Uitwerken van een Open window ‘International social work’


Verwante presentaties
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Transcript van de presentatie:

Uitwerken van een Open window ‘International social work’

Vertrekpunt: tegen 2020 dienen 20% of 33% van onze afgestudeerden 10 credits in het buitenland te hebben verworven; streefdoel: 7 contacturen en de rest zelfstandige opdrachten 20-9-2018

Hoe dit te realiseren? 20-9-2018

1. Het opbouwen van een Europees netwerk 20-9-2018

Een voorbeeld van een mogelijk netwerk Partner B Partner A Partner C Partner E Partner D

2. Het opstellen van een internationaal programma: Voorstel centrale topic: international social work

We voorzien een maximum van twee verschillende programma’s We voorzien een maximum van twee verschillende programma’s . Eén voor MT2 & één voor MT 3 studenten Bachelor Social Work Elke partner is verantwoordelijk voor een bijdrage van OLODs met x credits/Y lesuren,seminaries, workshops, werkveldbezoeken. .. In samenwerking met 1 of meerdere partners in 1 of meerdere locaties (streefdoel is een equivalent van 2 maal 5 credits; 5 voor MT2 en 5 voor MT3.). Elke partner zoek en bepaalt zelf hoe dit in het curriculum te op te nemen/verwerken.

- We zijn op dit moment wat aan het experimenteren

Wie alles coördineert ligt nog open

Voordelen? Alles heeft een duidelijke plaats in het curriculum; Er is een ruim en structureel uitgewerkt aanbod; De kans om de noodzakelijke % te halen is veel groter; Ook studenten die niet op mobiliteit gaan, krijgen een internationale ervaring.

Nadelen? Hoe het een duidelijke plaats in het curriculum geven?; Coördinatie?; Financieel: studenten? & lesgevers (TSM?); Halen we wel de noodzakelijke %?; Hoe studenten te motiveren? Kwaliteitsgarantie?; Blijvende samenwerking?.

Een voorbeeld van een kort Mobility Window van 5 ects

Ethnically sensitive social work

1. Human rights and Social Work a. Content This seminar is based on our new publication ‘Social work in an International Perspective’ (Garant, 2014). We will discuss and compare different definitions of social work, given by authors from 9 different countries and 5 continents. They are experienced practitioners as well as renowned academics. By bringing together the views and perspectives on and the history of social work and its education in different countries we wish to inspire and deepen its theory, practice and praxis. In this seminar we will focus on the different definitions on social work and the relation between Social work and human rights. We will first of all discuss the international definition of Social Work and compare it with the 9 definitions of social work in our book. Then we start to discuss 2 topics: 1. Human rights. Are they important for the Social Worker? In this subtopic the students discuss the ‘statement’ of Jim Ife: “Human Rights and Social Work : towards Rights-Based Practice” and compare it with the views on the relation social work and human rights as is descripted by the authors in our book. 2. Human rights and migration. The students start their discussion with the general situation that we live in a global world and that international migrants crossing borders in hope of work or freedom. Once migrated the migrants face a wide range of human rights abuses since they often fall through the cracks of legal protection. Some of the central questions the social work students discuss are: What kind of Human Rights abuses? Obstacles that prevent many migrants from seeking redress for human rights abuses? What’s our position and/or responsibility as Social Worker? We will bring this relation with diversity and social work as is described in our book. b. Methodology: general introduction followed by group discussions. c. Central questions: 1. How important are human rights for a social worker and what is the relation with diversity? 2. Is there an ethical dimension for a social worker working with human rights? d. Time: Seminar: 4 hours; e. Obligations: active participation in a discussion group, using own practices/examples. f. Examination: paper, using the experience and information of the own discussion group. Min 5 – max 10 pages, including an intro – body – conclusion and references, conform the APA-style.

2. Intercultural competencies a. Content - If you want to learn about study/work/living in a very diverse environment (such as the world nowadays is!), this course is an interesting offer. On the menu: - Intercultural awareness: what, why and how (Hofstede: culture and identity). What is the importance of being intercultural aware and how can we use that awareness in study/job as a social worker? - Intercultural competences. - Rites of passage: a project as an example. - Stereotypes. b. Methodology: Seminar and exercise with students practices c. Time: Seminar: 4 hours; d. Obligations: active participation and interaction using own practices/examples. Examination: paper, using the own experiences: there will be asked to look at a case: the question will be asked: ‘What is the importance of being intercultural aware and how can we use that awareness in study/job as a social worker?’ Students will be asked to look for own examples. Will be the question for a case study in social work: “show how you used intercultural competences in a context of diversity in your work or life – preferably in a more or less professional context.’ e. Paper: Min 10 pages, including an intro – body – conclusion and references, conform the APA-style.

3. Rites of Passage and Social Work a. content This seminar Rites of Passage and Social Work wishes to contribute to the creation of tools for social workers in their action for a more harmonious society by bringing attention to the value of both diversity and similarities between different people and peoples. Through the recognition of the "same" in the otherness of the other, we tend to be more open to this same otherness and the alterity of other cultures. Rites of passage are for a social worker a unique lever to stimulate mutual tolerance between people. Recognition and acknowledgment come into being by referring to the universality of these rites of passage (birth, adolescence, marriage, death) while at the same time offering a possibility to share what is particular to our own culture. This seminar is based on our collected information about rites of passage in various cultures, philosophies and religions. We will use our DVD ‘Rites of Passage’. For this seminar we have chosen an exemplary approach that addresses the question: “Can tolerance be promoted by referring to the universality of rituals?” The fact that different cultures, ideologies and religions have ‘rites of passage’, uppers the question whether there’s a kind of common humanity, a common denominator that connects all humans and whereby the other becomes a human just like us, it were just because we all ritualize or celebrate important moments in life. In this project we work with and about rites of passage in different philosophies and religions namely in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Secular humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism and in some cultures : the aboriginals, the Inuit, the Kuna Indians and the Bétamaribé. b. methodology: general introduction supported by a lot of original film fragments. e. central question: “Can tolerance be promoted by referring to the universality of rituals?” f. time: Seminar: 2 x2 hours; g. obligation: - Examination: paper: give a description of how the rites of passage are celebrated in your culture or background. Use the three universal stages in your description and give enough examples to make the ritual understandable. - Paper: Min 5 – max 10 pages, including an intro – body – conclusion and references, conform the APA-style.

4. Age and Diversity in care? a. Content For people who want to learn and discuss topics about ageing in a diverse world: this seminar is recommended: we talk about some background (Flemish examples) of ageing (facts, figures,..) and ask the students how the situation in their background occur. In an exercise we will compare our situations! We work with good-practices, cases,… As a conclusion we look at general difficulties and themes that show up (like diversity in elderly homes, difficulties in care at home,…) in Europe. b. Methodology: general introduction, discussion and exercise (with time to look up facts and figures about ageing in the own cultural context) c. Time: Seminar: 5 hours; d. Obligations: looking up information about ageing in the own society (facts and figures) and using that as a background in the seminar. d. Examination: exercise (prepared in seminar) will be further worked on in paper: students are asked to look up some actual models of ageing and compare that to the situation of their cultural background. There will also be asked to analyze the policy of their country and define 3 good/3 bad examples in the actual policy. Followed by an own conclusion. Paper: Min 5 – max 10 pages, including an intro – body – conclusion and references, conform the APA-style.