Duurzame oplossingen het FIETS model
Het FIETS model Een eenvoudig model dat je helpt om na te denken over duurzame oplossingen. Het gaat om deze aspecten: Financial Institutional Environmental Technical Social
Financial Is de oplossing betaalbaar? Wie financiert? Genereert extra inkomen? Is subsidie nodig? Wie maakt winst? Doet de locale private sector mee?
Institutional Roles and responsibilities? Who owns and manages solution? Alignment with government / other development organsiations? Operational infrastructure?
Environmental Environmental impact? Usage of scarce resources? Generation of waste?
Technical Repairable solutions? Maintenance by users / local technician? Frequency of maintenance acceptable? Potential for replication / upscaling? Monitoring of functioning and usage?
Social Does it fit local cultural norms? Do people like it? Does it give status, benefits to users? Are women involved in decisions?