Deltion College Engels B1 Spreken [Edu/001] thema: song texts can-do : kan een onderwerp dat mij interesseert op een redelijk vlotte manier beschrijven.

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1 Deltion College Engels B1 Spreken [Edu/001] thema: song texts can-do : kan een onderwerp dat mij interesseert op een redelijk vlotte manier beschrijven

2 Tijd opdracht: 1 SBU 60 minuten maken eigen opgave; 10 min. presentatie tijdens lesuur Eindprodukt: a. presentatie teksten liedjes b. stencils met de teksten c. woordenlijst Nodig: woordenboek + internet (+ power point)

3 Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je zonder veel haperen je presentatie redelijk vlot kunt houden, b.v. met behulp van power point.

4 Situation You would like to take part in a television contest in which you have to sing a song. You would like to take part with an English song that has meaningful lyrics, i.e. a text that has something interesting to say. You decide you want to have some feedback from others before trying to take part in the contest. 1)Think of at least 3 possible songs you could sing. 2)Find their lyrics on the internet. A good link is: 3)Look up difficult words 4)Find information about the groups or singers who made albums or recordings of these songs. 5)Now prepare a presentation of approx. 10 minutes for a group of students/friends.

5 Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay Tip: read the hints about giving a presentation!

6 Presentation 1. Tell your audience about each song. 2. Give some info about the singers who have already recorded them 3. Finish off your presentation by having a vote on which song you should pick for your contest. 4. If they were an Idols Jury, what would they advise you to do? 5. Should you have the nerve, you could have a go at singing one of the songs now….

7 Hints and steps to be taken before giving a presentation………. 1. Make notes on small cards that you can consult or: Prepare a power point presentation, each slide containing just a short key phrase of what you are going to say 2. Structure your presentation: first I will tell you about…, then about…, finally I will… 3. Remember to look at your audience when you speak 4. Make sure you look okay (all buttons done up??)

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