Ontstaan van het Rode Kruis 1859Veldslag in Solferino 1863Comité voor verzorging van gewonde soldaten 1864Eerste verdrag van Genève 1867Oprichting Nederlandse Rode Kruis 1919Oprichting van overkoepelend orgaan: de Federatie
Organisatie Internationaal Comité (ICRC) Nationale Rode Kruis en Rode Halve Maan verenigingen Internationale Federatie (IFRC)
Actief in 185 landen Hulp aan 216 miljoen mensen jaarlijks 100 miljoen leden 20 miljoen vrijwilligers Zeer sterke internationale reputatie Bekendste, grootste en meest wijdvertakte internationale hulporganisatie ter wereld De grootste hulporganisatie ter wereld
Together we can Strategie voor het internationale werk van het Nederlandse Rode Kruis
Waarom toenemende kwetsbaarheid toenemende onveiligheid toenemende vraag veranderende manieren van werken Context – een veranderende omgeving Together we can │ improve health
Uitgangspositie Toepasbaarheid van vorige strategie Inhoud van het werk Positie en rol binnen de Rode Kruis beweging Betrekken van lokale afdelingen Fondsenwerving en het publiek Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis in 2006 Together we can │ prepare for disasters
Mission statement Together we can │ raise our voice The Netherlands Red Cross mobilises solidarity and offers support to address the needs of vulnerable people. Its interventions are guided by the humanitarian imperative and are aimed at reducing or preventing suffering, and increasing peoples’ capacities to live their life in dignity. In emergency situations the Netherlands Red Cross provides, through international Red Cross structures, operational capacity to sister National Societies. In non-emergency situations it supports selected National Societies in the development of their capacity.
Mission statement Together we can │ raise our voice The Netherlands Red Cross mobilises solidarity and offers support to address the needs of vulnerable people. Its interventions are guided by the humanitarian imperative and are aimed at reducing or preventing suffering, and increasing peoples’ capacities to live their life in dignity. In emergency situations the Netherlands Red Cross provides, through international Red Cross structures, operational capacity to sister National Societies. In non-emergency situations it supports selected National Societies in the development of their capacity.
The Netherlands Red Cross in 2010 Together we can │ strengthen capacities 1 Key international work areas Disaster response Providing disaster response within Federation and ICRC structures to reduce suffering of people made vulnerable because of disasters or conflicts
The Netherlands Red Cross in 2010 Together we can │ strengthen capacities 1 Key international work areas Disaster response Providing support to Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies to strengthen the organisational structures and enable them to enhance their operational capacity on the basis of Good Partnership National Society support
The Netherlands Red Cross in 2010 Together we can │ strengthen capacities 1 Key international work areas Disaster response Communication and advocacy for vulnerable people National Society support Communication and advocacy
The Netherlands Red Cross in 2010 Together we can │ strengthen capacities 2 Strengthening the Movement
The Netherlands Red Cross in 2010 Together we can │ strengthen capacities 3 Strengthening the NLRC Funding and support Diversify sources and modalities of funding and support
The Netherlands Red Cross in 2010 Together we can │ strengthen capacities 3 Strengthening the NLRC Funding and support Develop and adjust personnel policy Personnel
The Netherlands Red Cross in 2010 Together we can │ strengthen capacities 3 Strengthening the NLRC Funding and support Increase the impact and effectiveness of interventions Personnel Monitoring and evaluation
Together we can Strategy for the international work of the Netherlands Red Cross