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Ontwikkeling van een organisatie door evolutie en revolutie

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Presentatie over: "Ontwikkeling van een organisatie door evolutie en revolutie"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Ontwikkeling van een organisatie door evolutie en revolutie
(naar Keuning & Epping)

2 Mintzberg: Samenhangen
Configuratie Voornaamste coördinerende mechanisme Kernelement van de organisatie Type decentralisatie Ondernemersorganisatie Rechtstreeks toezicht Strategische top Verticale en horizontale centralisatie Machineorganisatie Standaardisatie van arbeidsprocessen Technostructuur Beperkte horizontale decentralisatie Professionele organisatie Standaardisatie van bekwaamheden Uitvoerende kern Horizontale decentralisatie Gediversifieerde organisatie Standaardisatie van resultaten Tussengelegen niveau Beperkte verticale decentralisatie Innovatieve organisatie Onderlinge afstemming Ondersteunende staf Selectieve decentralisatie Zendingsorganisatie Standaardisatie van normen Ideologie Decentralisatie Politieke organisatie Geen Varieert

3 Mintzberg: Krachten en Vormen

4 Overzicht

5 Het vier-instrumentenmodel van managementcontrol

6 Culture The set of key values, beliefs, understandings, and norms that members of an organization share.

7 Levels of Corporate Culture

8 Visible Manifestations
Symbols Stories Heroes Slogans Ceremonies

9 Het Ui-kultuurmodel van Hofstede

10 Environment and Culture
A big influence on internal corporate culture is the external environment Cultures can vary widely across organizations Organizations within same industry reveal similar cultural characteristics

11 Corporate Culture Adaptability
Adaptive Culture Unadaptive Culture Visible Behavior Expressed Values Managers pay close attention to all their constituencies, especially customers, and initiate change when needed to serve their legitimate interests, even if it entails taking some risks. Managers care deeply about customers, stockholders, and employees. They strongly value people and processes that can create useful change (e.g., leadership initiatives up and down the management hierarchy). Managers tend to behave somewhat insularly, politically, and bureaucrati-cally. As a result, they do not change their strategies quickly to adjust to or take advantage of changes in their business environments. Managers care mainly about themsel-ves, their immediate work group, or some product (or technology) associated with that work group. They value the orderly and risk-reducing management process much more highly than leadership initiatives.

12 Four types of Corporate Culture

13 High-Performance Culture
A culture that Is based on a solid organizational mission or purpose Embodies shared adaptive values that guide decisions and business practices, and Encourages individual employee ownership of both bottom-line results and the organization’s cultural backbone

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