Deltion College Engels B1 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/007] theme: Can I have my money back… can-do : kan minder routinematige situaties aan © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc.zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende. Feather boas, leopard-skin cowboy hats, gaudy fake diamonds, Jackie O suits, Marilyn Monroe wigs, sequined skirts, 'Saturday Night Fever' suits or that perfectly weathered leather jacket. One need not sniff very hard to find the perfect party frock at the absolutely fabulous Snuffel in The Hague.
Needed SBU: 1,5 End product: a. recorded conversation of approx. 3 to 5 minutes b. list of 15 words on theme ‘wrong purchase’ Needed: one more student, cassette (or video-) recorder, internet and (on-line) dictionary
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je beleefd in het Engels kunt duidelijk maken waarom je niet tevreden bent met een bepaalde aankoop Je gebruikt vaste standaardzinnen, kunt gedeeltelijk herhalen wat iemand gezegd heeft om te bevestigen dat je de ander hebt begrepen Je uitspraak is wel gekleurd door een accent en af en toe spreek je een woord nog verkeerd uit.
Situation In a shop, run by an English speaking couple, you bought a ……. ; on returning home, you regret having made this particular purchase. You decide to take your purchase back to the shop.
Assignment for 2 students teamwork roleplay Task: First do the vocabulary work on the next page
1)Think of a list of 15 Dutch words that have to do with returning a purchase. Now translate them into English. You can use the following link to look up the translation (but a conventional dictionary may work just as well…) 2) You can also use an English – English dictionary. Try, for instance, the word ‘purchase’. Make a Word web out of your words: purchase
Assignment You will have to record a conversation between you and the English speaking owner of a shop. 1)First, together with your partner, decide what it is you have bought that you are not happy with. 2)Next, decide what it is you don’t like about your purchase 3)Make notes. Be precise. 4)What would you like to achieve? Your money back? A replacement? A voucher? 5)What tactics are you going to use? 6)Study the hints given by the office of Fair Trading by clicking here or the BBC Watchdog site by clicking herehere
Extra: set expressions How many ways do you know to use more complicated expressions? Click here, select three of the expressions given, and use them in the conversation you are Klik hier om terug te gaan naar het begin You may be barking up the wrong tree…