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Selectie Prince 2 informatie en voorbeelden Deveer Management & Advies Jan. 2011
Vooraf: Alweer een nieuwe projectmanagement methode???
Prince2 (groot, formeel, standaard in Europa, certificeerbaar) Systeemontwikkeling Bijv. waterval methode Methode Grit (goed leerbaar, formeel, kleine tot middelgrote projecten) Verbeteren Bijv. V2-methode OMDAT Informeel, bezinning
Introductie Prince2 Wat is een project, projectmanagement?
Waarom deze methodiek? Context methodiek Inhoud projectmethodiek Processen Componenten Tecnieken Rollen
Wat is een project? IT Syst Ontw Project Idee Operationeel
Haalbaarheid Opdracht Operationeel Gebruik Onderhoud Aanpassen Vernietigen Specificatie Ontwerp Ontwikkeling Test Overdracht
Wat is Projectmanagement?
“Een tijdelijke organisatievorm die nodig is om een uniek en vooraf gedefinieerd product te maken of resultaat te behalen op een vooraf afgesproken tijdstip, gebruikmakend van vooraf gestelde middelen” Van ad hoc naar meer methodische routine Tijdigheid Resultaatgerichtheid Multidisciplinair Ontwikkeling i.p.v. continuïteit
Noodzaak Projectmanagement Het waarom, ontsporingsstatistieken:
IT projecten in 2001 (bron: AG/ Standishgroup) 27% Succesvol 33% Niet succesvol, wel opgeleverd 40% Stopgezet
Waarom de gekozen methodiek Prince2?
Gecontroleerd van begin tot eind Voortgangscontroles Flexibele beslismomenten Erkend als (internationale) standaard !! Business Case / go-nogo Productgerichte planning / deliverables Gedefinieerde organisatiestructuur Management By Exception
PRINCE 2 PRojects IN Controlled Environments 5 Key- thoughts:
Project reason = business case Project result = product Project mgt in 3-4 layers Project work is a process Project quality depends on risk-control risk flow
Hoe kijken wij naar PRINCE2?
Filosofie, en niet een hoop regels PRINCE2 is gericht op: Interactie met de omgeving Creëren draagvlak Verwachtingsmanagement
Informatie over Prince2
Templates: PUG NL: Prince2 Startkabel: Prince Benelux:
Projectmanagement Faalfactoren Succesfactoren
Onbekendheid opdrachtgever Slecht projectplan Slechte definitie resultaat Slechte planning (resources) Voortschrijdend inzicht Slechte beheersing voortgang Te weinig meet-/beslispunten Slechte kwaliteitscontrole Beperkte tijdsbesteding door andere prioriteiten Succesfactoren Betrokkenheid gebruikers Support management Heldere specificaties Planning tijd, geld, kwaliteit Realistische verwachtingen Tussenresultaten (mijlpalen) Competente projectleden Eigenaarschap Duidelijke visie en doelen Goed je best doen
Context projectmethode
Missie Strategie Programma’s Operatie Project Rendement Verwachtingen Project-methode Organisatie Bedrijfsdoel
Context projectmethodiek
Idee Studie Opdracht Product-levens-cyclus Specificeer Ontwerp Ontwikkel Test Implementeer Project-levens-cyclus volgens Prince-2 Realiseren Gebruik Afbouw
Project Management Lifecycle
PM-Lifecycle & SysDev-LC Project Management Lifecycle Project Origination Project Initiation Project Planning Project Execution and Control Project Closeout System Initiation System Requirements Analysis System Design System Construction System Acceptance System Implementation System Development Lifecycle
Prince2: methodiek Processen Componenten Technieken Rollen
PRINCE2 processes, components, techniques, content of manual
Configuration Management App E doc mgt Quality in a Project Environment M.o. Risk App C: categories Controls Plans Organisation App B: roles Business Case Change Control Closing a Project Controlling a Stage Managing Product Delivery Change control Q review Product Based Planning App A: product descriptions App D: PRINCE2 health check risk flow
