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Paragraph 2.7. In paragraph 2.2: William II became Stadtholder, and the war against Spain ended in 1648. The Republic was now a separate country.

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Presentatie over: "Paragraph 2.7. In paragraph 2.2: William II became Stadtholder, and the war against Spain ended in 1648. The Republic was now a separate country."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Paragraph 2.7

2 In paragraph 2.2: William II became Stadtholder, and the war against Spain ended in 1648. The Republic was now a separate country.

3 Only Stadtholder for 3 years. But made problems about religion and politics worse. Didn’t want peace with Spain. Died in 1650 (smallpox)

4 When William II died, his son became Stadtholder William III But he was 1 week old! So the States General said: we’ll have no Stadtholder until William III is old enough. One powerful man left: Grand Pensionary of Holland.

5 Johan de Witt.

6 He and his brother Cornelis were anti-Orange. Johan de Witt was very smart and a good politician. He knew how to persuade people.

7 Johan persuaded the States General to abolish the post of Stadtholder. But many anti-Orangists were not happy with this. They wanted a Stadtholder with less power.

8 France and England declared war on the Republic. ( to take it over and for trade) States General needed to react: William III was old enough, became Stadtholder and was in charge of the army.

9 Johan was of course against this. He resigned. The Orangists arrested him for plotting against William III. Both brothers were killed during riots.

10 Changed the State’s finances! Was really good in maths! Never understood that the people liked to have an Orange as Stadtholder.







17 Het woord lynchen is afgeleid van de Amerikaanse kapitein William Lynch, die graag eigen rechter speelde. Het Engels kende vroeger een ander woord voor lynchen en dat komt van het Nederlands. Welk woord was dat?

18 Tien tegen één, dat u bij een beruchte lynchpartij in de Nederlandse geschiedenis denkt aan de moord op de gebroeders Johan en Cornelis de Witt Want in 1672 werden ze door het gepeupel afgeslacht uit onvrede met de rampzalige politieke en militaire verwikkelingen van die tijd, een oorlog tegen Engeland, Frankrijk, Keulen en Münster. De brute moord verrijkte de Engelse taal met het werkwoord to dewitt.

19 Politician: someone who is involved in ruling a country.

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