Integral student guidance in internationalisation with PAL – ISBI Project Robert Vierendeels, Inge Vervoort, Agnes Dillien – ALE – 20-22/06-2012.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Integral student guidance in internationalisation with PAL – ISBI Project Robert Vierendeels, Inge Vervoort, Agnes Dillien – ALE – 20-22/

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 2 Association K.U.Leuven

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 3 Project partners ISBI Hogeschool voor Wetenschappen en Kunst – Architectuur en Beeldende Kunst Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven Groep T K.U.Leuven, Faculteiten wetenschappen en bio- ingenieurswetenschappen, International Office Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West Vlaanderen Hogeschool-universiteit Brussel

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 4 Lesec Association Leuven Engineering and Science Education Center (K.U.Leuven)

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 5 Why internationalisation

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 6 From the Leuven-LLN-communiqué We call upon each country to increase mobility, to ensure its high quality and to diversify its types and scope. In 2020, at least 20% of those graduating in the European Higher Education Area should have had a study or training period abroad. (April 2009)

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 7 Internationalisation = student mobility? -Even if Europe realizes the 20%, … 80% of the students are not mobile -Solution =

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 8 Challenges for the following years To offer a larger number of students the possibility to have an experience abroad Internationalising the curricula Attracting international full time students in international courses and curricula Developing an international study environment with a strong inter- and multicultural character.

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 9 Challenges for the following years To offer a larger number of students the possibility to have an experience abroad Internationalizing the curricula Attracting international full time students in international courses and curricula Developing an international study environment with a strong inter- and multicultural character Virtual mobilities

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 10

Show them the way and let them go? Passive learning or active learning?

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 12 Passive learning -“Cultural misunderstandings” -Language problems and culture shock -Need international-intercultural competencies -Preparation and guidance

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 13 Isbi Vision The projects wants to develop a system to support incoming and outgoing students optimally before, during and after their experience abroad. There will also be a conscious striving for “internationalisation at home”. The project will therefore make use of Buddy- and PAL-techniques.

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 14 Zoom in on PAL and Buddy Buddy: takes care of social and cultural integration PAL: Peer Assisted Learning Work form in which peers learn from each other without direct intervention of the teacher. (tutor – tutee) PAL-techniques have been successfully used for local students. We also want to apply the techniques for international student mobility.

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 15 3 doelgroepen -Uitgaande studenten -Inkomende studenten -Studenten die thuis een internationale ervaring opdoen

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 16 Trajectory and pilots Trajectory /Student group Incoming studentsOutgoing OrientationSensitisation event Testimonies WIKI in GPS Sensitisation event International weeks Preparation Buddy system Facebook for IPs WIKI in GPS Language preparation Buddy system Support during exchange Buddy system Smartphone application Facebook PAL in placement In class PAL/Tandem PAL language support Intercultural guidance from the home base In class PAL PAL in placement Buddy system/Tandem PAL language support Guidance upon return Scenario for “reversed culture shock” support Return event with reflections WIKI in GPS


met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 19 -Students play an active role in: take in, reception, the integration of incoming students -Students can participate actively in international oriented courses ( English modules) -Students can participate in international activities or even help to organise them ( international week) -Tasks in an international oriented course (international marketing) HOW?

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 20 -“Multiculturality” in the institution -Lecturers integrate “experiences abroad in their learning materials -International lecturers -Online modules with international partners -Bring students in contact with mobility students -PAL and buddy… -Students coming home -International weeks… how?


met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 22 Objective buddy programs -Incoming students: -Support before arriving -Personal welcome (airport?) -Support integration in academic life and -Own students: -Give an expierience -Sometimes preparation own mobility -Development of international-intercultural competencies -Sometimes integrated in curriculum (portfolio)

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 23 Collaboration at several levels -Institution – central & departments or faculties -Student unians – central & decentral -Cities and the regio

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven Ideal scenario -Buddy training -Buddy en incoming student have contact before the mobility start (via , Facebook, Skype,…). -Give a “a personal service“ to incoming students to facilitate the integration -Develop multicultural competencies (both sides) -Integration can (also) be facitated by student organisations having attention for incoming students in communication (English), organisations, offering membership... Buddies play the role of go between. 24



met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 27 START Before the start: -The fiat en the cooperation of the lecturer -Motivated own students -Incoming students seeing the surplus value of this work form -Adaptation of the structure of the lessons: theoretical - exercises

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 28 Analyse proefproject (one group) Tutor again?