©Crown Copyright 2005. Reproduced under license from OGC
Use of PRINCE2 components and techniques in the processes Controls Quality Mgmt of Risk Organisation Business Case Starting up a Project Plans , Quality, Mgmt of Risk Business Case Controls, Config. Mgmt Change Control Initiating a Project Controlling a Stage Controls, Change Control Configuration Mgmt Business Case Mgmt of Risk Quality Directing a Project Quality Review Change Control Planning Change Control Quality, Plans Controls Mgmt of Risk Managing Product Delivery Plans, Quality Business Case Mgmt of Risk Controls, Organisation Managing Stage Boundaries Controls, Config Mgmt Business Case Mgmt of Risk Change control Closing a Project Pink = Techniques Grey = Component Clear = Process Product- Based Planning ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC risk flow
A. Processen Een paar voorbeeldjes
PRINCE2 Process model risk flow Giving ad-hoc direction
Authoriz. Init. Authoriz. a Project Authoriz. Stage / except plan Comfirm close Q stds End stage report / Exception report End notification Project Brief P.I.D. Acceptance, Closure recomm. Authoriz. to proceed Exception plan req. Authoriz. to proceed Completed WP Author. WP risk flow
PRINCE2 Process model Directing a Project Planning risk flow Managing
Giving ad-hoc direction Authoriz. Init. Authoriz. a Project Directing a Project Authoriz. Stage / except plan Comfirm close Q stds End stage report / Exception report End notification Project Brief P.I.D. Managing Stage Boundaries Acceptance, Closure recomm. Starting up Initiating Authoriz. to proceed a Project a Project Exception plan req. Authoriz. to proceed Controlling Closing a a Stage Project Completed WP Author. WP Managing Product Planning Delivery risk flow
risk flow
IP Initiëren ve project BF Beheersen
v/e Fase MP Managen Product- oplevering MF Fase- overgangen AP Afsluiten v/e Project Bedrijfs- of Programmamanagement DP Dirigeren v/e Project( stuurgroep) PL Opstellen v/e Plan OP Opstarten Gericht op stuurgroep Gericht op project manager Gericht op teamleden Zie pagina 27 voor nadere uitleg. Planning door pm
Bedrijfs- of Programmamanagement
DP Dirigeren v/e Project( stuurgroep) IP Initiëren v/e Project OP Opstarten v/e Project BF Beheersen v/e Fase MF Managen Fase- overgangen AP Afsluiten v/e Project MP Managen Product- oplevering Zie pagina 27 voor nadere uitleg. PL Opstellen v/e Plan
Starting Up a Project Bedrijfs- of Programmamanagement
Projectmandaat DP 1: Goedkeuring initiatiefase Projectvoorstel Projectaanpak Initiatieplan Risicologboek Rolbeschrijving Starting Up a Project SU 1: Benoem Opdrachtgever en Projectmanager SU 2: Beschrijf Project- organisatie SU 3: Selecteer Project- leden SU 4: Opstellen Project- voorstel SU 5: Beschrijf Project- aanpak SU 6: Plan Initiatie- fase Initiatieplan PL Opstellen v/e Plan
Projectmandaat Doel: Onderdelen
Reden en resultaat Juist niveau management voor kosten en resources Onderdelen Verzekeren van autoriteit Achtergrond Projectdoelen Scope Beperkingen Interfaces Kwaliteitsverwachting Business Case Referenties Participanten
Onderdelen Projectvoorstel:
Projectachtergrond Projectdefinitie Doelstellingen Bereik Resultaten Uitsluitingen Beperkingen Relatie andere projecten Outline Business Case Redenen voor project Bijdrage organisatie-strategie, -beleid of -plan Kwaliteitsverwachtingen Acceptatiecriteria Reeds bekende risico’s Bijlagen: Organisatiestructuur Projectaanpak Initiatiefaseplan Risico logboek
Opstarten van een project
