Giving hands and feet to the digital substation


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Giving hands and feet to the digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

About Eandis Context The substation Going digital Hands & Feet Agenda Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Local electricity generators Central electricity generators CREG / VREG Importers of natural gas Elia Fluxys Fluxys Distribution grid operators ESCO’s Suppliers Aggregators ESCO ESCO staat voor ‘energy service company’: een commercieel of niet-commercieel bedrijf dat een brede waaier energiediensten kan aanbieden. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de planning of uitvoering van projecten voor energiebesparing of energie-opslag, de uitbesteding van energie-infrastructuur en risicobeheer op het vlak van energie. Balance Responsible Party (BRP) Een BRP of ‘evenwichtsverantwoordelijke’ is een natuurlijke persoon of rechtspersoon die zich verantwoordelijk stelt dat het elektriciteitsverbruik of de –productie van één of meerdere klanten overeenstemt met een vooraf vastgelegd profiel. Op die manier is de BRP verantwoordelijk voor het evenwicht tussen de injecties en de afnames van elektriciteit of aardgas op het net. Elke energieleverancier moet verplicht een contract afsluiten met een BRP. Flexibility Service Provider (FSP) Een FSP is een onderneming die het flexibel energieverbruik van een netgebruiker (producent of consument), kan activeren en contracteren. Door die flexibiliteit aan te bieden aan een derde partij kan het bedrijf bijdragen tot het evenwicht tussen vraag en aanbod van elektriciteit. Voorwaarde is wel dat de FSP’s, en de klanten in hun portefeuille, voldoen aan alle voorwaarden van de transport- en distributienetbeheerders. Aggregator Een aggregator is een onderneming die het flexibel energieverbruik of de productie van een groep energieverbruikers inkoopt, samenvoegt en als geheel op de markt brengt. Een aggregator is dus een ‘flexibility service provider’ met een verzamelde hoeveelheid energieverbruik die op afstand kan worden in- of uitgeschakeld. Door die flexibiliteit aan te bieden aan een derde partij kan het bedrijf bijdragen tot het evenwicht tussen vraag en aanbod van elektriciteit. Voorwaarde is wel dat de aggregatoren, en de klanten in hun portefeuille, voldoen aan alle voorwaarden van de transport- en distributienetbeheerders. Flexibility Service Provider (FSP) Customers Balance Responsible Party (BRP) Eandis - digital substation Klanten March 2017 Leveranciers March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Key Figures March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

What are the key trends … What are the key Asset Management & Grid Architecture challenges … Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Key trends Source: European Commission, Directorate General for Energy Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Key trends March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Digital Transformation Key trends Digital Transformation Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Key AM and grid architecture challenges Reliability Aging Infrastructure New challenges require new solutions “ Digitization of assets Distributed Energy Resources Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

How the substation is involved … Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

How the substation is involved Grid Architecture Engineering V-model Asset Lifecycle Ontwerp Installatie Gebruik Onderhoud Sloop Defining functions of a grid + interactions Translating functions into assets Assuring asset performance during the asset lifecycle Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

How the substation is involved A substation becomes key to facilitate the integration of distributed energy sources A substation becomes key to facilitate intelligent markets Some substations are approaching the end of their lifespan Capital investment programs are required to replace aging substations  opportunity to go digital Narrower margins in substation design require new engineering rules Former lifecycle principles and lifecycle strategies are not relevant anymore IT is becoming core: new risks (cybersecurity, privacy, reliability) Different lifecycles in one asset (physical and digital) Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, what are the opportunities and risks… Going digital, from data to action… Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, the opportunities and risks The digitalization of substations facilitates the integration of distributed energy sources and intelligent markets Ability to monitor and control Connecting substations (IoT) Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, the opportunities and risks Integration of digital technologies  IT becomes core: impact on reliability impact on security Impact on lifecycle strategies OT at its best The Benz with the highest reliabilty and longest lifespan IT meets OT In 2006, the model was updated, including new engines and many improvements. The engineers solved the electrical issues with the Mk1 models of the W211, which damaged Mercedes’ image. A fruitfull encounter Dynamic Distance Control … Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, the opportunities and risks Integration of digital technologies  IT becomes core: impact on reliability impact on security Impact on lifecycle strategies OT at its best The most reliable grid IT meets OT What is the lifespan of our assets? Which impact on our reliability? How about security? Which skills? Which sytems and processes? Which market model? What do our customers think? … A fruitfull encounter The digital energy system 4,0, smart grids, smart assets … Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, the opportunities and risks Condition data (asset health) can be collected near real time Risk Based Asset Management approach, built on asset analytics Optimize performance and improve efficiency of substation by near real time monitoring Self-healing substations Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, the opportunities and risks Condition data (asset health) can be collected near real time Risk Based Asset Management approach, built on asset analytics Optimize performance and improve efficiency of substation by near real time monitoring Self-healing substations Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, the opportunities and risks Condition data (asset health) can be collected near real time Risk Based Asset Management approach, built on asset analytics Optimize performance and improve efficiency of substation by near real time monitoring Self-healing substations Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, the opportunities and risks Condition data (asset health) can be collected near real time Risk Based Asset Management approach, built on asset analytics Optimize performance and improve efficiency of substation by near real time monitoring Self-healing substations Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, from data to action Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Going digital, from data to action Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

How to give hands and feet to the digital substation… Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Giving the digital substation hands and feet Distributed Energy Resources Aging Infrastructure Reliability Digitization of assets ‘’New challenges require new solutions’’ “The digital substation is a key solution to overcome the challenges” Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Giving the digital substation hands and feet How Spotify builds a product… Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation

Contact Kim Vrancken Eandis Asset Strategy & Grid Architecture +32 (0)473 80 00 65 Eandis - digital substation March 2017 March 2017 Eandis - digital substation