Deltion College Engels B2 Spreken/presentaties/subvaardigheid lezen [Edu/003] thema: Holland – coffee shops and euthanasia? can-do : kan een duidelijk en gedetailleerd betoog houden over een breed scala van onderwerpen © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.
SBU: 3 End product: a. presentation of approx. 20 minutes on subjects that will interest a group of foreign visitors Needed: internet, if possible power point & dictionary
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je een duidelijke, gedetailleerde omschrijving van een tweedaags programma kunt geven en een korte uiteenzetting over datgene wat Nederland karakteristiek maakt. Je gebruikt complexe zinnen en aarzelt weinig.
Situation You and a friend are going to receive a group of foreign visitors. You think up a programme of two days in which your visitors will explore the Netherlands – they are not only interested in tourist sites, but also in Dutch society.
Assignment for 2 students teamwork no roleplay Tip: first decide what characterizes your visitors! Then think up a programme.
1Together draw up a list of characteristics of Dutch society – what image do people have of the Netherlands? 2Make a word web on the theme: bias The following link may be useful: This is an English – English dictionary. Build a Word Web of 15 words around the concept ‘bias’. bias
Now think of a possible programme for your visitors. With your co-organiser, work out who is going to present which part of the programme. When thinking of particular activities, bear in mind the interests and age of your visitors (as this is a fictitious assignment: think up what background your visitors have, - war veterans -, - members of an international hobby club - - students -, - sportsteam etc. etc. ). You will have to give your visitors a good idea of the programme, so prepare hand-outs with the schedule. Finally, you are going to give a talk to your visitors about Dutch society: obviously, you must limit yourself. Think of maximally four topics you would like to say something about. Divide roles (who will talk about which topic).
Click here for inspiration on whathere to tell about Dutch society And click here for morehere Tourist info
-Finally: when you give your presentation: -Make sure to book a beamer and lap top if you are going to use power point -Remember to make sufficient copies of the ‘hand- outs’ to give to your group of ‘visitors’. -If you cannot make use of power point, you may prepare small index cards with key words or key sentences, which you keep hidden in your hand. -Remember to look at your audience when talking to them -And finally: make sure you look presentable…. Click here to go back to the beginning