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Deltion College Engels C1 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/002]/ subvaardigheid lezen thema: Order, order…. can-do : kan een bijeenkomst voorzitten © Anne Beeker.

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Presentatie over: "Deltion College Engels C1 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/002]/ subvaardigheid lezen thema: Order, order…. can-do : kan een bijeenkomst voorzitten © Anne Beeker."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Deltion College Engels C1 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/002]/ subvaardigheid lezen thema: Order, order…. can-do : kan een bijeenkomst voorzitten © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.

2 SBU 3 Endproducts: a. video (or cassette) recording of group meeting b. worked out minutes of the meeting Needed: video camera, dictionary and internet, 8 more students

3 •Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je zonder noemenswaardige beperkingen een panel kunt voorzitten.

4 Situation You are going to participate in the European Youth Parliament (EYP). The central element of the European Youth Parliament's work is formed by so-called 9-day events held three times a year, and attended by more than 200 students from as many as 25 European countries. The basic idea of a Session is that the delegates come together in multi-national committees, each committee looking at a different topic. Having taken part in 'Teambuilding', the delegates participate in Committee Work, producing a Resolution on their topic, which is then debated in General Assembly. You are going to prepare a session on a topic of your own choice.

5 Assignment for 8 students + 1 camera person teamwork roleplay Tip: First study the EYP site carefully (see final page).

6 »Assignment: •1. As a group decide which of you has to assume which European nationality. Don’t forget the new member states! •2. Select 3 topics for discussion in the European Youth Parliament. •For relevant link: see next page. •3. Appoint a chair person and a secretary who will take minutes during the meeting. Change roles for each new topic. •4. Agree on who is going to work out the notes into a full report. •5. Set a date and time for the recording of your panel discussion. Find an extra student willing to act as camera- person. •6. The discussion may be recorded onto video (or cassette), or be performed in class. •7. The minutes are to be worked out and handed in.

7 •Get more information about the working of the European Youth Parliament: •Click on this icon: - Click on arrow to go back to start

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