English 2E 10 November 2010. Programme for today Check homework Last class Some /any Have to Can I? Funny blonde woman at the library.

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Presentatie over: "English 2E 10 November 2010. Programme for today Check homework Last class Some /any Have to Can I? Funny blonde woman at the library."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 English 2E 10 November 2010

2 Programme for today Check homework Last class Some /any Have to Can I? Funny blonde woman at the library

3 Last class

4 some and any BevestigendVragendOntkennend Some Some people are very rude. Any Is there any place we can hang our wet jeans to dry? Any I don’t have any money. Verwacht je dat het antwoord ‘JA’ is?? Dan gebruik je some!! Can I have some tea, Mum?

5 Have to I have to do the washing up. You have to clean your room. We don’t have to make dinner. Maggie doesn’t have to wash the car. Wat is ook alweer de regel bij ‘have to’?

6 I have to do the washing up. You have to clean your room. We don’t have to make dinner. Maggie doesn’t have to wash the car. Have to + hele werkwoord

7 Can I have your attention please? Can I have a soda, please? Can I go outside, please? Can we go to the swimming pool this afternoon? Yes, you can / No, you can’t Toestemming vragen met: Can + hele werkwoord Toestemming vragen met: Can + hele werkwoord

8 Homework for tomorrow (4e) Lezen: Lesson 7 blz. 24-25 Maken: Workbook ex. 14+15

9 Funny blonde woman at the library

10 Is het al tijd? See you tomorrow! Nog niet? Dan vast even gaan lezen blz. 24-25 Is het al tijd? See you tomorrow! Nog niet? Dan vast even gaan lezen blz. 24-25

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