SU 1 Benoem opdrachtgever en projectmanager Organisatorische verantwoordelijkheid Projectverantwoordelijkheid Escalatieproces Budget “Business owner”
Opstarten van een project
SU2 Beschrijf projectorganisatie Type werkzaamheden Type resources in het team Afstemming Stuurgroep Projectproces(!) Synchronisatie met de omgeving
Opstarten van een project
SU3 Selecteer projectleden Resources invullen Rollen Verantwoordelijkheden N.B. Stem af Zoek acceptatie
Opstarten van een project
SU4 Opstellen Projectvoorstel Organisatiedoel Projectopdracht Business case Acceptatiecriteria Projectorganisatie Risicologboek Projectproces Initiatiefaseplan
Opstarten van een project
SU5 Beschrijf projectaanpak Combi risico´s en overall aanpak Details projectproces Argumentatie Risicomanagement
Opstarten van een project
SU6 Initiatiefaseplan opstellen Opleverdatum Rapportagevorm Overlegvormen Middelen
Planning PL 1: Plan ontwerp PL 2: Definieer, Analyseer producten
PL 3: Identificatie, Afhankelijkheden activiteiten PL 4: Schatting PL 7: Plan completeren PL 6: Risico- analyse PL 5: Schema Initiatieplan Projectplan Teamplan Faseplan of Exception Plan Starting Up a Project Initiating a Project Managing Product Delivery Managing Stage Boundaries Faseplan
B. Componenten voorbeeldjes… business case en plannen
DP3 author stage / except
Project- mandate Project- Brief SU4 prepare proj brief (comment from DP1) PID IP3 refine BC + risks (comment from DP2) Reasons for project initial Business Case refined Business Case Business Case Desired benefits Business Case as reference updated Business Case Postproject- Reviewplan CP2 Identify F.O.A. Project Issues Examining issues CS4 DP3 author stage / except Fase-eindrapport SB3 update BC each stage Contents Busniness case (p. 197) Reasons Options Benefits Tangible and intangible Risks Cost and Timescale Investment Appraisal ‘do nothing’ option Sensitivity analysis (GAP analysis) Calculate profits or goals for different options and then choose the best, taking risks into account risk flow
Outline Business Case (general) Reasons Options Benefits Risks
Tangible and intangible Risks Cost and Timescale Investment Appraisal ‘do nothing’ option Sensitivity analysis (GAP analysis) Calculate profits or goals for different options and then choose the best, taking risks into account Project reason = business case risk flow
Waarom plannen? Effectiviteit Voordelen Doelen haalbaar
Capaciteitsplanning Kwaliteit oplevering Inzicht in problemen en risico’s Voordelen Voorkomt ad-hoc beslissingen Vooruit denken Communicatie over status
Figure 15.2 The elements of a plan
Designing a Plan PL2 Defining and Analysing Products Final product + description Make PBS Make PFD Products Prerequisites Quality Requirements Assumptions PL3 Identifying Activities and Dependencies Activities PL4 Estimating PL5 Scheduling Resources PL6 Analysing Risks Risks Control Points Revised Activities and Resources PL7 Completing a Plan Change budget Contingency budget Time and Cost ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC
©Crown Copyright 2005. Reproduced under license from OGC
Plan levels in PRINCE2 IP2 Planning a Project SB2 Updating a Project Plan SB6 Producing an Exception Plan Programme Plan Project Plan SB1 Planning a Stage SB6 Planning an Initiation Stage Stage Plan Exception Plan MP1 Accepting a Work Package Team Plan ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC risk flow
Opstellen van een plan Aanpak PL7 Randvoorwaarden
Projectplan voltooien Aanpak Randvoorwaarden Afhankelijkheden Aannamen Planning (producten) Rapportagevorm Procedures en momenten!
