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Deltion College Engels B1 En Spreken/Presentaties [Edu/007] Thema: Soap(s) can-do : kan met enig detail verslag doen van ervaringen, in dit geval, rapporteren over een gemiste soap aflevering! © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.
Time assignment: 2 SBU 1.75 SBU to prepare; 0.15 SBU for presentation End products: a. a (recorded) account of what happened in a recent episode of a specific Sitcom or Soap series b. list of new words Needed: dictionary, cassetterecorder or teacher to evaluate
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je zonder veel haperen kunt vertellen wat er in de laatste aflevering van een bepaalde soap is gebeurd. Ondanks een afwijkend accent en intonatie ben je over het algemeen duidelijk genoeg om zonder moeilijkheden gevolgd te worden.
Situation You and an English friend regularly watch a specific Sitcom or Soap. Your friend missed the last episode. Over a cup of coffee you tell him/her what happened.
Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay Tip: read the following pages for more instructions. First work with the idiom assignment!
1)Think up a list of 15 Dutch words/expressions that are associated with a ‘sitcom’ or a ‘soap’. Next translate these words into English. 2)Look up the translation of those words you do not know yet. Obviously, you can do this in a conventional dictionary or on internet: 3)It may also be inspiring to use the following site: Http:// This is an English – English dictionary. Type, for instance the words ‘broadcasting’ and proceed from there. Make a so- called Word Web (see below). Http:// Sitcom/ soap
Instructions (1) First find information about the Sitcom / Soap of your choice. It helps, if you choose an English/American/Australian one! Otherwise, there is a lot of translation work to be done… You may find the following links useful: * JoeyJoey * FriendsFriends * Sex and the CitySex and the City For info on British sitcoms: click here where you can also click an episode to watch!here
Instructions (2) 2) Next make a list of key words. Remember, it would be very strange if you were reading out what happened from a piece of paper. You will have to re-tell the episode by heart. Try and stick to the main outline – avoid useless detail. For spice, add your personal opinion.
Good luck! Click here to go back to start
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