Deltion College Engels B2 Spreken [Edu/001] thema: What’s in the news? can-do : kan verslag doen van een gebeurtenis en daarbij meningen met argumenten.

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1 Deltion College Engels B2 Spreken [Edu/001] thema: What’s in the news? can-do : kan verslag doen van een gebeurtenis en daarbij meningen met argumenten onderbouwen

2 Tijd opdracht: 2 SBU 120 minuten maken eigen opgave; 10 min. presentatie tijdens lesuur Eindprodukt: a. presentatie in het Engels over Nederlands nieuwsfeit b. de teksten van de nieuwsberichten c. woordenlijst Nodig: woordenboek + internet

3 Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je de nieuwsfeiten uitgebreid kunt beschrijven, alle facetten kunt toelichten en vragen over het nieuwsfeit kunt beantwoorden.

4 Situation You are going to have a group of international visitors. They are interested in Dutch society and would very much like to be informed about daily events. 1)Find an interesting Dutch news topic in a newspaper, or on internet (television news is not very practical, so stick to a written source). A good site is (click on ‘kranten’). See what three different papers have written about one and the same news 2)Make a short summary of the three versions of this news event in English. Also print copies of each article. 3)Find some necessary extra information on internet, to sketch the historical background, if necessary. 4)Now prepare a presentation of approx. 10 – 15 minutes.

5 Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay Tip: read the hints about giving a presentation!

6 Presentation 1. Tell your audience about the news item that you have selected. Highlight the differences (if any) in the way in which the three different newspapers wrote about your news topic. Present the extra background info, if necessary. Finish off your presentation by telling your audience what you think will happen in connection with your news topic (a prediction about the future). Ask if there are any questions.

7 Hints and steps to be taken before giving a presentation………. 1. Make notes on small cards that you can consult or: Prepare a power point presentation, each slide containing just a short key phrase of what you are going to say 2. Structure your presentation: first I will tell you about…, then about…, finally I will… 3. Remember to look at your audience when you speak 4. Make sure you look okay (all buttons done up??)

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