Deltion College Engels B2 Schrijven [Edu/007] thema: Letter of Complaint can-do : kan adequate zakelijke brief schrijven om uitvoerig en genuanceerd een klacht te uiten © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.
Tijd opdracht: 2 SBU (1 SBU practice letters; 1 SBU your own letter of complaint) Endproducts: exercises on slide 8 (complaining to phone company) your own letter of complaint of approx. 250 words Needed: internet, wordprocessor, dictionary
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je een duidelijke, begrijpelijke, goedlopende klachtenbrief kunt schrijven waarbij de juiste tekstconventies zijn toegepast en je redelijk correct Engels hebt gebruikt, met spelling en grammatica die mogelijk een enkele maal invloed van de moedertaal vertoont. Je maakt geen fouten meer met het schrijven van de datum, het correct openen en afsluiten van de brief, kortom, je beheerst de lay-out van de z.g. formal English letter.
Situation When on holiday in a European country, you bought a product locally, of which you had high expectations. Once home, you found that the product was not exactly as you had hoped. You sent the manufacturer an email, but so far, no-one has reacted. As the product was quite costly, you feel an official letter of complaint might be more effective. As English is the European ‘lingua franca’, you decide to write in English.
Writing assignment for 1 student no roleplay Tip: study the lay-out of a formal letter! Practice makes perfect, so use the links given and print all that is useful!
Study the lay-out of a formal letter by clicking here. This is the so-called “Reference section” of WaspReporter magazine. Make notes of new info.
Continue by clicking here Vocabulary development Remember to make prints to show to your teacher. Practise with writing a letter of complaint, by Clicking here Continue by clicking here
First decide what article you have bought Where you bought it What you paid for it What is wrong with it Next, search the internet for a likely producer/shop where you could really have made this purchase. Make notes to show to your teacher.
Now write a first draft of your own letter of complaint. Show it to another student and ask for his/her comment. This comment should be written in pencil. Make changes. Finally, submit your letter to your teacher. This may be done by mail ( or or ). Keep a copy in your own file, for safety…
Now for fun, you can try-out a so-called complaint generator…. This is a web-site that helps you write, as you will have guessed, an official complaint. Unfortunately (?), you are not allowed to use this web site during your English test… Click here for Scott Pakin’s complaint generator…