007, J. Flick PI