Presentatie titel Measurement education in the junior primary –


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Presentatie titel Measurement education in the junior primary – Workshops measurement Presentatie titel Idee: materialen als presentatie en kopie van hoofdstuk uit boek, workshop kaarten etc op eenvoudige stick zetten en aan de deelnemers meegeven, inclusief informatie over het project. Otjiwarongo, june 2016 Rotterdam, 00 januari 2007

Workshop 1 – Measurement passport length – mass - capacity 1 Length of my body  2 My arm span  3 Perimeter of my left hand  4 Perimeter of my right hand  5 Perimeter of my right hand plus the perimeter of my left hand, [Double: ] 6 The length of my foot, [Six times: ] 7 The length of my hand, [Ten times: ] 8 The capacity of my hand  9 The area surface of my foot  10 The strength of my hair  Niet voor junior primary! Voorbeeld van ‘meten met uitgangspunt het eigen lichaam’, zo als jonge kinderen doen. Regelmatigheden constateren, Geschikte activiteiten voor de senior i.pv. upper primary. Print: passport

Workshop 2 – Designing storybook based measurement activities length How to organize for the lower grades measurement activities in the contextual relation with the story ‘Do you want to be my friend?’ Read together the book ‘Do you want to be my friend?’ Focus on the mathematical contents of the book, Do you have ideas how to plan teaching activities for your class with this book? Do you have ideas how to create teaching materials that inspires the learners to use the mathematical language from the book? Samenstellen – composing, Belang van het begrip voor het concept ‘meten’, Kun je je voorstellen dat 8 cm ook 8 cm achter elkaar zijn die het geheel van de lengte maken? Begrip ‘centimeter’! Ooit 8 cm gezien? Wel een voorwerp met een lengte van 8 cm, maar cm is een abstract begrip. 8 cm potlood, 8 cm touw, 8 cm papier, etc; nooit alleen 8 cm, zelfs niet op een ruler!

Workshop 2 – Designing storybook based measurement activities length

Workshop 3 – Designing measurement-image-book or poster length, mass, capacity Grade ¾ Everyday applications m, cm, mm kg, gram liter, ml Verzamel voorbeelden en gebruik van maten in het dagelijks leven, In een boek of op een poster. Laat leerlingen meebrengen en bespreek klassikaal de voorbeelden. Muurkrant of tentoonstelling met maten.

Workshop 4 – Blowing cotton balls, Who cuts the longest strip Workshop 4 – Blowing cotton balls, Who cuts the longest strip? Your length in paper clips? length Who blows the cotton ball farthest? Who cuts the longest strip? What is your length in paperclips? Measuring with non-standard units Teaching methods: games, exploration

Workshop 5 – Bottles capacity Comparing, Ordening, Measuring with non-standard units. 1 Find out: Which bottle has the largest capacity? First estimating, second measuring.  2 Put the bottles in a sequence with increasing capacity. How to tackle this problem?  3 Is it possible to determine the difference in capacity between the smallest and the largest bottle?  4 Measure the capacity of the bottles by use of non-standard units. Senior primary activity: ‘The graph of a bottle’ The graph of a bottle; the relation between heigth and capacity Ook nog relatie met data handling, als je een grafiek maakt. Senior primary!

Workshop 6 – Stones mass Comparing, ordening, composing, measuring with non-standard units 1 Find out: Which Stone is the heaviest one? 2 Put the 5 stones in a sequence with increasing mass. How to tackle this problem? 3 Is it possible to determine the difference in mass between the lightest and the heaviest stone? 4 Find out: How to construct a measuring instrument that can be used to measure [read out] the mass of …………

Workshop 7 – Hands area surface Comparing, ordening, measuring with non-standard units Find out: Who has got the largest hand? Put the 5 hands in a sequence with increasing surface. How to tackle this problem? How to determine the area surface of the classroom using the non-standard unit ‘hand’? Discuss a smart solution for this problem!

Your workshops measurement in grade 1, grade 2, grade 3 ……….