De inzet van BPM en SOA in een organisatie

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1 De inzet van BPM en SOA in een organisatie
Start Minor: grote lijn en organisatie Fedor Wagenaar

2 Hoe ziet de ideale organisatie er uit?

3 Business Process Speed and Agility Moeilijkheids graad beïnvloeding
Tactical Guidelines: The difficulty of integration increases as a multiple of the number of processing nodes, the number of application owners, the sophistication of the interactions and the rate of application changes. The business value of integration increases in proportion to its difficulty. Veranderingen in de samenleving stellen nieuwe eisen aan de organisatie Hard Easy Visionary Samenwerking Transacties Business Process Speed and Agility Kijken in andermans systemen Zend gegevens Moeilijkheids graad beïnvloeding Hele organisatie Bekende partners Organisatie deel Ad hoc partners An agile enterprise has a competitive advantage because it can act swiftly on routine transactions and modify its processes quickly in response to changing conditions. The core principle that underlies agility is to have a comprehensive view of all participants and steps in a business process. Business units, people, application systems and automated devices in diverse locations can be viewed as subsystems in a single, holistic system. The idea of the virtual enterprise confirms business trends that have been underway for years. The boundaries of the conventional enterprise are increasingly porous as information, goods and services flow more quickly. Application integration is the common theme underlying zero-latency enterprise, real-time enterprise, on-demand enterprise, customer relationship management, supply chain management and many other modern business strategies. The scope of interactions is increasing, as connections are made not only among business units in the same company, but also to business units outside the enterprise. The sophistication of interactions is changing by modeling, managing and monitoring more aspects of each business process. Shallow, slow-moving, loose application couplings — such as file transfer — are being complemented, and sometimes replaced, by faster and richer forms of interchange, including: 1) direct interactive lookups, 2) invoking remote functions (e.g., via Web services) and 3) linking business processes (business process fusion). Action Item: IS managers, architects and developers must work with business analysts and business unit managers in every stage of an integration project because most of the costs and benefits of integration occur outside of the IS department. Breedte van samenwerking

4 Redenen om aan BPM en SOA te doen
Grip hebben op eigen organisatie (Corporate Governance) Voldoen aan regelgeving (Compliance) Mee kunnen veranderen met de ‘wereld’ (Agile) De beste willen zijn (Product Leadership) De goedkoopste willen zijn (Process Leadership)

5 Typische problemen in oude organisaties
ERP Legacy Application CRM Afdeling denken leidt tot problemen in Flexibiliteit, Reactievermogen, and Productiviteit

6 Focus op processen! Legacy Application CRM ERP Process
Management Layer / ServiceBus (ESB) Create new functionality to fill the gaps Legacy Application ERP CRM

7 De BPM kwaliteitscyclus en competenties/rollen

8 Deelgebieden BPM Procesmodellering (enginering en re-enginering)
Workflow management (WfM) + Business Rules Management Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Process Prestatie Management (kwaliteit)

9 Afstemmen IT en organisatie op het proces

10 Een proces in BPMN

11 Samenhang modellen in een Enterprise Architecture

12 Het opdelen en (her) gebruiken van software

13 Werkveld Competenties
Uitdagend werk; geen 9-5 baan, maar 5 – 9 Innovatieve Business apps voor de 24/7/365 maatschappij Hectisch, snel tot de kern komend om ideeën te presenteren. Diepgaand procesdetails analyserend, modellerend Uitzoeken en consequenties van veranderingen door spreken. Oog hebben voor het overwinnen van weerstanden Voor het technische ICT deel samenwerken met software ontwikkelaars.

14 Programma kennis (15 ects)
Kennis, concepten, vaardigheden: Concepten [BPM, SOA, Rules, Model, Events, ESB] Business Performance Management [KPI] Proces verbetering methodieken [TOC, LEAN, SixSigma] Analyse & Modelleren Bedrijfsprocessen  IT Alliance / Governance / Compliance Toegepast Onderzoek [Simulatie]

15 PROGRAMMA 2015-16 OWP 1 OWP 2 IBKBPM 01 Visie en Kader IBKBPM 07
MINOR BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT Semester 7 OWP 1 ECTS OWP 2 IBKBPM 01 Visie en Kader 3 IBKBPM 07 Procesverbetering 2 / Practicum ESB 2 2 IBKBPM 02 Procesverbetering (Quality Management) IBKBPM 08 State of the Art (SOTA) IBKBPM 03 Modelleren: BPMN & IGOE IBKBPM 09 Onderzoeksopdracht IBKBPM 04 Enterprise Service Bus (practicum Tibco) IBKBPM 10 BPMS IBKBPM 05 BPM in de praktijk 1 5  IBKBPM 06 BPM in de praktijk 2 Totaal 15

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