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 29 Analysis project (one group)

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 30 Analysis pilot project -Copy of a “classical” in class project -Tutors learned to redirect questions -Very positively evaluated by the tutors -Negatively by incoming students: - objective largely achieved -Tutoring was appreciated as patronizing -Other frame work is necessary -Possible solutions: Better information of tutors and tutees Multicultural training Reciprocal PAL

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 31 Tutor training International PAL, what and why? (objectives, advantages) International-intercultural competences International PAL how? Preparation (practical, content, pedagogical) Starting a contact or session A Pal contact or session: interaction, questions and responses, discussion… The tutor role and communication Open, safe and respectful environment Listen actively Reflection and feedback Tutor role in international competence learning (intercultural learning) Ending a session or a contact Self evaluation or reflection

PAL IN placement (TANDEM)

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 33 Context en vision Hospital Flemish student with a Maltese student Advantages: -Placement in other language difficult -Tandem: language problem – way of working -Flemish student develops its student international- intercultural competencies at home

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 34 Conditions Both students have to gain practice experience Danger of being concurrent in medial acts Language problems between students... Problems: analogue as in In Class PAL Solutions: more reciprocal role

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 35 In the future: -Reciprocal form (1 op 1), peers are equal -Change of rolls -Formulate tasks to support PAL in placement -Supervision moments -Regular feedback of mentor and coordinator

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 36 Active Learning environment Tutor training Draw up vocabulary in medicine and daily used English words (patient’s language) (both directions). Stimulating reflection, intervision, expressing feelings... What surprises you and why? Coaching”: Question as: How could we do it different? How would you that? Why? We do it like this...Reciprocal How do you do it in Malta? (or another country).

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 37 Pilot: Return guidance −First group: students in development collaboration −“Return guidance” does not really exist, student finishes his study, no responsibility −Need sharing expierience −Guidance: Reversed Culture Shock −Advice: possibility future engagement, maintainance en verder ontwikkelen van opgedane competenties −Enquête, try out en train the trainer

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 38 Pilot: return moment usefully (Ja=yes, Nee = no) Smaller institution University

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 39 Piloot: Return guidance (scale disagree completely to agree completely) Family and friends are not interested in my stories I am changed. Family and friends have difficulties to deal with that All developed competencies (language, multicultural…) does nor seem not very relevant I am afraid I am not able to maintain my new competences I have more social engagement thanks to my experience I have another look to Belgium I weekly have contacts with the South This experience gave me other insights in my discipline I question my study and professional choice


met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 41 2 groups −Study students −Placement students: often “away from institution”

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 42 Offer −Cf. Buddy-program −Smartphone application (part of GPS) −Guidance

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 43 Guidance

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 44 Guidance −Study: intervision −If possible together with Flemish students −Placement: online enqueries aan IS and placement responsible (fysical distance) −Face-to-face contacts: start, end and when approciate −Facebook

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 45 Stage

Other Pilots

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 47 An enumeration … −PAL-language: Dutch and English for IS, English for OS (tutors are students in education – out-of- the-box placement) −PAL in project work −PAL in het English curriculum −Sensitisation −Facebook in support of an Intensive Program : international event in “international marketing”

GPS-Guide: finale result

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 49 GPS-guide: Structure

Dutch++ project Comenius

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven Final result 51 -GPS-guide for students – universal information -Toolkit for lecturers and coordinators (scenario, course materials, didactical files,…) -Following project structure: WIKI for every institution, info for courses (selection criteria, offer, services, experiences for students… -Recommendations for directions (all institutions)

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven Do you read Dutch? 52 Our blog: -

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven Competencies 53 Function in an international / intercultural environment and team Enlarge and deepening knowledge and skills in international context Insight in differences and similarities in professional practice Communicate in one forum language. Intercultural competencies Knows what culture includes, awareness of influence on behaviour and manners Cultural empathy. From an equal point of view looking to reciprocal changes Global awareness -insight in globalisation processes and the social and professional consequences

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven Culture shock 54 Culture shock is a phenomena that can happen when you change from a know, predictable environment to a completely new environment landscape, climate, people, language, food, religion, culture

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven Culture shock: phases 55 1.Honeymoon phase - euphoria – unrealistic view 2.Negotiation phase, Disintegration phase, Frustration : communication problems, uncertain, doubts Obsession (details, hygiene, …) or fear (robbery,…) 3.Re-integration phase – Escalation Blame new culture - glorify own culture Accusation new culture, anger, depression 4.Adjustment phase: insight in new culture, friends 5.Mastery phase, Independence phase: acclimatization

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 56

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 57

met de steun van het Onderwijsontwikkelingsfonds Associatie K.U.Leuven 58 Contact information K.H.Kempen Projectcoördinator: Inge Vervoort Promotor: Agnes Dillien Co-promotor: Rob Vierendeels