C. Technieken Voorbeeld planningstechniek
Prince2: technieken PROJECT Product-based planning Quality review
Change control approach
Productdecompositie- structuur Productstroomschema
Gantt Chart Productdecompositie- structuur Site Foundations Shell Utilities Garden Interior New House Productstroomschema A G J C E B H I D F Activiteiten Netwerk Product beschrijving Project budget Benodigde middelen Risicobeoordeling
Voorbeeld van een WBS
Fase afhankelijke WBS Object Proces X fase 1 fase 2 fase 3 functie
activiteit 1 activiteit 2 activiteit3 fase 2 activiteit 3 fase 3 Object functie systeem product X
©Crown Copyright 2005. Reproduced under license from OGC
The path to quality (process) SU4 Preparing a Project Brief Acceptance Criteria Customer’s quality expectations External to Project SU5 Defining Project Approach ISO Project Approach Quality policy IP1 Planning Quality Quality Log (created) Project Quality Plan Quality system PL2 Defining and Analysing Products Quality assurance Product Descriptions And Quality Criteria SB1 Planning a Stage SB1 Planning a Stage Quality Log – planned dates Stage Quality Plan CS1 Authorising a Work Package / MP1 Accepting a Work Package Work Package MP2 Executing a Work Package MP2 Executing a Work Package Quality Log – results update Quality check ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC
The path to quality (workflow)
Project Mandate Customer’s quality expectations SU4 Preparing a Project Brief SU5 Defining Project Approach Project Approach Acceptance Criteria Project Quality Plan IP1 Planning Quality Quality Log created Stage Quality Plan SB1 Planning a Stage PL2 Defining and Analysing Products Product Description Quality Criteria Quality Log planned dates CS1 Authorising Work Package MP1 Accepting a Work Package Work Package Quality check MP2 Executing a Work Package Quality Log update ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC
Figure 18.3 The path to quality (workflow)
Project Mandate Customer’s quality expectations Acceptance criteria Project Quality Plan Quality Log created SU4 Preparing a Project Brief IP1 Planning Quality Project Approach SU5 Defining Project Approach Stage Quality Plan Quality Log planned dates SB1 Planning a Stage PL2 Defining and Analysing Products CS1 Authorising Work Package MP1 Accepting a Work Package Product Descriptions Quality Criteria Work Package MP2 Executing a Work Package Quality check Quality Log update ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC
©Crown Copyright 2005. Reproduced under license from OGC
Figure Management Quality Products Quality Inspection products Project Plan Lessons Learned Log Issue Documents Configuration Products Quality products Log Other quality Control documents Issues Item Records Management Product Descriptions QR invitations Acceptance Criteria Review QR question lists QR follow-up action lists ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC
Quality reviews Check if (any) product:
fit for purpose or conform reqs / specs? Reviewers = all vested interests Also: chair, producer, scribe When reviewed+actions / changes taken = signed off Product meets quality criteria Often during MP2 (exec WP)
Config mgt = product control Baseline Product status account Release
Version, status, owner, relations Baseline product (status) snapshot, frozen in time Does not change until checked+ recorded Product status account Reports status of all products (project or stage) Release complete + consistent set of products
Change control Through project Issues Change budget?
