Time management Howdoyouset priorities?. Priorities:thingsthatyouthinkare important.

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Presentatie over: "Time management Howdoyouset priorities?. Priorities:thingsthatyouthinkare important."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Time management Howdoyouset priorities?

2 Priorities:thingsthatyouthinkare important.

3 Ask yourselfthefollowing4 questions: Vision: Long term - where / what /with who are you going to be in 5 to 10 years? Goals: Short term - what are my goals to realize my vision? (this month/year) When am I satisfied? What is your ideal work/life balance? (Example 60% of your time you spend on work and 40% personal.)

4 “If yourgoalsarenot clear/understandable,everythingyoudois good!Youarereactinghastlytoyour enviroment.” Theenviromentdetermineswhatyou do.Theenviromentyouguidingyour life!

5 Whydon’tyou finish youTo-Do list at the end of the day? Where is yourinfluence?

6 NIVEA: Niet Invullen Voor Een Ander. - (Continue denken aan wat een ander van je vindt, ervan zou zeggen)

7 Om “JA” te kunnen zeggen tegen dingen die ertoe doen, moet je “NEE” kunnen zeggen tegen dingen die er niet toe doen!

8 Eisenhouwer matrix

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