Integrity of change Impact Business Case Relation Risks (existing , already anticipated, new?) Risk/cost/time vs advantage / saving
Change control technique; steps
CS3 New issue Issue Log Feedback to author RfC, spec, product Off-spec Must Important Nice-to-have Cosmetic No change Type + priority Log Impact analysis CS4 Re-evaluate priority CS7 Taking Corrective Action CS1 Authorize Work Package Within tolerance? Y Work trigger CS5 N CS8 Escalating Project Issues CS8 Escalating Project Issues SB6 Exception plan Exception Report Implement DP3 Authorising a Stage or Exception Plan DP4 Giving Ad Hoc Direction Reject Pending Remove cause Accept off-spec = concession ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC
D. Rollen Een voorbeeld van rollen
Organisation: Project mgt in 3-4 layers
Zet de kaders Projectborging Dagelijks management Projectondersteuning Team management (Medewerkers) PMT p. 203 App. B explanation of roles, p ( bij mij achter glossary) Board: overall direction and mgt Exec: p. 397, ultimately responsible, business assurance sr user, p. 399, specify needs of users; specifications / req’s sr suppl, p. 400, accountable for quality delivered products PM: p.401, day-to-day, produce results capable achieving benfits of BC Team Mgr: p.402: production of products Project Assurance:p. 403, all aspects, business, user, supplier, monitor stage+team plannig, WP preparation and Q review preparation Project support, p. 405 Config librarian bij support (p.406) files, change control, plans, reviews, board meetings, stds etc Centralised in PSO: project support Office FvD condensed mid 07 risk flow
Afsluitend Goed PM is geen garantie voor succes
Geen goed PM is een garantie voor mislukking
controls For roles: Board PM Mgt by Exception In time Controlled Start
Why?: Project viable against BC Produce required products that meet criteria Within schedule according to plans For roles: Board PM Mgt by Exception In time Controlled Start Controlled Progress Controlled Close
Organisation: Mgt by Exception
Processen: All DP (1 t/m 5) SU 1,2,3 set organisation IP1 Q stds / instructions IP6 assemble PID SB5 stage end notif. CS 8 escalating PI SB6 prod. exception pl CP1,2,3 Products: (mandate) Project brief (approach) PID Stage Plan PI Exception plan Risk Log Closure recommend. FOA plan Project evaluation Components: Business Case Organisation: roles Plans: Project plan Stage plans Communic Plan Controls board; tolerances Highight reports End stage assessm Exception Assessm Quality: Customer Q expect Acceptance Criteria Config Mgt: -- CC:-- Techniques PBP Product desc For end product
Controls for roles Board: DP1, 2, 3, 5 Highlight reports
Exception reports PM Work Packages Incl tolerances, quality, plan etc Quality log Checkpoint report Project issues Risk log
Controls: in time Start: Progress: Close:
SU 1,2,3 to set up organisation SU 4,5,6 to set objectives Brief and approach All IP to assemble PID and next stage plan Stage selection Communication plan DP 1 Progress: Tolerances Product descriptions Incl Q reviews! Work Packages Q log Issues, change control Exception report + assessm. Risk Log Checkpoint reports Plans, replanning Highlight reports End stage report + assessm. Daily log Lessons Learned log Close: All products delivered + accepted Product support + maintenance arranged Lessons learned + statistics taken Plan to check expected benefits Closure notification Lessons learned report FOA report End project report incl BC review! Post-project review plan
The risk management cycle
Risk Analysis Risk Management Identify the risks Evaluate the risks Monitor and report Identify suitable responses to risk Plan and Resource Select ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC
Input from Corporate or Programme Management
Risk flow, showing key points in a project when management is necessary Input from Corporate or Programme Management Project Mandate Project Brief SU4 Preparing a Project Brief SU5 Defining Project Approach Project Approach DP1 Authorising Initiation IP3 Refining the Business Case and Risks DP2 Authorising a Project Project Plan Project Initiation Document SB4 Updating the Risk Log Stage Plan PL6 Analysing Risks DP4 Giving ad hoc Direction DP3 Authorising a Stage /Except Plan CS6 Reporting Highlights Exception Report CS8 Escalating Project Issues CS1 Authorising Work Package CS4 Examining Project Issues CS5 Reviewing Stage Status Team Plan MP1 Accepting a Work Package Issue Log Risk Log Risk Log CP2 Identifying Follow-on Actions ©Crown Copyright Reproduced under license from OGC risk flow
Risk control Make risks a special item Keep a risk log
Project quality depends on risk-control Risk control Make risks a special item Keep a risk log Assess risks when planning Assess risks everytime you close a phase risk flow
PINO Prince In Name Only PRINCE2 ingevoerd?
Jazeker, kijk maar…. Op internet vind je templates en vb genoeg. Ja, en…..? Hoezo, “ja, en…”? Jullie denken blijkbaar dat PRINCE2 nu is ingevoerd in de organisatie? Maar hoe zit het met de attitude die hierbij hoort, hoe zit het met de borging van het juiste gebruik door projectmanagers en nog belangrijker de opdrachtgevers, en hoe zit het met ……. etcetera, etctera.
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